The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 739 The host is Voldemort

Chapter 739 The host is Voldemort (14)

It's a TV station in a small county town, but after entering the live broadcast room inside, Su couldn't help but touch his forehead:

"Qiu Yu, did you buy this TV station?"

A TV station in a small county, but the equipment is so high-end that even the imperial capital can't compare.

Qiu Yu looked as if it should be:

"It's the first time the boss is on TV, he must use the best equipment, otherwise how can you show your peerless elegance."

"...Stop talking!"

Even Su, no matter how scumbag and narcissistic he was, his face turned red from what Qiu Yu said.

[Host, how can you be old, you are clearly in your prime! 】

Zhuzhu jumped out to correct her wording.


Well, she is really going to float.

Soon, the time came, and the live broadcast room was ready.

Before that, Su Ye recorded the program without revealing any rumors. In the first 5 minutes of the live broadcast, only the TV station's official blog with more than 100 fans released this news on the Internet.

The white-eyed wolf's adopted daughter incident has become very popular on the Internet. When they learned that Su Ye had actually appeared on a TV station in a small place, a group of netizens could not help but flock to the official blog to curse:

"A small local TV station dares to invite such scumbags for the sake of gaining fame. It really challenges the bottom of society!"

"Upstairs, you have to forgive the TV station. You only have more than 100 fans. After all, it is also an official TV station blog. Who would be willing to miss this opportunity?"

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, I'm suddenly a little curious about how the adopted daughter of the white-eyed wolf plans to clean up her crimes!"

"I don't know the whole picture of the matter, so I will not express my opinion for the time being!"

"Eat melon, watch a play."


On time and on time, the live recording began.

After the host introduced the preface, he asked Su Ye a question:
"Miss Su, is everything your adoptive mother said true?"

Some people watched it on the Internet, but couldn't post the barrage, so they started to make complaints about it:
"My God, the host is not good at all. A small place is a small place. This white-eyed wolf will definitely not admit it!"

As expected by netizens, Su did deny it.

"Since Ms. Su denies it, then we won't waste everyone's patience. Ms. Su provided us with some information. I believe that after reading the information, everyone will naturally have a decision in their hearts."

The host is really direct, and the audience in front of the TV is a little bit overwhelmed:

"This rhythm is not right. Shouldn't Baiyanlang defend himself in various ways before presenting plausible evidence?"

"Fuck, the rhythm is too fast, I can't buffer it!"

"Eat melon, watch a play."

The staff of the TV station quickly released the materials Qiu Yu had prepared.

First, there are IOUs, signed by Wang Longhui, and fingerprints, almost all of which are from major casinos, and there are a small number of IOUs for tobacco and alcohol.

The host began to explain slowly:
"These IOUs are all IOUs owed by Chen Qiuru's son Wang Longhui to major casinos. The amount is huge, as many as 70."

"But as far as we know, Ms. Chen Qiuru and her husband Wang Wei are not working, and their son Wang Longhui has been unemployed. Therefore, Ms. Chen Qiuru's previous statement that she repaid her son's gambling debts seems to be very difficult to withstand scrutiny."

Where did the three homeless people get the money to pay off more than 70 yuan in gambling debts?

"These pictures are Ms. Su's injury appraisal report. Our staff also went to the hospital to investigate and find out that Ms. Su's injury was caused by beating, and it was not caused by her own fall as Ms. Chen Qiuru said. In this case, Why did Ms. Chen Qiuru, Ms. Su's adoptive mother, lie and cover up the truth about Ms. Su's injury?"

The injury the host mentioned was that after the original owner graduated and worked, Chen Qiuru fell in love with the son of a rich man, but the rich man's son had cerebral palsy, so the original owner naturally rejected it. How could Chen Qiuru let go of such an opportunity to "make money" , then threatened and lured the original owner, the original owner vowed to die, Chen Qiuru beat her up together with Wang Longhui in a fit of rage, and whoever realized it was sent to the hospital.

"There is also this report that is even more frightening to think about. There are posts on the Internet saying that Ms. Su's private life is chaotic and she has had an abortion. We also interviewed another person involved in this matter."

When the host said this, there was a hint of helplessness in his expression:
"Unfortunately, that person is now in prison, but we have also recorded a statement. The person admitted that he forcibly occupied Ms. Su, and the person also said that after the incident happened, Chen Qiuru ignored her adoptive daughter. She begged and threatened to extort tens of thousands of money from the man, but afterwards, she gave all the money to her son Wang Longhui, and Miss Su, who performed the abortion operation in a small clinic by herself, almost died on the operating table."

The materials Qiu Yu had prepared were comprehensive and impeccable. Sitting down the stage, he felt a little distressed when he looked at the woman on the stage who had a calm expression on her face from beginning to end.

Back then, not long after he entered the orphanage, a couple took Su away.

The couple's appearance at the time was quite gentle, and he hated her for abandoning him at the time.


Fortunately, they met again.

The people who were watching the program in front of the TV were shocked by the pieces of information projected on the TV screen.

The information is very detailed and absolutely true, the slap in the face seems to have come a bit fast!

"Damn it, who was the one back then, the one with the flesh stood up, my face hurts, I want to fight back!"

"I remember that there was a person who claimed to be Wang Longhui's friend broke the news in that post. Damn, he dared to lie to me, and he couldn't kill him!"

"I don't know the whole picture, so don't make too many comments!"

"Eat melon, watch a play."

"Tsk, it's a good thing I didn't comment at the beginning, otherwise my face hurts now."

"The group of people upstairs had the nerve to blame others. Once the incident came out, they started to curse at people without knowing the truth. Now they have the nerve to blame others!"

"Through the screen, I feel pain for those people. The online world is true and false. Before knowing the truth of the matter, never jump to conclusions in advance!"

Gradually, the group of netizens who were clamoring to find the whistleblower and the source of Su Ye's information fell silent.

That's right, who else can be blamed, they are all a group of adults, and they are led by the nose with a few words, really kicked in the head by a donkey and detested themselves!

And those TV stations that had asked Chen Qiuru and Wang Wei to be on the show and had a rhythm, suddenly became the object of ridicule, and the official blogs of some TV stations were ridiculed so much that they had to close the comments.

After the program was recorded, Su didn't care about the follow-up development anymore, anyway, there was Qiu Yu, so she was relieved.

As for Chen Qiuru and Wang Wei, after all the truth was exposed, those who were scolded by the neighbors had to move overnight.

But Wang Longhui's whereabouts were still unknown. Chen Qiuru was worried and had to go to the police station to report the case, but the police station did not find any clues after more than half a month of investigation. Finally, it was found that he owed nearly [-] yuan to a gambling house before he disappeared. The police The bureau guessed that Wang Longhui probably ran away to avoid debts.

(End of this chapter)

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