Chapter 750 Fantasy (5)

"Why are we talking nonsense, you are talking about the minister and Su Ye, we are talking about you two, it's not the same!"

The three interns are eloquent, and newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so it doesn't matter whether they are old or newcomers in the company, they should be hated as they should, everyone only lives once, why should they be used to it!

Sister Hua was so angry that her whole body was shaking with fat:

"How can this be the same, you three newcomers, do you know how many years I have been in the company!"

"What does it have to do with me? You've been around for a long time, and it's not the God of Wealth I enshrine. I don't care how long you've been!"

The round-faced little girl responded innocently.

She only loves money, and she can't remember anything other than money.


Sister Hua looked at the eloquent little round face, and was so stunned that she was speechless.

Sister Song at the side didn't expect these interns to be so talkative, and they didn't understand "respect the old and love the young", she sneered and mocked:
"Heh, it's just you guys who can't do whatever you want. You're the best, so it's no wonder the company will hire you!"

"Hey, you're talking like we're living on this little salary!"

Next to the small round face was a boy with a pair of peach blossom eyes. Hearing this, the boy gave a sly smile and responded.

The salaries the boss gave them were more than what the company paid in a year. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't understand what these women said online, they wouldn't have come to be interns.

There is nothing wrong with eating cp and fantasizing about the third kind of love.

But once a certain limit is crossed, it is no different from a person whose mind is only lustful.

"Big mouth, you are allowed to lick others, why can't we lick you?"


"What's wrong with us, we say our own, what does it affect you? Really, we are still relying on the old to sell the old, so we just take it, what's the matter?"

Sister Hua and Sister Song could only blushed with anger when the three interns said three mouths, but they were speechless.

Not far away, Su also looked at a few people and smiled.

Across the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, Gu Zhifei looked at what was happening outside, and his heavy eyes moved to the upbeat young man who propped his head up to watch.

His eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, and there was a smile on his lips. For some reason, Gu Zhifei always felt that the boy had changed, but he couldn't tell exactly what changed.

The eyebrows are still the same eyebrows, and the smile is still as good-looking as ever.

Gu Zhifei thought of the woman who lived opposite the boy again, and couldn't help frowning.

In fact, he had met the boy a few years ago.

At that time, not long after he became a minister, the school celebrated its anniversary, and invited many graduates to go back and share some of his experience with the younger students.

After the event, he went to the basketball court.

On the basketball court, several students who looked like freshmen were playing basketball.

During the break, someone went to buy water, and then a handsome boy saw that he had been watching from the side, so he handed over a bottle of water.

The hand holding the bottle had neatly trimmed nails and long fingers.

He raised his head, and the face that caught his eyes also carried the youth and sunshine that should be at that age.

Later, Gu Zhifei never thought that the boy would apply for a job in the company he worked for, let alone that he would live in the same building as him.

Obviously, he knew him earlier, and the relationship should be closer, so why did a woman get ahead of him!

Gu Zhifei couldn't help but clenched his fingers, staring at Su Ye, his eyes gradually became sharp and cold.

He can only be his!


After work, Su also failed to avoid Gu Zhifei.

Gu Zhifei has figured out Su Ye several times, knowing that he intends to avoid him, so he simply became tougher, and as soon as he got off work, Su Ye couldn't help but refuse, so he dragged him into his car.

Until, Su Ye finally bought his own car.

It's a second-hand car worth more than 9 yuan, and Su doesn't want to be too high-profile:

"Senior, I bought a car myself, thank you, I'm going to pick up my girlfriend for a date first."

Su also waved his hand to bid farewell to Gu Zhifei.

Being left behind by Su Ye, Gu Zhifei's expression turned extremely pale.

In order to avoid him, he even bought a car. Does he hate himself so much?
The next day, when Gu Zhifei's car was parked, the gas pedal acted as a brake, and he stepped on it, hitting the wall directly. fixed.

And at work, as long as there are Su Ye and Gu Zhifei, the group of interns will mess with them. After a day, the company's CP names are flying all over the sky:

"Strong Flower"

"Song Flower"



"Xia Yu"

The most important thing is that this group of interns can play better than that group of old employees. Don't tell me if they knock someone off, they have to hand-paint it into a stick figure and send it to their circle of friends, but they didn't mention their names and surnames. That's all, the old employees still can't get angry.

And it's not easy for old employees to report this kind of thing to the company's senior management, because they are the first to knock on other people's CP to find out the cause.

When he got off work, Su also looked at the group of old employees who used to be smacked by CP, but now they are so unloved by others, smiled and shook his head, and went to the underground parking lot with the car keys.

Beside the car, stood Gu Zhifei who came down first.

When Gu Zhifei saw Su also come down, he showed an innocent smile:
"Aye, my car is being repaired, can I trouble you for the next week?"

Su Ye: "..."

Fuck, this man is really capable of anything.

But just as she was about to refuse, she heard Gu Zhifei say:

"In the past, Ah Ye took my ride, but now I give you a ride, you won't refuse, right?"



If it weren't for Gu Zhifei's behavior like a wretched idiot in the plot, Su really didn't want to refuse:

"Sorry senior, I have a small car and I have to pick up my girlfriend."

"Aren't there two seats in the back, your girlfriend is in the co-pilot and I'm in the back, shouldn't it affect you?"

Gu Zhifei obviously didn't give up until he reached his goal:
"Could it be that you refused me on purpose and didn't want to carry me?"

Now that it was all said and done, Su didn't bother to tangle with him anymore, so he agreed.

However, one minute later, looking at the scrapped car, Su also shrugged:

"Sorry, senior, I may not be able to take you to and from get off work together."

Who wouldn't know how to repay the other body in the same way, come on, she has money now, who is afraid of the other!

Gu Zhifei frowned slightly, looking at Su Ye who shrugged helplessly, a hint of darkness flashed in his eyes.

The car was quickly towed away by a trailer, Gu Zhifei's car was sent for repairs, Su also made an excuse to pick up Xue Ling, Gu Zhifei had to hit home alone.

As soon as Gu Zhifei left, Su took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:

"Check where Gu Zhifei's car is repaired, and how long it can be repaired!"

In order not to bother her again after repairing it.

No, I have to get rid of this man quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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