The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 772 The host is the idol of the people

Chapter 772 The host is the idol of the people (4)

"But I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

Ye Liyuan doesn't want to care about Gong Shumiao's coldness towards him, and Gong Shumiao doesn't want to care about Ye Liyuan's affection for him.

As proud as Ye Liyuan, a sincere heart was thrown on the ground and trampled over and over again, and he couldn't help getting angry:

"Gong Shumiao, are you still thinking about your boyfriend? You are so lowly, you don't even care that he has had sex with other women?"

Getting angry, Ye Liyuan didn't care how hurtful his words were, anyway, as long as he thought of Gong Shumiao's entire youth spent with other men, he would go crazy with jealousy.

And Gong Shumiao's face, which was already not very good, became even uglier because of his words:
"Ye Liyuan, you bastard!"

"I'm an asshole? That boyfriend of yours isn't an asshole anymore. I'll give you whatever the fuck you want. If you say you want to act, I'll find you a script. What about you? Have you ever thought of me?"

Ye Liyuan questioned loudly angrily.

Gong Shumiao looks weak, but deep down he is stubborn:
"Did I ask you what you want? Didn't you give me the luxury goods you bought me, and the scripts you gave me? Ye Liyuan, if you feel tired, then let me go. We Non-interference!"

The sentence of not interfering with each other made the irritable Ye Liyuan panic, his anger disappeared, and his whole body panicked:
"I...Miao Miao, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't get angry at you, I made a mistake, Miao Miao."

On the other side of the phone, Gong Shumiao didn't speak, only the sound of slightly changed breathing came through the phone.

Gong Shumiao was astonished by Ye Liyuan's humble pleading. In her impression, Ye Liyuan was the movie star and the king who ruled over the entire entertainment industry. He would never ask for help.

But it was such a man who begged her so humblely, like a child who was afraid of being abandoned, she could almost imagine through his voice how helpless and frightened the man's cold and arrogant face was.

Gongshu Miao's heart softened, and he spoke after a while:
"Ye Liyuan, can you give me a little time?"

She is not mean, and can continue to have a casual relationship with her cheating boyfriend, so after Ye Liyuan told her the truth, she broke up with her boyfriend she had been dating since high school.

But how could it be possible to just forget about that period of six-year-old relationship.

So, she needs time.

Ye Liyuan was flattered by Gongshu's wonderful answer:
"Okay, Miao Miao, as long as you don't leave me, I promise you as long as you want!"


Hearing the man's joyful voice, Gong Shumiao had mixed feelings in his heart, which was very complicated.

Such an outstanding man, does he really like her who is like the ugly duckling Cinderella?

"Then... Miao Miao, let me help you with the online matter, okay?"

Ye Yuanli asked cautiously, for fear that Gong Shumiao would refuse.

Gong Shumiao was silent for a few seconds:
"Well, then trouble you."

The man's cautious voice became happy again, as if floating in the clouds:
"Miao Miao, don't worry, I will definitely solve it perfectly!"


The little assistant was busy with the things at hand, and finally got some free time. As soon as he took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo, Weibo was blown up, and the company called.

Gong Shumiao snatched Su Ye's script, which is known to everyone in the circle.

Gong Shumiao took the initiative to accept the show of the devil at the beginning, and later stopped playing the devil in order to play the role of Liu Guangliangyue, which is also known to everyone in the circle.

Therefore, there was a conflict between Gong Shumiao and Su Ye, which was well known in the circle.

But these things were not spread because of Ye Liyuan.

But now, because of Su Ye's "little liar", those little beauties that were so whitewashed are all shattered into glass shards.

"Little ancestor, you really can't rest for a moment. It's not that you don't know who Gongshu Miao's benefactor is, so why are you still offending Gongshu Miao!"

The little assistant was going crazy. In order to maintain the relationship with Ye Liyuan, the company gave her next endorsement and two scripts to other people.

That is to say, after filming the devil, she will be hidden in disguise.

Seeing the little assistant anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Su also shrugged calmly:

"Don't be afraid, it's not the last time anyway, you have to learn to get used to it."

Assistant: "..."

"Ancestor, I can't get used to it. If you continue like this, you really won't be able to survive in the entertainment industry!"

The little assistant has been with Su for a while. Although Su also has a weird temper sometimes, he is the best among the stars:

"Sister Su, I know you love acting the most, but with your current state, you may not even be able to survive in the entertainment industry, how can you act?"

Putting it away a bit harshly, the smile on Su Ye's lips is still calm, but there are some strategies that the little assistant doesn't understand:

"Do you know what an actor needs most?"

"Acting skills?"

The little assistant was dumbfounded by Su Ye's sudden question, but he still answered quickly.

Actors can have everything, but only acting skills.

Unexpectedly, the woman with charming eyebrows and eyes in front of her lightly shook her pretty fingers and shook her head:

"Wrong, it's money."

As long as you have money, you can buy any drama you want to make.

No actors?
No heat?
In this world, apart from human hearts, everything else can be bought.

"Um, but Sister Su, Ye Li is far richer than you!"

Although what Sister Su said seemed to be quite right, the little assistant still cruelly broke Su Ye's beautiful fantasy.

Su also smiled and stopped talking. A text message came in on the phone, and he casually glanced at the zeros. In the distance, the director started filming again. He threw the phone to the assistant, and Su also went to film.


The filming of the school drama was relatively easy, and it took less than two months to finish filming, while Liu Guangjiaoyue was only halfway through filming.

Just as the little assistant had worried before, after filming the devil, Su was hidden by the company.

Although Su Ye has already joined the first-tier ranks, compared to Ye Liyuan, he is just a small shrimp.

And because of Su Ye, the devil has no platform willing to buy it, and everyone is afraid of offending Ye Liyuan.

There was another round of cynicism on the Internet, Qiu Yeluo and the director didn't blame Su Ye.

After all, Su also offended Gong Shumiao, and half of the reason was because of the devil.

Su Ye took over the play that Gong Shumiao stopped acting. From a certain point of view, Su was also cleaning up the mess for Gong Shumiao.

"Sister Su, if you had listened to me back then, don't confront Gong Shumiao, are you hidden in the snow? Look, even the devil can't be broadcast now."

The little assistant sat next to Su Ye, and blamed him bitterly.

"Hey, don't worry."

Su also pointed at the phone screen, comforting without raising his head.

"Sister Su, I really feel that I am the eunuch who the emperor is not in a hurry to eunuch. If you are kept hidden like this, you will really die!"

The entertainment industry is changing so fast, and Su Zai's remarks on the Internet have offended many fans. If you think about it this way, you will pass your anger within a week.

(End of this chapter)

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