The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 775 The host is the idol of the people

Chapter 775 The host is the idol of the people (7)

At the same time, a group of netizens who complained and abused Su Ye in front of the mobile phone fell silent, and the originally dense barrage disappeared with the silence.

Can anyone explain to them what's going on?
But even the parties Li Zijian and Yang Guohao were in a state of confusion. They didn't see the figure coming out from anywhere at all. They just heard the sound of the wind behind them. Before they could react, Li Zijian was caught by a cane He entangled his body and hung upside down on the tree, and a slender and beautiful hand appeared on Yang Guohao's neck. In the next moment, his whole body was pushed to the ground by one knee, and a touch of softness stuck to his earlobe. Then, A laughing voice sounded:
"Little brother, you have been eliminated."

Then, Li Zijian and Yang Guohao's bracelets were taken away by Su Ye strangely, including the map and survival kit.

And it wasn't until Su also got the map and the survival kit that a group of netizens in front of the screen came back to their senses:

"Fuck, what happened just now?"

"Is there any technical expert to do an analysis, where did this woman appear from?"

"Didn't you say that you are a Taekwondo champion? Are you hydrated?"

"Fortunately, I recorded the screen before, and I am doing technical analysis, please wait a moment."

Soon, the part about Su Ye snatching the Orange team was slowed down and made a technical analysis.

Su didn't know where the rattan was picked up. When she followed Li Zijian and Yang Guohao to find the location of the hidden survival bag, the rattan in her hand seemed to have life, and it was like a movie scene appearing in reality. Li Zijian's waist was wrapped around Li Zijian's waist, and the other end was looped around a long and thick branch. Li Zijian was hung up like this.

And this whole scene that only appears in movies only lasts for two seconds in the video.

Next is Yang Guohao. In the slowed-down video, netizens saw a figure nimbly emerging from the bushes. Under the sun, it looked like a ghost. The moment he rushed behind Yang Guohao, That figure jumped up violently, with the force of momentum and gravity, it directly pressed the unsuspecting Yang Guohao to the ground, and then pushed down, with red lips sticking to Yang Guohao's side, the figure had a smile in its eyes:

"Little brother, you have been eliminated."

After watching the technical analysis video, a group of ignorant netizens fell silent again.

Are they really watching live?

Isn't this movement, this skill, a picture that only exists in movies?
"Could it be that the director team hung a wire for this woman?"

Someone couldn't help but wonder.

"Already analyzed, no steel wire!"

The big guy who did the technical analysis left a message under the comments.

"Wow, shit! Is this woman so powerful?"

"How on earth did she hang people up with vines?"

"Isn't this a skill that can only be seen in martial arts movies?"

"When did Susu become so powerful?"

"Doesn't anyone think that little brother is very flirtatious?"

"Wait for me in front, I was killed by the eyes of the little brother when he said that!"

"The three views follow the five senses, I don't care, I'm a fan of this woman!"

But no matter how hot the netizens in front of the screen were discussing, Su Ye's live broadcast was still going on.

And the devil's crew is pretty smart, and took the opportunity to release a clip of Bosu also singled out the kidnapper in the play.

The skill is sharp and the eyes are very sassy. Once the clip was released, it attracted many passers-by fans, especially the scene of Princess Yu Shu walking out of the hail of bullets with the male lead in her arms, which provoked a group of face controllers to scream:
"As a sunspot, I have to admit that I was seduced by this woman."

"My girlfriend is so powerful, I'm bent!"

"It turns out that I'm a Yansexual."

"The child is unfilial and likes a woman!"


Gong Shumiao didn't expect that Su Ye's reputation would change as soon as Survival on a Deserted Island was broadcast. She called Ye Liyuan, but was told by his assistant that she could not contact Ye Liyuan during the filming.

In the end, there was really no other way, Gong Shumiao pretended to be sick, and Ye Liyuan's assistant had no choice but to give Ye Liyuan the phone number with the consent of the director team.

As soon as the call was connected, Gong Shumiao spoke before Ye Liyuan could speak:
"Mr. Ye, I'm pregnant."

Ye Liyuan was excited, the muscles on his face were twitching faintly because of the excitement, and the hand holding the phone was also trembling slightly:


"Well, I've confirmed it."

Gong Shu responded wonderfully, his face was very calm.

Ye Liyuan was a little at a loss:

"Then...then I'll go back now, Miao Miao, wait for me, I'll go back now!"

"Mr. Ye, you don't need to come back now, I wish you and Su Ye a smooth recording."

After finishing speaking, Gong Shumiao hung up the phone without giving Ye Liyuan time to react.

After being hung up by Gong Shumiao, Ye Liyuan was at a loss.

Why did she wish him and Su Ye a smooth recording? Isn't the big thing now that she is pregnant?
After thinking about it, Ye Liyuan quickly realized again.

If Gong Shumiao said before that he and Su Ye are a good match, now that she is pregnant, some subtle emotions before will be magnified.

and so--

He was recording a show with Su Ye, is she jealous?
Ye Liyuan was shocked by his own knowledge, and immediately became uncontrollably happy.

If she is willing to be jealous, it means that she still likes herself a little bit.

Thinking about it, the corners of Ye Liyuan's lips could not help but curl up.

Hehe, Su also——

That being the case, then he is not in a hurry to go back. Since Su also made his Miao Miao feel unsafe, then let her be ruined and completely disappear from the entertainment industry.


On the other side, Su also eliminated the Orange team, got two survival kits, found a place to pitch a tent, and went looking for food.

Before the filming of the show, the director team put wild animals on the deserted island.

There was a bow and arrow in the survival bag, and with the bow and arrow on his back, Su also aimed at a rabbit not far away.

From a distance, the rabbit was very fat and tender. It swallowed a mouthful of saliva, squinted its eyes, and took aim. The wooden arrow whizzed and flew out through the air.


In the oblique stab, there was also a wooden arrow, but it was not accurate enough, and the force was not strong enough. It only scraped the rabbit's fur and shot on the ground beside the rabbit.

And Su Ye's wooden arrow pierced the rabbit's flesh accurately, and the rabbit fell to the ground dead with two flutters.

Seeing this, Su also rushed up to pick up the rabbit, and another figure also rushed out, grabbing the other ear of the rabbit.

It was Ye Liyuan.

"This rabbit was the one I saw first."

Holding the rabbit's ears, Ye Liyuan's voice was cold.

"I shot this rabbit, do you want to grab it?"

Looking up at Ye Liyuan, Su Ye's eyes were light, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Ye Li got closer, saw the sarcasm in her eyes, and frowned:
"The two arrows were shot from the same direction. How can you be sure that you shot them?"

"Then how are you sure it was shot?"

As Su also said, his eyes suddenly moved down a little, and he scanned Ye Liyuan's position, the sarcasm in his eyes became more obvious:
"Use your frequent urination, urgency and incessant urination to confirm?"

Ye Liyuan: "..."

A group of netizens in front of the screen: "..."

The little assistant who stayed with the director's team: "..."

This woman is getting more and more arrogant!

"Can you say that again?"

Ye Liyuan's forehead twitched in anger, staring at Su Ye's eyes, his anger was raging like a volcano about to erupt.

"Use your frequent urination, urgency and incessant urination to confirm?"

Confronting Ye Liyuan's anger head-on, Su didn't have the slightest fear, instead he repeated it arrogantly.

In the end, she took a step forward, stood on tiptoe, gently grabbed Ye Liyuan's collar with her long and clean fingers, and suppressed her voice, her black eyes were full of seductive charm:
"Mr. Ye is trying to get angry, be careful of the collapse of the character."

Ye Liyuan's personality is that of an elegant and dignified emperor. For a person like him, what he values ​​most is his vanity and reputation.

But Su Ye was not afraid, she had already offended Ye Liyuan, so there was no need to shrink back.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, they are not afraid of itching.

Now that you have offended me, let me offend you happily.

But what the netizens saw was the enchanting fox-like woman, seducing people openly, they couldn't hear the sound, but they could see the charming smile blooming on the woman's lips, as well as the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. thousands of style.

This is just like a little fairy!
"I actually started to like this woman. I feel that since she broke up with Gong Shumiao publicly, she has become more and more attractive!"

"This is a thousand-year-old fox who has become a spirit. It's too demonic!"

"As a public figure, I'm not afraid to spoil my fans by saying such vulgar words!"

"That's right, as a public figure, she doesn't look like an idol at all, no wonder so many Hui black her!"

"In the front, as a passer-by, I think you are very naive. We are all adults, so you are easily led astray. I really suspect that you are reincarnated from a fool."

"Public figures are also human beings. What we want to watch is this kind of real reality show. If you don't like watching it, leave!"

"I think the rabbit was shot by Ye Liyuan. Su is also a woman. I haven't heard that she can shoot."

"Doesn't anyone want to know who shot that arrow?"

Someone asked weakly, but was quickly submerged in the dense barrage.

On the deserted island, Su also let go of Ye Liyuan who was in a rage but had to keep calm, looked meaningfully at the wooden arrow that stabbed the rabbit to death, laughed, and left.

Ye Liyuan looked at Su Ye's receding figure, with a bit of suppressed viciousness in his eyes.

This woman really disgusted him.

Holding the rabbit, Ye Liyuan cleaned a small ditch, and when he pulled out the wooden arrow that killed the rabbit, he was stunned.

He didn't pay attention to the color of the shoulder of the wooden arrow before, but now that he pulled out (HE) and pulled out (XIE), he realized that the arrowhead was orange.

His face changed, Ye Liyuan quickly pulled out a long arrow from behind, the arrow was red.

Ye Liyuan's expression turned ugly.

A group of netizens in front of the screen looked at Ye Liyuan whose face had changed obviously on the screen, and they were comforted, ridiculed, and narrowed:

(End of this chapter)

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