The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 781 The host is the idol of the people

Chapter 781 The host is the idol of the people (13)

"Shang, is that a real gun?"

Li Song hid under Gu Shang's arms and asked fearfully.

Gu Shang didn't answer, only frowning tightly.

At first, he only thought it was a drama arranged by the director team, but now it seems that something really happened:

"Stay still."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the hay and pressed it on Li Song's body, then went out from the bushes and walked to Su Ye's side, squatting on the ground to check the things on the ground.

Daggers are sharp, LSD is not flour:

"Call the police."

Looking up, Li Song looked at Su Ye and asked.

Su also didn't say a word, and with his finger on the trigger, he looked down at the green team who was bound by vines and knelt on the ground.

"what happened?"

Ye Liyuan behind the tree heard the words, and also came out, frowning and questioning Su Ye.

Su couldn't help but tighten his brows, and looked sideways at him like he was looking at an idiot:

"you ask me?"

"if not?"

Ye Liyuan asked back.

"Mentally retarded? I'm not an accomplice to them, how would I know!"

Su also cursed impatiently.

It's scary that a man with this kind of personality can still become a male lead and have so many brainless fans!

Ye Liyuan has never been scolded like this before, especially when he was being broadcast live. In anger, he was about to retaliate. The bald head who had been bound by vines, while Su was also distracted, broke free from the vines at some point. Quickly grabbed the fruit knife on the ground, rolled over on the spot, and took the little bell not far away as a hostage:
"Don't move, obediently..."


The gunshot rang out, and the bald man's brow was pierced with a bloody hole, and what he hadn't finished speaking became his last words.

"mentally retarded!"

After blowing the smoke from the muzzle, and rolling his eyes at the bald corpse lying on the ground, Su also pointed the muzzle at the long hair again:
"Say, what are you here for?"

The red lips parted slightly, and asked in a cold voice.

The rest of the people were still stunned by Su Ye's sudden shot.

" killed someone?!!!"

No matter how powerful Ye Liyuan was, this was the first time he had killed someone. Looking at the bald man not far away who was shot between the eyebrows, and then looking at Su Ye, his scalp felt numb.

This woman is more powerful than imagined!

"so what?"

Su Ye asked calmly.

"Aren't you afraid of going to jail?"

The person with the bald head is a stranger, even if he wants to kill him, the police can do it when the police arrive. Is it necessary to kill him yourself?

Pulling the trigger with her finger, Su also squinted at the little bell who fell to the ground in fright. Her neck was scratched by a bald dagger, and there was a shallow scar, not serious but eye-catching:

"I'm afraid, but it's just an impulse."

Ye Liyuan: "..."

There was an accident on this show, and the director team quickly called the police, but what happened on the deserted island was broadcast live:

"Is it arranged by the director team in advance? Is it creating a topic?"

"Stupid, how could it be to create a topic, that bald head was shot to death, seeing the murder scene for the first time, so nervous!"

"Su Ye's marksmanship is so good, it shocked me!"

"Am I the only one who thinks she's not impulsive?"

"Wait for me in front, she even glanced at Little Bell before she said this, it was clearly for Little Bell!"

"Just because the other party hurt someone she cared about, I would rather go to jail than kill the other party. As a sunspot, I actually want to love this woman to death!"

"Does no one think that Su Ye's murder is a violation of the law?"

"The one in front, that's because it didn't happen to you. If it happened to you, you can't wait for Su to kill him for you!"

"That's also a violation of the law by the other party's prophet. Can you guarantee that there will be no accidents during the time when the police arrive?"

When the discussion on the Internet was heated, the entire desert island survival program group was brought in for investigation and questioning.

And Su also became the hottest topic figure.

A few days later, the case investigation came to its conclusion.

The two members of the green team committed a murder 20 years ago, and later got a chance to start an antique business.

In the desert island survival program group, an assistant director and the two were friends. Once drunk, the two heard that the program group was going to use a sapphire worth millions as a game chip. People who participated in the competition were moved by evil intentions for a moment, planning to snatch the sapphire and then kidnap Ye Liyuan and Su Ye and others, so they bribed the assistant director and got two places to enter the group.

As for Su Ye, after the trial, he was judged as self-defense and was acquitted.

A group of people from the program team were released and walked out of the police station. Ye Liyuan was just about to get into the RV prepared by his assistant, when a slender arm stretched out from the stabbing.

Turning his head, a beautiful and bright face looked at him with a half-smile:
"After Mr. Ye goes back, he needs to learn about Nanyi Antiques."

After leaving an inexplicable sentence, Su smiled lightly and got into the RV behind.

Behind her, Ye Liyuan frowned and watched her RV go away before getting into the car:

"Investigate Nanyi Antiques."

After 10 minutes, the assistant summarized the information of Nan Yi Antique.

Nanyi Antiques is the antique shop opened by the two young team members. According to the data, the annual income exceeds [-] million yuan. The assistant is puzzled:

"It's a bit wrong. If that's the case, why would they care about a sapphire worth only a million dollars?"

Ye Liyuan also sensed something was wrong, propped his chin, and frowned tightly:

"Re-investigate their financial economic situation."

As soon as the voice fell, a new email popped up from the lower corner of the assistant's notebook on his lap. The sender was unknown. When he opened the email, it was a financial report of Nanyi Antique for the latest year:

"Boss, I received an unknown email. This email shows that Nanyi Antique has been in a state of loss since last year. This can also explain why they took the risk."

Even so, Ye Liyuan's eyebrows still did not loosen.

After a few days of getting along, he knew Su Ye, that is a cunning fox, she asked him to investigate Nan Yi Antique, she definitely did not just want him to know the economic situation of Nan Yi Antique, there must be other things!

After a moment of silence, Ye Liyuan looked at the assistant from the corner of his eye:
"Investigate the itinerary of those two people before the filming of the show."


Not long after Su Yeping looked back, the director of the demon crew received good news that a TV station was willing to buy the demon drama, and it happened to be the X TV station that filmed Desert Island Survival.

TV Station X plans to schedule the broadcast as soon as possible while Su Ye's popularity is still there.

At the same time, Liu Guangliangyue, which was purchased in advance during the filming period, also announced its scheduled date, which is the same day as the devil.

The director of the demon crew, who had not been happy for a long time, was depressed:

"Xiao Su, what do you think this is? Your role was robbed, and now the other party even wants to rob you of the scheduled date. Capitalism really crushes people!"

"Don't worry, director, even if you don't believe in yourself, you should believe in me."

Su was also lazy and confident.

"Well, anyway, you've been very popular recently and you've attracted a lot of fans. Even if you can't beat the other party's ratings by then, it shouldn't be that low."

The director can only comfort himself in this way.

Su on the side also smiled and stopped talking.

Soon, the scheduled date arrived, and the devil and the streamer were broadcast at the same time.

The Devil is a modern school drama with a very cheerful style and novel characters. The heroine Yu appears with short hair that is indistinguishable between male and female.

When it was time for Liu Guangliangyue, Su Ye was the first to appear on the stage. Unlike the devil, this character is the epitome of an era, and it is also a tragedy of an era. When she turned around and looked at the ransacked home, she sang with a smile. When the play was uttered, everyone's hearts were tied together.

The next day, the ratings for the premiere day came out. As expected, Liu Guangliangyue ranked first, and Devil came second.

Fans of Gongshu Miao who have been robbed of their popularity in the past few days can be regarded as very proud. They all opened a trumpet and posted cynicism on Su Ye's Weibo:

"Didn't you steal the limelight before? I thought I could fight a lot, but it turned out that the new drama is a PK, and I'm not the second child."

"I was so crazy before, I hated the fans so much, no one supports the new drama, I deserve to be number two."


This time, the things that the little assistant was worried about didn't happen, and Su didn't end up kissing each other. He just posted some photos of eating, drinking and having fun every day, and occasionally took a selfie of "the most beautiful in this palace".

The little assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was relieved, on the other side, Ye Liyuan's assistant was worried:

"Boss, I've had people check it several times. Those two people—these two people are in contact with Miss Gongshu."

Even, it was Gong Shumiao who hired him.

On the sofa, Ye Liyuan had a gloomy expression on his face.

The assistant swallowed his saliva, and retreated tremblingly.

In the huge office, Ye Liyuan was the only one left.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Gong Shumiao's number, and the call was connected quickly:

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"

Gongshu Miaoqing's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

Ye Liyuan closed his eyes, leaned on the sofa, and after two or three seconds of silence:
"Miao Miao, were those two people on the desert island sent by you?"

Ye Liyuan clearly felt the breath on the other end of the phone stagnate, and after a while, the woman's voice sounded:
"I hired it."

The closed eyes opened, and Ye Liyuan's eyes became turbulent:
"Miaomiao, tell me what you want, and I can do it for you! You know I can do anything for you!"

"I told you I was pregnant."

Gong Shumiao interrupted him with the same calm tone.

"I will be responsible, I will marry you, and I will love you with this child!"

Ye Liyuan didn't understand what Gong Shumiao was thinking, he could only eagerly express his love to her.

"But I'm afraid, Su is too good. I used to be afraid of having your child. I thought that if I did, I would kill him, because I hate you, and I don't want to have a QJF child!"

Gongshu Miao's voice was calm, but every word cut Ye Liyuan's heart like a knife:

He didn't expect Gongshu Miao to hate him so much that he wanted to have an abortion, and he panicked for a moment.

Gongshu's wonderful voice is still ringing:

"But when I really had your child, do you know what was the first thought that popped into my mind? I was actually afraid that you would fall in love with someone as good as Su Ye, and then abandon me and this child, so I I want to kill Su Ye, even if I still don't love you, but I don't want this child to have a father."

That woman is so perfect, like a bright moon, all the stars will lose their brilliance in front of her


Gong Shu's wonderful words made Ye Liyuan feel as if he had been on a roller coaster, ups and downs, on the clouds for a while, and in the mud for a while, as if he was overjoyed, he didn't know what he was going to say.

"Ye Liyuan, if you think I'm a murderer, then hand me over, I won't hate you."

Holding the phone, Gong Shumiao had calm eyes and a calm voice.

"Miao Miao, you are not a murderer, even if you still don't love me, but you are willing to do this for me, I am already very satisfied, I will handle the rest, and I will be responsible for the rest of your life! "

Ever since he imprisoned Gongshu Miao by his side like a bird in a cage, Ye Liyuan had never seen her happy, so he always thought that making her fall in love with him was just a dream.

Therefore, he never thought that what Gong Shumiao did was just because of jealousy.

The hand holding the phone tightened, and a smile slowly appeared on Gong Shumiao's lips:

"Mr. Ye, I will try my best to fall in love with you."

After hanging up the phone, it took Ye Liyuan a long time to calm down the storm in his heart, and he dialed the assistant's number, and Ye Liyuan asked him to book a banquet.

His Miao Miao was so jealous and terrified, all because of that Su Ye, how could he continue to tolerate Su Ye continuing to wander in the entertainment circle.


nine o'clock in the evening, the hotel
Ye Liyuan thought that what he said was straightforward enough, he didn't want to hide Su Ye, he wanted to completely block Su Ye.

Unexpectedly, all the people who promised in the past have rejected one by two:
"Li Yuan, why do you want to be right with that Su Ye, she has a big backer now, she can't afford to offend her!"

I heard that the beneficiary that Su Ye was looking for did all kinds of voices, from supplying carpets to arms dealers in the Middle East.

If they were just doing business in general, they, the native sons of the imperial capital, could still suppress them a bit, but the other party was still an arms dealer. If they offended such people, the family would have to cut them to death.

"It's not that I don't let her go, it's that she provoked me. No matter what, you really don't want to help me?"

Ye Liyuan's voice was deep, and the group of people listening turned their heads away in embarrassment and unnaturally, not knowing how to respond.

They had no choice but to eat two mouthfuls of food and got up and left one after another.

Seeing that no one was willing to help him, Ye Liyuan violently overturned a table of dishes to the ground after everyone had left.

What the fuck, what brothers, when it's time to use it, one runs faster than the other.

A bottle of wine was poured over his head, Ye Liyuan calmed down, since the people in the circle refused to help him, he had to think of another way.

Just at this moment, noises came from the corridor outside. Ye Liyuan put on sunglasses and opened the door. It was a group of teenagers who looked like playboys and rich second generations. They were fascinated by a little girl. A group of people were smiling and dragging the little girl to the hotel elevator.

Through the sunglasses, Ye Liyuan saw the little girl's face clearly, it was very familiar, he rested his chin and thought for a while before he remembered the girl's identity.

 Tomorrow, July and a half, the Ghost Festival, update the God of solar terms
(End of this chapter)

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