The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 788 The host is the demon king

Chapter 788 The host is the demon king (6)

The village chief and others stood outside the yard, everyone had ferocious and strange smiles on their faces. After a while, they were sure that Grandpa Wan had been killed by the fire, and they shouted in a panic:

"Firefighting, it's on fire..."

They only shouted once, but stopped shouting.

In the monstrous flames, a figure seemed to appear.

People backed away subconsciously, staring at the figure in the fire with wide-eyed fear:

"Village... Village Chief, is there something in the fire?"

The village head is also scalp numb at the moment:

"You young people can't see clearly, but I can see clearly!"

As he spoke, the village head subconsciously took a few steps back.

And the other people in the village who were quarreled also got up, each with a basin and barrel in his hand:

"Where is the fire Where is the fire?"

The people who rushed out were startled when they saw the fire in Grandpa Wan's house. They were about to put out the fire, but when they saw the shadow in the firelight, they were startled:

In the firelight, there was a snow-white tiger, very much like the white tiger of the mythical beast, but a pair of eyes that were supposed to be golden, but now they were a strange red, like the surrounding firelight.

On Baihu's body is Grandpa Wan who doesn't know life or death.

Stepping on the fire under his feet, the white tiger came step by step, and the bright red flames behind him also turned black, connecting with the long night, like a dark cage, imprisoning everything in the world.

"Run, run!"

Someone suddenly yelled, and the frightened crowd came back to their senses. They fled in all directions with panic all over their bodies, but fire whips stretched out from the black flames, piercing through the crowd. bodies, and take away their hearts.

Su also looked at the fiery red hearts in the darkness and laughed.

It turns out that the hearts are all red!

The darkness is still spreading, and the flames continue to devour people's hearts.

Everyone has nowhere to go.

The village chief watched the villagers being deprived of their hearts. The panic and despair made him suddenly angry. Turning around, he looked at the white tiger stepping on the darkness, with a ferocious face:

"No wonder you monsters are not recognized, because you are all cold-blooded, ruthless and insensitive!"

"The people in the village raised you up, and you even have the heart to kill them. Go to hell!"

Probably because he knew there was no way to escape, the angry and desperate village head did not escape, and rushed towards Su Ye aggressively while cursing.

But his attack, to Su Ye, was like a mantis holding a chariot. He didn't even need to move, or even look, a ray of flames hung the village chief upside down.

Walking lazily, Su also walked slowly to the village chief, looking at the village chief who was aggressive a moment ago, but struggling in panic at this moment:
"When you personally beat me to death for the kindness of nurturing in the daytime, I have already repaid it."

So, he didn't do anything during the day.

In fact, even if they whipped his corpse tonight, he wouldn't do it.

But they absolutely shouldn't, shouldn't touch Grandpa Wan.

They thought that Grandpa Wan blocking the entrance of the yard was an obstacle, but they didn't know that Grandpa Wan was the bottom line of his tolerance for the entire mountain village.

"Let go of me...cough cough...let go of me..."

The village chief didn't know whether it was due to brain congestion or fear and panic, his face was already flushed, and he was struggling vigorously. He looked very funny, but Su didn't bother to watch, manipulating the black flame, it was about to pierce through the village chief's body, But at this moment, a crack was torn out of the darkness by a golden light, and the light flooded in, and a monk shrouded in Buddha's light appeared:

"Amitabha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

The dark flame flew towards the monk, the castration was fierce, and the murderous intent was obvious.

The monk frowned, and quickly blocked it with the prayer beads in his hand:

"The divine beast White Tiger, the god of war to ward off evil and protect the common people, why do you want to kill evil here and fall into the devil's way!"

The monk recognized the identity of the white tiger in front of him at a glance, and asked solemnly with his brows furrowed.

Su also glanced at him, transformed into a human form again, hugged the unconscious Grandpa Wan, and mocked in his eyes:
"Monk, you only saw me become a demon, have you ever seen these people push me into the abyss?"

So after watching the plot, Su also hated this eminent monk and those righteous people.

When the original owner was pushed into the abyss, they never rescued him, nor did they have the slightest sympathy, but when the original owner became a demon, they jumped out and killed the original owner on the grounds of "defending the righteous way".

Look at this double-standard ability, it is really admirable.

The monk was ridiculed by Su Ye's Junbai face flushed, a little guilty:
"Baihu, once you think about becoming a Buddha and once thinking about hell, don't be obsessed with it."

"If the Buddha is like this, I don't bother to become a Buddha."

Su also coldly refused.

If becoming a Buddha means being bullied by everyone, betrayed by everyone, and hurt by everyone, then why do you want to become a Buddha?
What's more, after becoming a Buddha, he still needs to protect the group of people who killed him. He is too small-minded to do such a magnanimous thing.

The monk saw that Su was also obsessed with his obsession, and knew that it would be useless to speak any further, so he sighed, and the Zen staff beside him began to shake.

"Monk, can I ask you a question."

Seeing that the monk wanted to make a move, Su also asked with a smile.

"You said."

The Zen stick was still moving, but the monk temporarily put away his offensive intentions.

"Women are bullied to death, how miserable?"

Su also asked.

The monk replied without hesitation: "It's miserable!"

"Is it miserable for the people to be oppressed and exploited?"


"Is it wrong for a father to sell his daughter for money?"

The monk answered without hesitation:


Su also smiled, and raised his hand, a crack was torn in the time and space around him, dragging the monk, Su also led him into the time and space tunnel.

The white tiger is one of the four great beasts with the ability to control time, so Su also led the monk back in time.

The monk thought he was attacking at first, and was about to fight back when he was dragged into the "past".

In the room, the delicate girl was covered in wounds, and the hot candle liquid dripped and splashed bright red scars on her body. She cried hysterically and struggled helplessly, but the group of men in official uniforms, Only the excited attack appreciates the struggle of the prey.

In the "past", the monk saw that in that remote mountain village, one girl after another was sent to the wolf's lair by their father, and watched the respected village chief share the money with the girls' father excitedly.


He also saw that the officers and soldiers used iron rods to poke two bloody holes in the neck of the corpse after killing them. He watched them frame up to the demon, and watched the village chiefs kill Su Ye in order to kill people. Little by little, people turned into evil spirits in human skin.

"So, even if it is such a person, do you still want to protect it?"

Pulling the monk and dragging him out of the "past", Su also squinted his eyes and asked.

This time, the monk was silent.

He was adopted by the abbot of the temple when he was very young. The abbot said that he took the world as his own responsibility, and he has always taken protecting the common people as his lifelong wish.

And this determination has never wavered.

Therefore, he was able to kill demons invincibly and defend the righteous way.

But at this moment, he hesitated.

He actually began to doubt whether what he had been guarding all this time was a human being?

"Monk, you rescued this group of people from me today, so when you dream back at midnight, will you be afraid of that dead girl crying in your ear?"

Those officers and soldiers can do a lot of evil in the small mountain village, so naturally they can also be unscrupulous outside the small mountain village:

"You asked me to let them go, so how should they repay me for hurting me?"

Su Ye asked with a slight smile, his blood-colored eyes were calm but cold, and the oppressive monk was speechless:


He didn't know how to answer, and even the belief he had insisted on for many years was shaken more and more, like a stone tablet whose foundation had been shaken, even cracks began to appear on the stone tablet.

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Su also sneered, ignored him, manipulated the black flame, and wiped out all the remaining people in the village in front of the monk.

This is what they owe to Grandpa Wan.

In the plot, the original owner’s identity was exposed after killing the officers and soldiers. The village head and others were afraid of the identity of the aid, so they threatened Grandpa Wan. The original owner committed suicide in front of everyone in order to save him. Grandpa told what they did, but still killed Grandpa Wan.

The original owner is a divine beast, how could he really die.

After seeing the village chief and others killing Grandpa Wan without faith, he was furious and fell into a demon, bloodbathed the small mountain village, and led the demons from the Ten Thousand Demons' Den to ransack the world on the night of the red moon.

"How dare you!"

The monk was shocked. He didn't expect that Su Ye would actually kill all the people in the mountain village in front of him.

Su didn't take it seriously, hugged Grandpa Wan, and bound the monk with a ray of black flame:
"Monk, let me show you a good show."


The night of the red moon came soon, and the birds and beasts on the mountain all shrank in their caves and dared not come out.

The monk was thrown aside by Su Ye, and his handsome white face was in a state of embarrassment because he hadn't washed for several days, and there was even a layer of blue stubble on his chin:
"Let go of me quickly, the cave of ten thousand demons will open, and the entry of demons into the world will inevitably cause a catastrophe on earth!"

The monk watched the small black hole grow bigger and bigger as the red moon climbed in the night sky, and urged him more and more anxiously.

Su was also roasting rabbit meat beside him, and there was a small pot on the fire, in which was boiled white rice.

Watching the tumbling [-] rice being cooked into beautiful rice crackers, Su also filled a bowl and handed it to Grandpa Wan:
"Grandpa, you can eat."

Grandpa Wan took it and handed it to the monk amiably:
"Master, eat a little."

The monk saw that Su ignored him, and saw that Grandpa Wan was amiable, so he wanted to start with Grandpa Wan:
"Benefactor, the entry of demons into the world will definitely bring disaster to the common people, you should quickly let go of the poor monk and let the poor monk seal the Ten Thousand Devils' Cave!"

Seeing that he didn't drink, Grandpa Wan took it back, took a spoon and sipped it himself:

"Master, this world is inherently chaotic, it might be better to let demons try to rule the world, maybe it will be a different scene."

"The demons are evil, how can they rule the world!"

The monk retorted immediately, thinking it was nonsense.

Grandpa Wan laughed:
"Master, I have never been out of the mountains, so I want to ask, you said that demons are evil, but have demons ever taken the initiative to hurt people?"


The monk would not lie, he was silent for a while, and answered in a low voice with a frown.

It is true that monsters have never actively hurt people, but they have golden elixir in their bodies, which can help people practice. Many practitioners in the world have killed and tortured demons in order to obtain the golden elixir. After a long time, humans and monsters have become enemies.

People kill monsters to take the golden core.

Demons kill to avenge bloodstains.

"That's the end of it. Since you never took the initiative to hurt anyone, why stop it?"

Grandpa Wan asked back.

He used to be afraid of monsters, but after these days of experience, he feels that monsters are not human, but people are sometimes quite inhuman.

The blood-colored moon in the sky climbed to the highest point, the bloody light sprinkled down, and the black hole on the mountain was also torn to the limit.

The blood moon is in full bloom, the cave of ten thousand demons opens, and demons enter the world.

Imperial Capital
The man in official uniform looked at the red moon in the sky, frowned, pinched his fingers, and couldn't help being shocked:
"how come!"

Obviously, the abbot of Fahua Temple has sent people to suppress the seal, and he has also sent his most capable men to assist, so why is the Ten Thousand Devils Cave still open?
Yuhua Villa
The man in white clothes and white hair was meditating and practicing, when he suddenly sensed a soaring demonic aura, he was so startled that he almost lost his temper, and quickly took out the magic weapon to calculate, his face was full of solemnity and worry.

The Ten Thousand Devils Cave is actually open!
At the same time, in the mountain village
All the monsters who came out of the Ten Thousand Devils' Cave were all excited. After waiting for so many years, they finally opened the passage from the demon world to the human world. They can finally avenge their parents, wives and children.

For thousands of years, human beings have slaughtered monsters to obtain the golden elixir in order to practice. Human beings should pay back this blood debt!

Then, when a group of monsters were excited and wanted to have a good time on the mountain first, a Shura field enveloped from the sky, with a terrifying momentum, the excited monsters were stunned but shocked:

"Master Demon... Lord Demon Venerable?"

Master Mozun is actually in the human world?

Sensing the demon's breath, some monsters began to smell the breath to find the whereabouts of the demon, and then saw their master demon roasting a rabbit for an old human man, with a handsome monk tied beside him.

A group of long, vicious demons hurried over, each with expressions of excitement and grievance:

"Lord Mozun, we finally found you. Do you know that since you disappeared from the demon world, human beings have bullied us badly, killed our parents, wives and children, and said that we kill and eat people. Magic crystal, who would eat that sour and smelly human flesh!"

"Lord Mozun, you must seek justice for us and avenge our parents, wives and children!"

"Woooo... Demon Lord, we are suffering so much, you want to avenge us!"

The bound monk beside Su Ye looked at the group of monsters with long and strange shapes, and knelt down in front of Su Ye, crying like a child who was robbed of candy, and the world view was subverted again.

Although Grandpa Wan was not afraid of the white tiger that Su Ye would turn into, he was afraid of other monsters. For this reason, he had been making mental preparations for the past two days, and he tried his best to uglify the images of monsters in his heart, lest he would be scared to death if he saw them.


This group of monsters are really ugly, but this crying appearance is weaker than the little milk dog he raised when he was young.

He couldn't help but look at the monk:

"Master, are you sure they can cause harm to the world?"

With the appearance of this vegetable chirping, I'm afraid it's the world's fault for them!
 Spoiler for the new book, plus scumbags, I have already written two quick time travels, and I found the reason why I sometimes write collapsed, that is the main line, so for the new book, there is no main line, it is male wear, and the male lead is Xingyan , I don’t know if there are any cute people who remember Xingyan more.

  The new book is full of plot twists, unlike these two books, it is not depressing. Some readers of these two books say that they are sometimes depressing, but the new book is not.

  I wrote the new book with Hanhan (Fengqing 01), so I really don’t have to worry about not saving the manuscript, hahaha! ! !
  I love my family Hanhan, love my cute friends, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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