The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 802 You Are My Everyone

Chapter 802 You Are My Everyone (1)

In the Journey to the West plane, Su also completed the task, the main task is to let the woman remember the original owner for a lifetime.

But after leaving the Journey to the West plane, Su didn't leave. She let the pillar hide her breath, and then she followed Monkey King all the time.

After becoming a Buddha, Sun Wukong has no worries and joys, his heart is on the common people in the world, and all living beings are in his heart. With concern in his heart, he finally became a Buddha.

But she knew that Sun Wukong was unhappy, but she could do nothing about it.

Before she left the seat, she saw Monkey King go to the reincarnation platform, and she didn't know what happened afterwards.

Su also began to rest again.

After entering the plane, the smell of burning fragrance came to her nostrils, even if she hadn't opened her eyes, she also knew her identity.

She became a monk again, a monk who cultivated to achieve the right result in order to succeed through the calamity.

But he also failed a woman.

The woman regarded him as salvation, but in the end it was just a catastrophe in the original owner's life.

Later, the woman was killed by someone, and she was full of resentment, unable to enter Huangquan Road, and became a fierce ghost in the world. Whenever night fell, she would wear human skin to seduce men in the world, and then kill them.

Standing up from the futon, Su Ye looked down at the monk robe on his body, and recalled the scene of Monkey King jumping into the reincarnation platform without hesitation in Journey to the West.

You cross the common people, who crosses you again?

Su is also a scumbag when it comes to relationships, but precisely because of scumbags, her relationship is the most valued by her.

In her eyes, all living beings are but a drop in the ocean, if she has someone in her heart, that person is her all beings.


"Uncle Yunshui, that girl is here again, we all said you are gone, but that girl still refuses to leave!"

Several young monks came to Su Ye to complain.

They are a holy land of Buddhism, how could someone want to hook up with a monk so shamelessly, not afraid of ruining his own reputation, but also caring about the reputation of his uncle Yunshui.

"where is it?"

Put away the beads, Su also asked.

The little monks were surprised, but answered obediently:
"It's in front of the temple gate, uncle, are you going to see her?"

In the past, my uncle didn't ask such questions. As soon as he heard that ugly woman was coming, he would ask them to find a reason to send her away.

Su didn't answer either. He straightened his clothes and walked away.

A few young monks behind them felt that the sun was coming out from the west.

At the gate of the temple, a woman in plain clothes and two braids was waiting, looking into the temple from time to time, bit her lip when she didn't see the figure she was expecting, and continued to wait with her head down.

The temple is full of incense, and most of the people who burn incense and pray for blessings are elderly women.

As soon as they saw the woman, they gathered together with weird eyes and murmured:

"Does this ugly monster have any shame? He comes to see Master Yunshui every day. Even though Master Yunshui is impatient to see her, he continues to pester her shamelessly!"

"That's right, not to mention her ugly appearance, even ghosts are afraid, and she still has the face to like Master Yunshui!"

"Looking at the scars on her face is disgusting, no one dares to look at her!"

"Let's go, let's burn incense quickly, don't stay here looking for bad luck!"

After a few women muttered for a while, they entered the temple.

The woman kept her head down, as if she didn't hear their words, until a few women entered the temple, and a drop of water fell on the ground.

"Why are you crying?"

A gentle voice sounded from the top of her head, and one hand gently lifted her face, and the warm fingertips gently wiped away the tears on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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