The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 808 You Are My Everyone

Chapter 808 You Are My Everyone (7)

Su didn't expect Ah Chou to be more ruthless than him, castrated, shaved, human, and proficient in everything.

And Ah Chou didn't expect that there was another woman in the room, her limbs were tied up, she was casually thrown in the corner like a pile of goods, with a rag stuffed in her mouth, her face was dirty, she didn't even look at her original appearance unclear.

Ah Chou walked over, trying to untie the rope on her body, but the woman struggled in horror.

Seeing this, Su Ye pulled Ah Chou, and went to untie the rope for her. Unexpectedly, as soon as the rope was untied, the woman seemed to be drowning, and she threw herself on Su Ye with all her teeth and claws:
"Help me, save me..."

Frowning, Su also pushed her away with a cold face:
"It's okay to save you, but don't rub it on the poor monk, the poor monk thinks it's dirty!"

What the hell, dare to rub against him!

The woman didn't expect that the gentle-looking man would change his face in an instant, and the words he said were as sharp as sharp stabs.

She is the daughter of the magistrate's family, no matter how unbearable she is, it would be his honor to let him hug her as a mere commoner, yet dare to call him dirty!

Su didn't expect that the rescued woman would be such a low-class person. Seeing that although she was still terrified, she already had a bit of arrogance, and his heart became more and more unhappy!
This thing is not as cute as his ugly!
Pulling Ah Chou, Su also left without looking back.

It didn't take long for the town to become lively.

The magistrate's daughter, who had been missing for more than a month, was actually in this small town. When the guards arrested her, her calves were trembling with fright at the bloody scene in the room.

Five elderly men were shaved into human sticks. There were pieces or pieces of flesh piled up next to the human sticks, and the small wooden sticks stuffed in their mouths to prevent suicide by biting their tongues were all bitten out deeply. teeth marks.

The magistrate's daughter got married not long after she was found, and she was a down-and-out scholar.

But these things have nothing to do with Su Ye and Ah Chou.

Su is also a very leisurely person, especially when he saw Ah Chou's swordsmanship quickly and ruthlessly whittled those old men into eunuchs, he became even more leisurely.

Due to a lot of time, Su also took Ah Chou to the capital, and ended up getting a position as a national teacher while eating and drinking.

Before Ah Chou went to the capital, he yearned for the prosperity of the capital, but when he was actually in it, he found that under the prosperity of the capital, there was an undercurrent of intrigue everywhere, so he simply acted like a baby and asked Su to take her to the border.

The frontier is full of sand waves, and because of its special geographical location, wars often break out for very strange reasons.

I'm in a bad mood today, the general took the soldiers to make an appointment.

Today, the higher-ups found fault, and the general took the soldiers to make an appointment for a fight.

The military pay has been paid today. I'm in a good mood. Come, let's make an appointment!
Anyway, straight to the point, there's nothing wrong with it, it can't be solved by an appointment!

A Chou likes this kind of life very much, and she is soft and hard, and finally Su Ye is relieved, agreeing that she will disguise herself as a man and join the army.

As a result, when the two armies fought the next day, Ah Chou saw a tall horse in front of his own army, and a man in silver armor sat on the horse. The man looked at her with a smile under the bright sunshine, and at the same time Stretch out a nice and clean hand:


Then, Ah Chou was bewitched again, held that hand, got on the horse, was protected in his arms, watched the galloping horse, saw the yellow sand under his feet being rolled up several feet high, and listened to the sound of the golden drum. When someone snatched the enemy's head with a single knife, she suddenly felt that if she met this person in this life, she would have nothing to hate about the catastrophe that "hell" suffered.

Time passed quickly, and it was Qingming in a blink of an eye.

Su also took Ah Chou back to Longhua Town.

At that time, Su was not only the national teacher of Tianqi Kingdom, but also a first-rank general, and even Emperor Tianqi wanted him to be the prince's tutor.

When the carriage arrived at Longhua Town, it was the day before the Qingming Festival. There was light rain in the sky, and there were few pedestrians on the road, but when they saw the carriage covered in black nanmu, many people were still curious. He ran out and stared at the carriage.

Su is also a beauty controler. Even a carriage is exquisitely built. The body is made of black nanmu, and the windows are made of the stained glass that everyone is talking about recently. Even if the windows are closed, you can still see the outside clearly through the glass. .

"Is that glass? Who is so rich that even the carriage windows use such expensive glass!"

Some people are curious and envious.

Their place is not rich. Just a few months ago, when a wealthy businessman passed by, he saw him playing with a small glass gadget, but it was only half the size of a palm. The businessman was very rare.

"Then did you see that the carriage is made of black nanmu, and even the two horses that pull the carriage are expensive. This is the real rich man!"

The people next to him followed suit.

In this world, people compare themselves to others, making people mad:
"Forget it, don't read it, by the way, do you know that a few days ago, many people went to the ugly house."

"Which ugly monster?"

The person being asked didn't realize who it was, and asked blankly.

"What kind of memory? It's that ugly monster who ran away with the monk."

"Oh, her, how can there be people in her small broken yard?"

"Who knows, those people don't want to say anything more. Anyway, they don't see people often during the day, and they come in and out at night. It's very lively!"

"Speaking of which, the ugly monster has been away for a year. I never thought that she and Master Yunshui would kill people and destroy people all over the house. I really can't see that they are so ruthless!"

"That's right, especially Master Yunshui, who is an eminent monk of Longhua Temple, really unexpected!"


Not far away, the carriage was still rumbling forward, and finally, it stopped in front of a small courtyard.

On the carriage, Ah Chou was in a complicated mood. The moment she killed someone that day and then left Longhua Town, she never thought that she would come back so openly.

But, she really came back glamorously, even she herself never thought that there would be such a day of "returning home".

"Chou, get out of the car."

Su also called softly, and Ah Chou came back to his senses, looked at his gentle face at all times, raised his hand, and put it on the hand he extended.

What a blessing to be able to get such a person's endless love.

Those who stood at the door and looked at the carriage curiously saw a gray and white figure jumping out of the carriage, with a suave figure and long black hair casually tied in a strand, holding an ink paper umbrella with one hand, covered by the paper umbrella, looking I don't know the man's face, but that figure alone already makes people's hearts flutter.

Then, everyone saw the man stretching out his handsome hand towards the carriage, and in the carriage, at the same moment, stretched out a jade hand, the nails were dyed with flowers, the red was alluring, and with a single hand, it was amazingly called forget took a breath.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a petite but exquisite woman appeared:
"I can come down by myself."

Having said that, Ah Chou still took that hand.

Lightly holding the hand that was on top of him, Su didn't say a word, but smiled contentedly, and moved the paper umbrella over, half of his shoulders were covered in the rain.

Someone opened the door inside, and two people went in, leaving only those people outside, shocked and unable to recover:

"Why do I look so much like Ugly and Yunshui?"

"What do they look like? Ugly Baguai and Yunshui!"

"Impossible, I remember the scars on Ugly's face are scary, but that woman... I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life!"

"I didn't see anything painted on her face. I just didn't expect Master Yunshui to grow hair. It's so beautiful that it makes people crazy!"

"That's right, Master Yunshui's smile just now took my heart away, but what are they doing now?"

"Whatever, anyway, I just need to see Master Yunshui."


In the yard, Su also sent someone to tidy it up early. The dilapidated house has been renovated, and the old furniture in the room has not been replaced. Su is also very satisfied with this, and incense is also burning in front of the memorial tablet of Ah Chou's parents:
"Young master, everything is ready, are you going to worship the master and wife tomorrow morning?"

The steward stepped forward to ask for instructions.

Su also nodded, but the housekeeper hesitated for a moment before saying:

"I hope you will forgive me for one thing. A month ago, after I brought people to Longhua Town, I immediately went to see the graves of the master and wife, and found...the tombstone was smashed, and the bones were hung on the tree... ..."

Before the housekeeper finished speaking, he saw that Su Ye's face was so dark that he was ready to drip ink, and hurriedly speeded up his speech:
"However, I have asked someone to put the bones of the master and madam back into the coffin."

"Have you found out who did it?"

Su Ye's complexion was dark, and his tone was cold, like the biting cold wind of the twelfth lunar month blowing on a person's body, making his bones tremble.

The butler quickly replied:

"Found it, it's... a monk named Wujue from Longhua Temple did it."


The tombstone was destroyed, so Su could only carve a new one himself overnight, and took Ah Chou to worship the next day.

Once it's over, Su will kill and go to Longhua Temple.

After a year of separation, the abbot has become even more vicissitudes.

Ever since Su Ye left, the people of Longhua Temple fought bloody battles for the position of abbot, and those intrigues were no less than those in the capital.

The abbot didn't expect that so many dirty and sinister things would happen in the Buddhist Pure Land. Sometimes he couldn't even tell whether it was in the world of mortals or in the real Buddhist temple.

But he has no time to take care of those things at all, because he is really old, and he has more than enough energy for it.

So, when he heard the news of Su Ye's return, even the abbot, who had been abstinent all his life, was so excited that he burst into tears, but——

After learning that the first thing Su Ye did when he returned to Longhua Temple was to kill Wujue, all the excitement disappeared in an instant.


He is really old.

Wujue was killed, and the entire town, who had been thinking carefully, became quiet again.

This time, Su didn't go around anymore, he took Ah Chou to live here.

Although a year is short, the two of them have experienced both the prosperity of the capital and the life-and-death struggle in the frontier. Looking at the white clouds in the sky, Ah Chou felt that this life was enough.

(End of this chapter)

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