The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 810 The host is the villain's young master

Chapter 810 The host is the villain's young master (2)

"Su can't even stand up, and he's better than a person with healthy legs like you, so, how useless you are, don't you have a clue?"

Behind Su Ye, a girl with long curly hair glanced at the boy and sneered.

The boy also responded unceremoniously:

"Luo Yu, did I talk to you? Who doesn't know that you like Su Ye, but have people taken a fancy to you? Isn't it because you have been rushing to post!"

"You! Su and I are also childhood sweethearts, we have a marriage contract!"

Luo Yu retorted with a blushing face, and at the same time, his eyes were a little faintly aimed at the young man in front of him.

She knew that he didn't like her mentioning their marriage contract in front of others, and this was precisely why the boy mocked her:
"Heh, you said you have a marriage contract, so why does Su always show reluctance every time? Let me see, it's because you think he's a cripple, so you forced him!"

A group of people in the classroom burst into laughter, and Luo Yu's eye sockets were flushed with embarrassment, but what made her even more sad was that the boy sitting in front was still silent, and her eye sockets were even redder.

Su didn't look back, but glanced at the laughing boy out of the corner of his eye, slightly hooked the corner of his lower lip, and a ball of flames lit up at his fingertips, and the flame flew towards the boy quickly with a long tail. With a chirp, he was set ablaze.

"Ah! Help, help!"

The boy who laughed out loud suddenly burst into tears in fright.

Seeing this, the teacher on the podium quickly used water spells to put out the fire.

Su didn't think about actually burning him to death, it was just to teach him a lesson.

After the fire was extinguished, the boy was dripping with water, his shiny black hair was scorched, and his face was also dark. Only when he spoke, his teeth were shining white:
"You! Su Ye, you are amazing!"

Angrily, he uttered a harmless sentence, the boy kicked the desk away, grabbed his schoolbag and rushed out of the classroom.

And Su was also sent to the corridor as a punishment.

Looking at Su Ye with the remote control wheelchair going out, Luo Yu bit his lips, and stood up with a blushing face:

"Teacher, I feel sick to my stomach."

"Go, come back quickly."

The teacher agreed.

in the corridor

Luo Yu stood in front of Su Ye, with a complex expression and probing eyes:

"Why did you help me just now?"

Looking up, Su also looked at her lightly:
"Need a reason?"

Luo Yu was silent, unable to figure out what he wanted to do, and after a while, he spoke slowly:
"I just couldn't understand Chen Li's behavior of bullying his classmates just now, but I hope you can agree to what I said before."

Frowning, Su Ye, who hasn't finished receiving the plot, doesn't know what she said.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Luo Yu turned and went back to the classroom.

After school, Su also saw Luo Yu with a boy at the school gate. The boy was only a little better looking than ordinary boys, but he was dressed like a dog, and he was holding a bouquet of roses. The feeling has attracted the attention of many girls.

"Aray, here it is for you."

Li Feng graciously sent the flowers over, and the band-aids on his fingers caught Luo Yu's attention:
"What happened to your hand?"

It was purely accidental that Luo Yu and Li Feng met.

That day, Li Feng was besieged by a few hooligans with a little cultivation, and Luo Yu passed by to save him. After learning that Li Feng couldn't get used to the hooligans who abused cats, Luo Yu followed them. He made friends.

Li Feng is the male protagonist in this world of the plane. He got a chance by coincidence, and then counterattacked, embraced left and right, killed the original owner, and reached the pinnacle of life.

In the plot, Luo Yu was disheartened by the original owner, Li Feng took the opportunity to enter and became Luo Yu's boyfriend.

Luo Yu is very dedicated and sincere in her affection. In her heart, love is selfish and cannot tolerate a third person.

But Li Feng is a rebellious dick. This kind of man is actually very small. They like dick slaps in the face, and they also like harem three thousand. After Luo Yu knew that he had other women, he left decisively.

Therefore, Li Feng hated Luo Yu for betraying their love. Although he didn't kill him, after gaining power, he targeted the Luo family everywhere, and the Luo family also fell from a famous family, bit by bit.

Seeing Luo Yu noticed the Band-Aid, Li Feng smiled indifferently:

"It's nothing, it's just that the rose picker got stuck in his hand."

"You picked it yourself?"

Luo Yu was surprised, it's already very romantic for a boy to send flowers, but he still picks them himself, if——

This is what he sent.

A bitter smile flashed across her eyes, what was she thinking, he didn't like herself at all!

Li Feng didn't notice the bitterness in his eyes:

"Well, the first time I give flowers to a girl, I must pick them myself."

As he spoke, there was a clear hint of admiration on his face.

Luo Yu heard what he meant, and what's more, what he sent was still roses:
"I...I can't reply to you yet, but I can..."

The rose in Luo Yu's hand caught fire, and the fire was raging. Strangely, it didn't burn her hands or her face, but the petals were burnt to ashes all at once.

Luo Yu and Li Feng were taken aback, but before they could react, a sickly young man came over with a wheelchair by remote control. There was a smile in his eyes, but it made people fearful for no reason:

"A bouquet of cheap roses, also want to raise my corner?"

As he spoke, the young man raised his hand, and a ball of flame jumped out of his palm. The flame slowly changed its shape, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it became a bunch of bright red and dazzling fire roses.

Raising his eyebrows and turning up the corners of his lips, Su also handed the Fire Rose in his hand to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was not very happy, but frowned tightly, staring at the boy in the wheelchair without blinking, wanting to see through his heart and soul.

However, his eyes were too dark and calm, and she didn't see anything.

"Sorry, I'll treat you to dinner another day. I have something to do today."

Smiling reluctantly at Li Feng, Luo Yu apologized, and then said to Su Ye:

"Su Ye, let's have a good talk."

Then, he lifted his foot and strode forward.

But after walking a certain distance, he noticed that there was no movement behind him, and when he turned around, he saw the young man who was pale due to his illness, with a pair of dark eyes, smiling at her, his thin lips parted slightly, his voice changed from the previous coldness, As soft as a baby:
"A ray~"

Her heart trembled, Luo Yu wanted to refuse, but she couldn't resist, she sighed silently, and resigned to her fate.

As Li Feng watched Luo Yu push the wheelchair boy away, his face looked particularly ugly.

"Ouch, if your little beauty is gone, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and an old man with a gray beard appeared behind Li Feng. He was like a ghost, and no one around him noticed.

"Shut up, let me tell you, I will get this woman sooner or later. Didn't you say that as long as I practice your martial arts secrets, I will dominate the world, I promise you!"

Looking at Luo Yu who was drifting away, Li Feng gritted his teeth and said.

When the old man heard it, he laughed slyly:

"It should have been promised a long time ago!"

In the distance, Su Ye in the wheelchair suddenly noticed something strange behind him, turned around, and saw an old man floating beside Li Feng in the distance, ouch, Goldfinger!

The old man was excited that Li Feng was finally willing to conclude the soul contract. Suddenly, he felt a sense of crisis locked in, but when he wanted to find the source of the crisis, the sight locked on him disappeared.

"what happened to you?"

Looking at the old man looking around, Li Feng asked.

"It's nothing, it should be my illusion."

The old man shook his head in response.

It should be an illusion, he was called the ancestor back then, how could anyone hurt him!

Hmm, illusion!

On the other side, Luo Yu and Su also got into the car.

Looking forward, Luo Yu's face was calm:
"Su Ye, what are you thinking?"

Su Ye, who had just received the plot earlier, knew what she was talking about.

Luo Yu wanted to break off their engagement.

In the plot, the original owner agreed without hesitation.

After straightening her clothes, Su also narrowed her eyes, with a little light shining in her eyes:

"You like that guy just now?"

"It has nothing to do with him."

Luo Yu denied.

"I don't agree."

Su also refused.

Luo Yu turned his head to the side and looked at him puzzled:
"Why, you don't like me anyway, do you?"

"Whether you like it or not is one thing, but since you are already my fiancee, don't even think about marrying other men in your life."

Su Ye's voice was not warm, it fell into Luo Yu's ears, and it was even a bit harsh:
"Su Ye! You obviously don't like me, and it just so happens that I don't like you either. If that's the case, why..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yu was so frightened by the face suddenly approaching that he forgot to breathe.

"You like me, do you think I might let a woman who likes me be possessed by another man?"

Staring at Luo Yu's palm-sized face, Su Ye, who had a smile on his lips, looked vicious like a devil.

Luo Yu's eyes were reddened by his words, he bit his lip, and there was a mist in his eyes:
"I don't like you!"

How could she like such a bad character!

Absolutely don't like it!
"Aray ~ you really don't like me?"

The devil put away his evil, showed an expression as pure as an angel, and looked at her innocently.

Luo Yu: "..."


Feel guilty.

"So, don't even think about leaving me, even one step is impossible!"

In an instant, the angel turned into a demon.

Luo Yu snorted annoyedly, turned his head and looked out the window.


How did she fall for it again!


After sending Luo Yu home, Su Ye's cell phone rang. After checking the text message, he asked the driver to take him to the western suburbs of Jiangcheng.

The western suburbs are the place of the Tianyuan faction, and the Tianyuan faction walks the rivers and lakes with a secret book of beast control.

There are spirit beasts in this world, but unlike other cultivation worlds, most of the spirit beasts here are raised artificially, and only a small number of spirit beasts are scattered in some ancient forests or ancient secret realms.

Spirit beast taming requires a specialized spirit beast master. Low-level spirit beasts are generally used as pets, and mid-to-high-level spirit beasts can be used for combat.

A good spirit beast master can maximize the ability of spirit beasts, while the Tianyuan sect is known for taming animals.

When Su Ye arrived, the fierce battle had just ended, and his casualties were not many, but there were so many spirit beasts from the Tianyuan Sect, it was difficult to capture them immediately.

"Master Jiu, it's not easy to attack, they have too many mid-level spirit beasts."

The original owner aspired to be a big villain, so he would often attack various sects and seize the cheats or cultivation methods of the other sect, or weapons and so on.

Under the mask, Su also looked calm, and tilted his head to look at the injured people behind him:
"Was the Tianyuan faction injured?"

"It was their spirit beast that hurt it. It's okay. When we go back, let the master of the medical school take a look."

Withdrawing his gaze, Su Ye looked at the Tianyuan Gate not far away, which was in a defensive state.

The people of Tianyuanmen did not expect that the bandits from Xuantian Pavilion would target them so quickly, so when the head of Tianyuanmen saw the boy wearing the iconic fox mask appearing, he was a little out of breath:
"You Xuantian Pavilion is really lawless, you dare to blatantly come to my Tianyuan Gate to grab things!"

Su also ignored him for the time being, turned around and looked at the tattooed man behind him:
"Did you hear that, you guys robbed things?"

"Master Jiu, it's because they don't know how to flatter you. If they are willing to give it to you, why would we snatch it!"

It was because they refused to give it and had no choice but to grab it. They were also forced!

"Have you heard, if you are willing to obediently hand over the cheats, we will not steal them."

Turning his head, Su also looked at the Tianyuan Sect Master and responded.

What a cheeky one!
The master of Tianyuan sect blushed with anger and his neck was thick. He has lived most of his life, and he has never seen someone who can say something so grandiose about the robbery:
"Shameless! Stealing my Tianyuanmen secret book, and you are so eloquent!"

After being silent for a while, Su also felt a little shameless. After a while, he stretched out his hand and licked my tattooed man.

"Master Jiu, what are you doing?"

This... This is in broad daylight, what's the matter, go back and--

Glancing at the inexplicably blushing little shy tattoo, Su also rolled his eyes, touched a pamphlet, took it out, and threw it in front of the Tianyuan sect master:
"Hey, one for one."

I don't know which school the booklet is from. The original owner has already figured it out, so he threw it to the tattoos.

Take a look at the booklet on the ground, it is the practice secret book of Lingyun Sect.

Lingyunzong is also a great sect, but it was destroyed by Xuantian Pavilion a year ago.

"I, Tianyuan Sect, don't bother to practice the cheats of other sects!"

The head of the Tianyuan sect refused.

Su also clicked his tongue, and a puff of dust blew up beside him:

"I don't give it, and I don't change it. Isn't this forcing me to grab it myself?"

It's exhausting to be a bad villain for no reason.

When Tianyuan Sect Master heard it, he saw dust flying around him, and before he could respond, he hurriedly ordered his disciples to resist, and summoned spirit beasts to fight.

However, in the end it was still defeated, the Tianyuan Sect was destroyed, and the members of the Tianyuan Sect were reduced to prisoners.

The Tianyuan Sect's destruction was soon known by other sects, and Li Feng also learned of it.

At night, under the instructions of the old man, Li Feng sneaked into the empty Tianyuan Gate.

"Are you sure there will be divine beasts here?"

Looking at the looted Tianyuan Gate, Li Feng didn't quite believe it.

"The children of Tianyuan Sect have been blind for many years, and they doted on a high-level spirit tiger as a baby, but they don't know that there is also an ancient divine beast sealed in their sect!"

The old man swears by it.

"how do you know?"

Li Feng was puzzled, and felt more and more that the old man had a lot of background.

"I know a lot of things. This beast will be my first gift to you. Remember, ancient beasts are not easy to tame. Later, follow what I said to unseal it, and then use it while it is still alive. Wake up completely, drip your brow blood on its forehead, as long as the contract is formed, it will be yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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