The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 819 The host is the villain's young master

Chapter 819 The host is the villain's young master (11)

"Still smart."

While eating the pudding that Luo Yu had sent before, Su Ye's voice was very lazy, but Li Feng's eyes were filled with ferocious resentment:

"Why did you give me the note?"

He didn't believe that he was so kind, there must be a conspiracy!

Hearing this, Su also narrowed his eyes with a smile:

"To make your life worse than death!"

Being chased and killed every day, but unwilling to die and not daring to die, he could only hide in the gutter in fear for the rest of his life.

Ah, it's exciting just thinking about it.

Anger and killing intent suddenly surged in the room, and the darkness was thick and frightening:
"Where did I offend you?"

Li Feng gritted his teeth and asked.

Can rich people bully people as they please?
There was laughter again from the phone, and after a while, the man stopped laughing, his voice was cold, and Li Feng felt a hostility through the phone, surrounding him:
"Because you miss someone you shouldn't miss!"


Li Feng has been hunted down for most of his life. Although the number of people who hunted him down is much less than before, he is already old, and he is no longer as strong and strong as he was when he was young. Decades of fleeing life have tortured him so much that he would not want to live .

He wanted to die, but every time he made up his mind to end his life, he was afraid. No matter how humble the rat in the gutter is, he can still bask in the sun occasionally, but when he really died, he would have nothing and nothing to bask in. In the sun, the corpses would rot and stink and be crawling with maggots in places no one knew.

He is scared!
Therefore, he could only run away until his whole body was almost numb. Only when the note that said "Danger" appeared, his numb heart would fluctuate.

It's really ironic to say that he was reduced to such a situation because of that boy, but because of that boy's charity, he lived humblely in this world.

He hated him, but his hope of living was given by that young man!

Li Feng laughed out loud while eating the instant noodles he had eaten for who knows how many years.

The old man floats beside him, he can wander around, but there is a time limit.

Thinking that when he was alive, he was once glorious, and even after he died, he was free, but now he has to live a life of hiding everywhere. Obviously he has many treasures and treasures, why did he become like this?

So, the old man attributed all this to Li Feng being too high-profile and arrogant, and the relationship between the two was deteriorating day by day, to the point where he wanted to kill each other by all means.

But once the contract is formed, no one can cancel it unless one party dies.

As a result, they could only look at each other and hate each other, but had no choice but to flee together.


"Oh, it's his retribution for the old man to end up like this!"

Suzaku transformed into a human form, sitting on the sofa next to Su Ye, gnawing on an apple and chasing a popular romantic drama.

The old man was indeed a disciple of the Raging Fire Sect during his lifetime, and the head of the Raging Fire Sect at that time also valued him very much, and indeed intended to pass on the position of the head of the Raging Fire Sect to him.

But the old man was suspicious by nature and always felt that his senior brother was coveting the position of sect master, so he had evil thoughts and killed his fellow disciples.

Su also doesn't care about these things, she just wants to know what the secret is in her body.

Suzaku had nothing to hide, and while watching the awkwardly sweet male and female protagonists on TV with a disgusted expression, he said:
"Does the God of the West know?"

"Relationship with God?"

Su didn't expect Suzaku to mention such a great god as soon as he opened his mouth.

Wouldn't it be like in the old saying that she is the daughter of God?
Suzaku glanced at his expression, guessed what he was thinking, rolled his eyes, and complained:

"When you are God's child, God will be scared to death by you."


Raising his eyebrows, Su was also surprised. How dare the secret hidden in her body be more powerful than God?

Sighing, Suzaku said:
"Actually, I can't explain some things clearly. Anyway, there is a saying 'this God is not that God'."

Su also wanted to roll his eyes. What's the difference between saying this and not saying it?
But at this moment, Su also heard the voice of the pillar [Host, do you really want to know the truth? 】

Zhu Zi's voice was no longer as brisk as before, but a bit deep and serious.

Su was also surprised, but didn't respond immediately.

Zhu Zi's tone is so serious, which shows that the truth of all the secrets is of great importance, and it is likely that she cannot accept it.

But since it asked this way, it meant that even if she couldn't accept it, it wouldn't have too bad an impact.

So, after pondering for a while, Su also responded:

The feeling of being blinded by the whole world is too uncomfortable, and she desperately wants to know what those secrets are.

The black figure she saw, the feathers that stretched across the sky, the mournful voice she heard...

And the next moment she responded, Zhu Zi's voice sounded right after, without the slightest hesitation, the resoluteness was beyond Su's expectation. 】


Luo Yu went abroad to study after graduating from school, and when she came back, it would be the day when the Suluo and Luo families got married.

At the engagement banquet, Zhao Qianyu, who was suppressed by Su Ye until he graduated from university, was rarely elated:
"Trash, although my young master was a little bit worse in school, but look at this young master's second child is about to be born, and you just got engaged, you have to hurry up!"

Learning and cultivation are not comparable, at least marrying a wife and inheriting the family are such important things in a man's life, he is better than this little trash!

However, he was very proud of what he said, but the faint black eyes were very eye-catching and a little funny.

Su was also in a good mood and ignored his "provocation". He just raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Luo Yu who was wearing a small black dress beside him:
"Aray, did you hear that?"

Luo Yu suddenly understood the meaning behind his words, his face turned red all of a sudden, he glared at Zhao Qianyu in embarrassment, and ran away with the pregnant woman beside him.

Luo Yu and his wife were gone, Zhao Qianyu started to look at Su Ye with unnatural eyes, and after a while, his eyes calmed down, and then he glanced at the enchanting man with red hair not far away as he did in school, and began to gossip:
"Trash, you are engaged today, and the people from Xuantian Pavilion are here. Tell me, what is your relationship with Xuantian Pavilion?"

Xuantian Pavilion is a very weird organization, it doesn't have much contact with the outside world, but its power is so powerful that no one can match it.

But they would come to attend an engagement banquet of a powerful family, it's strange, it must be weird!
Taking a glass of red wine from the passing waiter casually, Su also had a half-smile:

"Maybe they think I'm powerful and want me to be their sect master."

Hearing this, Zhao Qianyu couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"Trash, why didn't I find you so narcissistic before?"


In this plane, Su also accompanied a person to grow old for the last time.

The moment she closed her eyes, she fell into a void.

(End of this chapter)

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