Chapter 162

When Ji Lize heard the words, his wolf-like eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly: "Very well, continue to torture, whatever can be dug out, I'll come and take a look after a while when the wind calms down."

Regarding this, Lin Zhengying restrained her excitement a little bit, and coughed lightly.

She said: "Good season, we will definitely complete the task, but we can ask this time, thanks to the little thing that you and the third master brought over."

Although the length is indeed a little scary, but whoever gets into the body of the little thing will obediently answer all questions, it is like the gospel of torture prepared for the police and other series!

Ji Lize replied with a serious expression: "It's good that you know, so... You must cherish it this time, and don't catch Xiao Hei like last time."

After all, even a worm can't stand the wolf-like enthusiasm of the major researchers in the Special Investigation Bureau.

At the same time, the little ancestor who was being advertised on the entire network as the main product of the Li's Group's Emerald and Noble Girl series couldn't help but be secretly targeted by a woman full of hatred.

I saw the moonlight shining brightly, and the stars hung far away under the night sky.

In a dim and dilapidated house in the western district of Kyoto...

The strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, the smell of blood and some kind of indescribable smell of rotten meat mixed with each other, and along the nasal cavity, invaded the heart and lungs, making them sick.

"Cough, cough, cough..." A man with a terrifying appearance lay weakly on the narrow bed and said, "Little sister, why don't you just let me die, if you continue like this, you will have a hard time... "

Anyway, early death and late death are always one death. Since Lin Dao escaped from the tomb of Princess Yan, he has spent every day in regret.

That's right, this man with festering skin and flesh is Lin Dao who forced Li Baidou to take the lead and lead others to steal the tomb of the little ancestor.

Du Yingzi was also unkempt.

But she secretly gritted her teeth and comforted: "It's okay, brother, we are five brothers and sisters, and now there are only two left. If you go again, what should I do?"

And all of this was just caused by that dead zongzi named Wei Kongqing.

If it weren't for her, why would they have become such a human, ghost and ghost existence?

Immediately, Lin Dao's originally fierce face was now covered with blood scabs and rotten flesh wounds, and he smiled sadly.

He sighed and said, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't been greedy enough, you wouldn't have been implicated, little sister."

After all, several people have been touching gold for decades, and this is the only time they lost their jobs and stayed with them.

Du Yingzi tightened his grip on the handle of the spoon.

She turned her head, lowered her eyes and said coldly: "Brother Lin, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to avenge the second and third brothers."

As the words fell, a super mini color TV next to it couldn't help but flicker and flicker at work, and the person on it who smiled sweetly was the little ancestor.

Lin Dao nodded vigorously, and took the bowl of soup and medicine that Du Yingzi handed over with trembling hands.

Afterwards, the two of them looked at each other, and the hatred and malice in their eyes almost turned into a substance.

If people's hearts are predictable, then...

The two must have been eaten away by maggots.

Du Yingzi waited for Lindao to finish drinking, then retracted the bowl with lowered eyes, covered the marks on his face that had slowly started to fester in the past few days with his hair, and walked outside the door.

And outside the door...

A man with ink stains on his face stood there, his thin lips raised lightly: "Are you sure the news you said is true?"

(End of this chapter)

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