Chapter 165

Wei Kongqing, who was lying on the bed, immediately opened his eyes, his eyes turned cold: "What happened?"

Aggrieved, Little Jinchan leaned towards her master for comfort.

"The little follower is gone in the future?" Wei Kongqing chuckled lightly, using his spiritual power to communicate with the little pet with rare extravagance.

The color in her eyes could not help but darken: "It's okay, if we catch him in the future... let him pay a few lives."

Jin Chan angrily circled around several times.

There is only one life for a person, so where can I get a few lives to compensate?It wants people to chop up that bastard into meat paste and bury it for the little brother of the old locust tree as fertilizer!
Wei Kongqing comforted Jin Chan helplessly, but the expression on his face inevitably became darker and darker.

My little ancestor hadn't seen anyone who could break the spirit cicada Gu, let alone... a person who could completely kill all the Gu insects once he broke it.

Soon the night was getting thinner, and the dawn broke the sky.

Early in the morning, Ji Lize got up and ran to the courtyard to stretch his fists and kicks.

But Li Baidou, who stands beside such a hardworking person, is different.

A bottle of ice water, a wallet, and various credit cards and bank cards and a mobile phone are all in his pocket.

Wei Kongqing was holding an umbrella, ready to go out and said, "Brother Ji, do you want to go out together?"

Ji Lize quickly stopped. He took a towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Didn't Jiaojiao's show start at night? It's a hot day, why are you going out?"

The red umbrella is lightly unfolded, and the beauty in white.

Wei Kongqing took a look at Ji Lize, the representative of straight men who were standard five-year-old, three-year-old and even nonchalant, and said, "Of course I went to see if there are any suitable clothes for tonight."

As soon as the words fell, if Gu Junyan was present, I am afraid that the entire shopping mall would fall into the terrifying shadow dominated by the boss today, but it is a pity...

The person who is staying next to the little ancestor now is not Mr. Gu who has a wealth of money and is so rich that he can't spend it in ten lifetimes, but an ordinary, ordinary poor soldier of three generations.

Ji Lize thought deeply.

So, a quarter of an hour later.

In the most prosperous and lively commercial street brand store in Kyoto.

A shopping guide couldn't help but rolled his eyes secretly in his heart and scolded the poor man with a smirk: "Miss, what kind of clothes do you want to buy?"

The implication is, if you can’t afford it, don’t touch it, any one here can cost tens of thousands!

No wonder the shopping guide didn't wink.

No matter it's the little ancestor or Ji Lize, none of them are big names in the clothing store outside, and Li Baidou...

Li Baidou couldn't help moving his eyes silently.

There's no way, this incident seems to be caused by his nine yuan and nine free shipping T-shirts, which embarrasses the little ancestor.

Ji Lize rolled his eyes, but it was rare for him to raise his hand and fan the heat without losing his temper, and said, "Whether you want to buy or not is another question, is this little shop of yours sick?"

After all, on a 36-degree day outside, the air conditioner was turned on at 34 degrees inside.

The shopping guide's expression froze.

But before she could sneer, a slightly haughty voice came from the door.

"Yo, who is this? Isn't this Ji Lize and Wei Kongqing? Why, they sneaked out to climb the wall while my brother was away?"

While mocking, Gu Jiajia stepped into Ariel's way with her little best friend on her arm.

(End of this chapter)

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