Chapter 167 Sorry
"Insufficient balance?" Gu Jiajia took the paper towel handed over by the little sister to wipe the water, and forced her anger to say: "Impossible, my card obviously has no upper limit!"

How could it be impossible to swipe the secondary card of the president of Gu's Group?

Shopping guide: "Why don't you try another card, Ms. Gu? We have tried that card three times."

This was the first time she was so embarrassed.

Gu Jiajia pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, then change to another card. I'll see what's going on with this card when I go back."

The dark gold credit card was handed out again.

The shopping guide nodded with a professional smile: "OK, please wait a moment."

Gu Jiajia's best friend said: "Jiajia, please ignore those people and change your clothes quickly."

Fortunately, it's June and July, otherwise I would have caught a cold and cold in August and September.

Gu Jiajia thought, yes.

She didn't look like this all the time, but before she could say anything, the shopping guide who had left came back.

She looked apologetic: "Miss Gu, this card of yours doesn't work either."

Gu Jiajia's almond eyes widened angrily: "You blackmail me? How much are those clothes? I have at least 1000 million in my card!"

Although it is said that Ariel is a high-end brand clothing store, it is not that Gu Jiajia has never been here to shop. A dress is only 1000 to [-], how can [-] million cards not be enough? !
The eldest lady who has no emotional intelligence has always offended people when she speaks.

So after saying this, not to mention the sudden change in the expressions of the other shop assistants in the specialty store, even the little girlfriend next to her couldn't help tugging on Gu Jiajia's sleeve quietly.

The store manager Ariel came over at this time, pushed the little clerk aside, and bent slightly.

She smiled and said, "I'm sorry, although we have brought you a bad shopping experience, Ms. Gu, but you did spend a total of 500 million, and the card is only 250 million."

Gu Jiajia stopped wiping the water.

She said "ah" in a daze.

Seeing Gu Jiajia's confused face, the store manager smiled and repeated a certain number: "You just spent a total of 500 million, a total of 180 pieces of clothing, and some of them are limited editions of the season."

So the price will be higher.

Gu Jiajia was dumbfounded.

After being silent for a second or two, she suddenly turned her head and shouted angrily: "Wei! Kong! Qing! Are you playing cheap with your hands? You will die if you touch a lot of things a day?!"

In this regard, Li Baidou stood behind his little ancestor, and couldn't help but secretly want to applaud this brave young lady.

After all... As long as you are brave enough, the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is my father.

Do you want to quarrel?The kind where I kneel down and call you daddy after the competition of who has the loudest voice?
Immediately, as expected by Li Baidou, Gu Jiajia's face was slapped with a beautiful and crisp slap.

Arrogant and domineering.

Wei Kongqing waved his hands and smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I can't control my hands."

Gu Jiajia covered her face and opened her eyes wide in disbelief: "You, you dare to hit me?"

She has grown up so much, she has experienced everything, and she has never been beaten!
Wei Kongqing's delicate eyebrows were slightly raised.

Her ending sound was as light and long as usual, very much like a cat waking up and said: "It hits, so what?"

"Why are you like this?!" Gu Jiajia's best friend immediately complained, "Why do you hit people so casually?!"

Wei Kongqing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

She nodded slightly and said: "I'm sorry, I was too casual just now, so this time I will apologize to you first and then make up the call."

After finishing speaking, before Gu Jiajia recovered, a fresh red handprint appeared on the other half of her white and tender face.

(End of this chapter)

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