Chapter 179 Jin Yuling

Wei Kongqing's vermilion lips hooked lightly.

She nodded and said, "Hello, Wei Kongqing, as long as you are willing, Sister Jin, I can do it anytime."

Jin Yuling responded indifferently.

But this newcomer is not as arrogant or annoying as he imagined.

Under her heroic brows, a pair of apricot eyes flickered lightly, and she turned her gaze to her old partner: "Then how about Yingying Pei?"

Pei Moxuan hid the boredom in his eyes, and smiled lightly: "I can do it too, or... let's try right away?"

Jin Yuling gave a cold "hmm".

Because she is also a smart person, she naturally noticed Pei Moxuan's impatience towards her, and then she shook her hands hanging by her sides slightly, and walked towards Zhao Hengyi.

Behind the scenes, Pei Moxuan couldn't help explaining to the little ancestor apologetically: "Yu Ling has always had a bad temper, so I invite you, Xiao Wei..."

"I understand." Wei Kongqing smiled amusingly, and cut off: "Brother Pei, are we going to prepare now?"

Pei Moxuan was blocked all at once, unable to get up or down, a little uncomfortable.

But thinking that this must not have been intentional by the little girl, she didn't take it to heart.

He nodded and smiled softly: "Since you understand, Xiao Wei, I can rest assured. I will act well later. I will talk to Director Zhao about something first. You should prepare well."

Wei Kong nods his head with curved brows and eyes.

But after watching Pei Moxuan leave, Li Baidou, who had been standing beside him, couldn't help frowning and said, "Little ancestor, this person..."

"Another beast in clothes." Wei Kongqing smiled with dark eyes, took the wet tissue handed over and wiped his hands: "Pei Moxuan... huh."

What's more interesting is that the person who ambiguously hints that he can "discuss" the plot with him at any time is also a well-known gentleman in the entertainment circle - the new actor Pei Moxuan.

Immediately, Qi Tianle heard something from the conversation between the two.

Some can't believe it and it's unbelievable.

But Yao Shaoyi is not surprised by this.

Because he used to work in Yao Se, in fact, he has seen most of the ugliness in the entertainment industry, but this time...

"Miss Wei, try to avoid contact with him as much as possible." Yao Shaoyi said with a frown.

After he finished speaking, he paused and couldn't help adding: "It's said...he likes to play with girls aged eighteen or nineteen."

At the time of youth, with a pure mind and a strong desire to compete, one will be deceived and one will be accurate.

Wei Kong's blue eyes slanted, and he joked with a smile: "Brother Yao, you are quite well informed about the news, you even know about this."

Yao Shaoyi pursed his lips and did not refute, so he followed his little ancestor to the dressing room, and was about to open the makeup bag and start preparing for makeup.

The summer breeze blows through the studio, the green smoke is rolled by the light gauze, and the autumn water is cold and hosta.

In fact, the movie "Time Traveler".

The main story is that when the hero is looking for a way to save his lover, he accidentally breaks into a very mysterious grocery store, and exchanges love with the owner of the grocery store for a drug that can bring people back to life to save the heroine.

Looking at the appearance of the little ancestor, Zhao Hengyi couldn't help but smiled in relief.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with agreeing to Wei Kongqing's acting, Jiang Qingxue simply couldn't be more suitable than her.

It's not about appearance and acting skills, after all, these two things are the most indispensable in the entertainment industry.

He pointed in a direction, and several cameras were quickly put in place and turned on.

In the camera, there are flowers blooming in the huge quaint courtyard, but they still can't overwhelm the girl who is playing the strings leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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