Chapter 187 Be Careful
But are there really so many coincidences in the world?

The answer is of course self-evident.

Zhao Hengyi held back for a while.

Even his old face was blushing, so he stumbled and said to Si Yanshu in embarrassment: "Then, that boss Si..."

The smile on the corner of Si Yanshu's mouth faltered: "You can just call me Yanshu, I don't open a hotel either, this time I just hang out because I feel that the house is too deserted."

"Then, that's alright, Yan Shu." Zhao Hengyi twitched the corners of his lips a little nervously.

Immediately, he restrained his embarrassing expression, regained his composure and said, "We were going to check out, but now there is something I would like to ask you for a favor, just to see you..."

Si Yanshu glanced at the little girl beside Zhao Hengyi from the corner of his eye, his gentle eyes filled with an incomprehensible smile.

He nodded and replied: "I would like to hear the details."

Such a warm spring breeze.

Zhao Hengyi smiled, and the whole person was completely relaxed: "Actually, it's nothing serious, it's just that something happened to my hero in the movie, and it just so happens that Yan Shu's image and temperament are very suitable for you, so..."


Zhao Hengyi was taken aback for a moment: "Huh?"

"Because it's really boring to be idle at home recently." Si Yanshu curled his lips and explained: "As long as Director Zhao, you are not afraid that my acting skills are too bad, and I can destroy all your hard work."

When Zhao Hengyi heard this, his heart was full of disbelief and overjoyed.

Didn't expect this person to make it so easy for him to talk to each other?
He smiled confidently and said, "It's okay, as long as Yan Shu trusts us, I will definitely trust you."

Because every director has his own specialties in shooting, and Zhao Hengyi's specialty is... to shoot vases alive, and to shoot tricks to the bone.

So as long as there are no accidents, the biggest difficulty for Si Yanshu in the role of Fang Qi is just finding a seat.

I have to say that the familiar plot is very similar to the scene where the little ancestor acted.

Wei Kongqing calmly pressed the restless little Jinchan in his pocket.

And Jin Yuling stood by and didn't say a word, because she didn't care what kind of male lead this drama changed.

If it wasn't for repaying Director Zhao's support and support to her back then, Jin Yuling would have given up as early as she joined the group.

There was a trace of confusion in her eyes, and she turned her gaze to Wei Kongqing. After a moment of silence, she finally decided to say: "The matter about Pei Moxuan... you should be careful."

Don't look at some people who leave without arguing or arguing, and look like they are calming down, but as the saying goes-a dog that bites does not bark.

Just because Jin Yuling had known Pei Moxuan for 13 years, she didn't believe that this man could forcefully hide the anger of being beaten.

After all, the hypocrite who can take private photos and threatens him for more than ten years and still refuses to let go, what he hates the most is to make people lose face.

Wei Kongqing raised his eyebrows.

She looked at Jin Yuling, who was walking towards the compound of the studio next door, and smiled thoughtfully: "Be careful? Heh, let's pray that he doesn't keep hitting the guns."

The summer wind blew through the little ancestor's shiny black hair, bringing a few strands of coolness. This little girl is so long that it makes people feel comfortable smiling at a glance.

It is as bright as the autumn moon, with a feeling of youth.

Si Yanshu hid the rather meaningful look in his eyes, and laughed softly: "The taste of the immortal..."

(End of this chapter)

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