Chapter 193 Flyers
So, half an hour later.

Just hearing the click of a computer keyboard from a certain room, all the bib accounts of the big marketing ancestors on the bib were all pushed off the stage.

After a night of effort, I don't know whose movement is faster.

Until the second day, before the crew started filming.

Haiyue is also Jiaojiao: @贝莫轩工作室, black and white right and wrong, see you at the Kyoto Higher People's Court next Friday, attached: @苏青葱@娱乐天天@八口打一打@热娱快速…

[Six, this wave of operations is really six, it's a genius!You hit someone and turned around to say goodbye?It seems that the background of this little girl is really different. 】

[Upstairs, don’t make a definition easily. The people who eat melons say...the more you eat the melons, the more fascinated you become. 】

[Reverse the fart, my film emperor Pei's injury appraisal report is out, it's a real hammer! 】

[I think you are the hammer fart!My Highness Jiaojiao is not afraid of the slanting shadow, since she is in a hurry to distribute the leaflets, there must be no problem!If you have the ability, let Pei Moxuan go to court! 】

In the comment area, all kinds of noise and foul language can't help but make people take a closer look, and immediately feel an eye-opening feeling in their hearts.

Wei Kongqing smiled and nodded to Zhao Hengyi, then said with red lips, "Brother Yu, don't worry, the problem is not big, I will solve it myself."

But Yu Wenran couldn't help feeling cold about this.

He helped the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose: "Isn't that a big problem? I told you to restrain yourself last time, why? It also shows that your reputation isn't bad enough, so you have to try again?"

Wei Kongqing smiled lowly and said, "No, I'm really not bad this time, and Brother Yu, don't let the company take care of it. I have other plans for other things except for the lawsuit you mentioned."

Yu Wenran gave a hand that was signing the contract.

He frowned slightly: "What the hell are you trying to do? Let me tell you, the young master of the Ji family is not a panacea, and the Wu family and the Han family are not covering the sky with one hand."

Hearing this, Wei Kongqing raised his hand to wrap around a strand of hair hanging on his chest, and said with a sweet smile, "I understand what you want to say, but..."

The people she relied on were never from Gu Junyan's side.

Hang up the phone, and then dial another one.

The little ancestor raised his eyelids casually, and then smiled lightly at Si Yanshu who had been looking at him for an unknown amount of time.

"Your Highness." Li Xiansheng's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have investigated everything you ordered."

Wei Kong's blue eyes flickered slightly, and he curled his lips with a half-smile and said: "Then come to the courtyard of the old house in the north of the city after five o'clock this afternoon. It just so happens that I'm off to play, so I'll go back to live tonight."

Moreover, Director Zhao just said that although the news of "Time Traveler" was leaked in advance because of Su Qingqing's revelation, the filming set cannot be exposed again, so...

Li Shengsheng gave a clear "hmm".

But the closed office door was suddenly opened by an uninvited person in vain.

He looked at the person coming, frowned and lowered his eyes and said: "Okay, I will definitely remember to be there on time, so you should be busy first."

And Song Jinse waited for Li Xiansheng to hang up the phone, and then smiled softly: "Xiansheng, my brother's engagement banquet tomorrow, do you want to come? He wants to invite you to be the best man."

Li Sheng survives and does not matter.

He first cast a cold glance at Secretary Lin who was following Song Jinse, and then said indifferently: "Miss Song has an appointment?"

(End of this chapter)

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