I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 107 To those in charge of money, transfer 80 billion

Chapter 107 To those in charge of money, transfer 80 billion

"Sell it! Tell me first, how much will you pay." Ye Qianxing's eyes were shining brightly, she would never be against money.

"Ten thousand star coins?" You Si tentatively asked a price.

When Ye Qianxing heard the price, he raised his eyes and asked the anchors watching from the other side: "Don't you want it?"

Everyone originally thought that Ye Qianxing was fierce and difficult to get along with, so they didn't dare to ask for leftovers, especially when she hit the big girl, which scared everyone.

But now Ye Qianxing took the initiative to invite him?

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and several of them ran over.

"Yes! We will!"

"Chen Xing! I said it first, you should sell it to me!" You Si was pretending at first, but now she couldn't stand it anymore!
She wants to get angry!

He wanted to tear off Ye Qianxing's hateful face in front of him!

"Ah? But you gave me little money, so I don't want to sell it to you." Ye Qianxing said truthfully.

"Food is so precious now, let alone gourmet food, how could I sell it to you at such a low price?"

"We don't know each other well."

[Hahaha, Xingdangdang is telling the truth. 】

[I like the scene where the anchor hates people's names the most. 】

[This pensive little pheasant is also embarrassed to dangle in front of Sister Xing. 】

[This is a ruthless person who makes ten households overnight! 】

[I feel like I heard a story, are you sure you don't want to tell me? 】

[Ten thousand star coins?It's better to lick the plate enough, but also want to eat the meal made by Sister Xing, dreaming! 】

[I feel that the little pheasant is about to fail. 】

"We buy, we buy, how many star coins do you want to sell, Chen Xing?"

"Since everyone wants it so much, why don't you auction it off?"

"You can pay as much as you want, and the highest bidder wins." Ye Qianxing smiled, thinking in his heart that starting from the next meal, he would have an extra person's weight for everyone to auction.

I guess I can make a lot of money too.

The little tail hooked Ye Qianxing's calf: Little money fan.

Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of the balance of her account, a lot of money, if these star coins were given to Ye Qianxing, she would probably jump up happily.

Will you obey your own words in the future?
If not obedient?Just throw money at her?
Ye Xiaoxiao remembered something, and suddenly swallowed, he suddenly felt that his balance was not enough.

Turn on your optical brain, and open a person: "Transfer all the income from my private galaxy this year to my account."

The other party's ID is: money manager: [What's wrong with you?What happened?Want so much money?In a hurry?About how much is needed, this year's income is only about 80 billion star coins, if it is not enough, I will find a way? 】

Ji Hanxiao: [No need, just transfer 80 billion to me. 】

Money manager: [Transfer: 80 billion]

The person in charge of the money: [Has something serious happened? 】

Ji Hanxiao: [No. 】

[Suddenly fell in love with the smell of money. 】

Money manager: […]

【roll! 】

Ji Hanxiao looked at the string of zeros behind the 8, and gave Ye Qianxing 80 million, 80 billion at a time, is it enough to spend [-] times?
This little money fan must be very happy.

Flicking a few zeros on his optical brain, Ji Hanxiao suddenly stopped with his claws the next moment.


What is he doing?
Thinking of sending money to Ye Qianxing?

Why did he send money to Ye Qianxing?What does she like money to do with herself?

Ji Hanxiao scratched his head, did Ye Qianxing drug himself?Something's not quite right lately.

Could it be that some kind of ghost contract that made him listen to Ye Qianxing involuntarily?
Ji Hanxiao felt that he was not like himself anymore.

Standing up straight, with a serious tiger face, Ji Hanxiao wanted to show that he didn't care about Ye Qianxing: [For those who manage the money, transfer: 80 billion. 】

 Brother Hu thinks that Sister Xing drugged him.


(End of this chapter)

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