I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 112 Seems Really Poisoned

Chapter 112 Seems Really Poisoned

Ye Xiaoxiao was still waiting to hear what Ye Qianxing had to say, but...

After waiting for a while, I realized that Ye Qianxing didn't say anything.

Looking up, Ye Qianxing was actually asleep, and his fair face was peaceful.

Ye Qianxing, who is awake, is a hot and flamboyant woman. Wherever she is, everyone's eyes will be attracted to her, just like a small sun that attracts attention.

With her eyes closed, she is as peaceful as an angel, well-behaved and harmless.

Ye Xiaoxiao was fascinated by watching it.

This woman seems to be really pretty.

Ye Xiaoxiao moved slightly, and suddenly transformed into a human form. Ye Qianxing was leaning on Ye Xiaoxiao's stomach.

Now as soon as Ye Xiaoxiao turned into a human form, Ye Qianxing fell directly into Xiaoxiao's arms.

It seemed that there was a sudden void under his head, Ye Qianxing moved slightly and frowned.

Ji Hanxiao hurriedly supported the back of Ye Qianxing's head, and hugged Ye Qianxing in his arms.

Ye Qianxing moved twice, as if sensing a familiar breath, he leaned his head against Ji Hanxiao's chest.

Ji Hanxiao only felt that his mind was blank, and he didn't know what he was doing.

At a loss, he hugged the person well, the person in his arms seemed to be weightless, as light as a feather.

It seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties, filling his heart to the brim.

There is a feeling of satisfaction, but also a little guilty.

After all, the human form is not as big as the animal body, and it can't stop the wind. Ye Qianxing seemed to feel a little cold, no doubt grabbed it twice, and shouted: "Little."


Ji Hanxiao didn't even think about what to do, his body had already reacted first, and the ferocious wings on his back directly moved over.

Wrap Ye Qianxing in it airtight.

Ye Qianxing's frown was loosened, as if he had some sweet dream, and even the corners of his mouth were curved.

Ji Hanxiao slowly approached Ye Qianxing's face.

My heart was beating like a drum, my nervous palms were sweating, and my face was blushing layer by layer.

He doesn't know what he wants to do, but he wants to follow his heart.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing's red lips were getting closer and closer, those full lips occupied Ji Hanxiao's entire eyes.

Suddenly Ye Qianxing opened and closed his lips, and let out a murmur: "Xianzun~"


Ji Hanxiao's body froze suddenly, his fists were clenched together fiercely, as if he had just reacted.

What the hell is he doing?
Is he sick?

Ji Hanxiao fell into deep self-doubt again, and his heart began to lose control again, it was always beating so fast because of Ye Qianxing.

Or maybe it was because Ye Qianxing stopped beating.

Otherwise, just like now, he was sore and swollen, a little painful. This feeling mostly happened when Ye Qianxing called this so-called immortal.

Are you really poisoned?
This cunning woman poisoned herself?
But he didn't have the slightest thought of wanting an antidote.

He just wanted to ask who this Immortal Venerable was?

Ji Hanxiao wanted to shake Ye Qianxing awake, but he didn't want to spoil his sleeping face. He wanted to ask her, but he didn't know where he stood.

Leaning against the rock wall, Ji Hanxiao closed his eyes.

Turn on the optical brain and pull the person who manages money from the blacklist.

【exist? 】

Money manager: [Not here, dead. 】

[Being pissed off by Ji Hanxiao. 】

[Damn you, if you have the ability, don't pull labor back for the rest of your life. 】

Ji Hanxiao: [Where is the best psychiatrist you mentioned last time?Give me his contact information. 】

[I think I may really be sick. 】

Money manager: […]

[I feel like you are hopeless. 】

[Don't look for a doctor, let's look for a cemetery. 】

(End of this chapter)

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