Chapter 115
Xiao Xiaotong replied: [I suppress the juniors and don't give the juniors a chance to stand out. I still want to give the juniors more opportunities and let them go. 】

[It's just [-]% of the resources, it's all trivial. 】

Anyway, my family has a big business, and it is enough to eat. What kind of resources, what does it have to do with me if I lose 100 years?

Always give these people a long memory.

Anyway, many people are waiting for him to step down, so let them do as they wish.

It's also good for some people to see clearly how much they are.

And the few people who received Ji Hanxiao's reply were completely dumbfounded!
I really won't go!

That won't work!

The people below watched the excitement, and the people above really knew Ji Hanxiao's strength, so besides Ji Hanxiao, who would rely on for the top battle?
rely on them?

Stop talking shit.

It's better to find a way to get people back quickly, which is more reliable.

Soon everyone saw that the second joint leader first issued a statement: [The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, this is the virtue of our human beings to be carried forward.We are ashamed of you for being ungrateful. 】

Qingzhou: [The ancient earth is our home planet, I don't want to hear the word garbage from anyone again, and the people of the ancient country are our benefactors. 】

Minister of Star Culture: [Following the orders of the superiors, we promote our culture and add a new column of ancient country culture, so that everyone can learn a lot about the people of the ancient country. 】

Bai Shuang: [Humanity should advance and retreat together, and everyone should advance hand in hand, and there should be no faction disputes. 】

Immediately, many new ancient country projects began to be implemented.

Everyone thinks that Ji Hanxiao is angry that the people of the ancient country have been ungrateful?Then they brought these things back?

Some time later.

Don't be angry now?

Here Ye Qianxing doesn't care anymore, the score is coming out soon, but it seems that it is still counting, Ye Qianxing can't open it.

"Okay, let's make breakfast first. In the morning, the best thing is to have a bowl of tofu flower and a few pancakes!"

"Let's first grind the soybeans soaked last night."

When Ye Qianxing started cooking, the netizens forgot all about secret resources and God of War Ji Hanxiao.

Everyone began to wait for the feed:
[It turns out that the anchor soaked the beans last night for this purpose. 】

[Here is my rice bowl, awaken the soul of cooking. 】

[Finally, it's time for dinner, the cook, the cook time, be the first to rush into the live broadcast room of the host! 】

【It’s not a human being to stop working when you’re hungry. Only when you’re full can you be energetic~】

[The cook, the soul of the cook, the cook has to use a bowl to eat! 】

【Hunger is full, my mind. 】

Without a stone mill, Ye Qianxing was not troubled, because there were relatively few soybeans to be ground, so Ye Qianxing directly found two flat stones and made a stone mill on the spot.

Hang the stone-milled handle on Ye Xiaoxiao's claws.

Ye Qianxing dripped water and put beans into the small hole, while making Ye Xiaoxiao turn around.

"Xiao Xiao, slow down, don't damage the stone mill."

"Little effort."

"Xiao Xiao, your circle is too big."

Ye Xiaoxiao was yelled at because she couldn't master the strength for the first time.

【When will I, Brother Hu, be able to get rid of my status as a tool man? 】

[I've been frantically making up history for the past two days. I seem to know that in ancient times, humans used donkeys to pull mills! 】

[What is a donkey?Is it as beautiful as Brother Hu? 】

【Image] [image. 】

[Brother Hu=donkey, hahaha, I died from laughing, this looks a bit...hahaha! 】

[Today is another day for the anchor to be a man. 】

 Song of Cooking Man~~Listen~ I play it in a loop when I code, it’s almost magical.

  Thank you, baby Ah Xu, for rewarding 200 book coins.

  Thanks, 178***038 baby, 100 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you Bingnuomeng Baby for the reward of 100 book coins.

  Thank you Xia Liang for the 999 book coin reward.

  Thank you Xiaoxin and Xixi for being obedient, 100 book coins as a reward (Where is your long comment? The manuscript has been saved, haha ​​hiccup.)
  Thank you Xiyu baby, 100 book coins as a reward.

  Little salt ball baby, 300 book coins reward,

  Bala, say a lot, love you~~
  Emit love light waves, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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