Chapter 120 Mark Ye Qianxing

Ye Qianxing stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little back, hoping that he would recover as soon as possible.

And Ye Xiaoxiao waited until Ye Qianxing was filled with his own breath, and finally let go.

Live instantly.

It is right for beasts to express their joy with saliva.

But it's also the way they mark it, like they use urine pens to mark their territory.

Also marks their own food with drool.

This way other animals will not get close to the marked food.

Now Ye Qianxing smelled of himself all over his body, Ye Xiaoxiao was extremely happy.

The huge tiger body bounced twice on the spot.

He happily sniffed around Ye Qianxing twice, was very satisfied, and immediately wagged his tail frantically: "Hey!!"

Baby, I think I'm all right again.

Seeing Ye Xiaoxiao go from down to full of energy, Ye Qianxing finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his arm and smelled himself, fortunately, Xiaoxiao didn't have bad breath.

It's just that his hands were a little sticky, so Ye Qianxing took out a handkerchief, poured some water, and wiped his face and hands.

"Are you ready? Tiny?"

"Roar!!" Alright!
"Then let's go back, Haifeng and the others are still waiting for us."

"Roar!" Good!

With a curl of the tail, Ye Qianxing was rolled directly onto the back, and he put it down steadily.

As soon as the tiger jumped, it ran a few meters away. Ye Qianxing leaned back, his heart thumped in fright, and he quickly grabbed the little hair.

Ye Xiaoxiao was running really fast, the sound of howling wind could be heard all over her ears, and the trees on both sides retreated crazily.

Ye Qianxing sat down firmly, thinking it was quite amusing.

"Xiao Xiao, I discovered another new function of yours."


Boy, am I great!

That bullshit you like definitely can't take you away.

Therefore, he is useless at all, so don't like him.

"Xiao Xiao, tell me quietly, what happened to you just now?"

Ye Qianxing gently lay down next to Ye Xiaoxiao's ear, and whispered to him, so as not to let the live broadcast hear him.

Xiao Xiao tilted her head and licked Ye Qianxing again.

Ye Qianxing quickly retracted his head, endured and endured, and wiped his face with a wet towel.

Try to tell yourself!
It's a child!
This is a baby.

This is a beast!

He likes his performance.

Droop your shoulders, damn!

never mind!

Who asked Xianzun to give him such a thing.

All ancestors have to offer.

A group of people tidied up their things and continued to set off. They still need to get out of this forest.

Today is already the second day, but Ye Qianxing found something very embarrassing, that is, everyone followed them.

Wherever Ye Qianxing and the others went, the anchor behind them also went, and they never left.

Just following at a distance, Ye Qianxing looked back, and You Si followed behind her ass, the only one who was the most shameless.

Seeing Ye Qianxing turn around, he even gave Ye Qianxing a big smile back.

You Si walked two steps quickly, today is another day for Little Green Tea: "Xing Xing, are you tired?"

"Would you like to take a break?"

"How about I help you with your backpack?"

You Si smiled at Ye Qianxing, showing 8 big white teeth, and stretched out her hand. If it wasn't for Ye Qianxing's memory loss, she almost thought she was some kind of good friend with this person.

The personal backpack must not be given to outsiders.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to act with this man either.

Immediately pretended not to hear, and continued to move forward.

Nan Nan stood in front of Ye Qianxing, blocking You Si's continued pursuit.

 The way you are struggling to write comments, I laughed, hee hee.

  I love you guys so much, baji (Actually, I’m a little touched, but I won’t say it, I just want you all to get down and fill you up with love.)
  The following is the list of rewards, reminding the babies to do what they can, although Bobo likes to be taken care of by rich women, but most of them are students, so they should eat well, eat well, drink enough, and play beautifully. Don't cut down on food because of rewards. Good health is important, and Ai Bobo must eat well.

  Just vote and check in, my dears.

  A reward of 100 book coins for the baby on the top of Taoyao.

  Treasure among the mountains, rivers and clouds, 100 book coins will be rewarded.

  Small salt ball, 100 book coins reward.

  Daxian'er is a little skinny baby, 100 book coins will be rewarded.

  Momo 2 Book Coin Reward
  Red desert baby, 400 book coins reward.

  Sister Xing is my wife, baby, 100 book coins reward (ID is not certified, official does not recognize it!)

  Little lazy cat baby 100 book coins reward.

  Baby Gu Liya rewarded you with 100 book coins.

  Xiao Ling rewarded 200 book coins.

  Little Stone 200 Book Coin Reward
  Ah Xu rewarded with 100 book coins, (I forgot if I thank you for these.)
  (Thank you for the love letter. I will send it again when I have time. I will add more updates in the past few days. I will code well.)
(End of this chapter)

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