I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 146 Qin Jue proves his innocence

Chapter 146 Qin Jue proves his innocence
Ji Hanxiao was leaning on the back chair, Ye Qianxing had just woken up, she had never provoked a few people, and she hadn't reached the level where this kind of force could manipulate a group of star thieves against her.

Who is it?

Is it aimed at yourself?
But I have never exposed myself to outsiders, and I have a connection with Ye Qianxing.

Do not!
There is one more, Qin Jue!

Ji Hanxiao tapped the table twice, and pulled out Qin Jue's contact information: [Last time on the spaceship, you saw something about me, did you tell others? 】

Qin Jue had already received the news from Ji Hanxiao, so he knew something must have happened.

But he, and his boss, Qingzhou, were not prepared to be an enemy of Ji Hanxiao, they were just curious about why Ji Hanxiao was there, and what relationship it had with Ye Qianxing.

Maybe it can be exploited in the future, that's all.

But there was still nothing to do.

Qin Jue replied very seriously: [I only told the Lord Qingzhou, and one of my subordinates knew about it, but they kept their mouths shut. Except for the three of us, no one knew about it. 】

After thinking for a while, Qin Jue added: 【We have no intention of making enemies with Lord Ji Lian. 】

[If something happens and Master Ji needs help, we can prove our innocence. 】

Ji Hanxiao completely dismissed the possibility that it was Qin Jue.

But Ji Hanxiao still sent the graphic: [Do you know this? 】

Qin Jue opened the picture and studied it carefully before replying: [I don't have the slightest impression. 】

Ji Hanxiao: [Yes. 】

Since then, the clues have been interrupted, so Ji Hanxiao naturally put it aside for the time being, and can only find out the source of this mark first.

After sending the picture to the supervisor, Ji Hanxiao wiped out the entire Star Thief gang of Heifeng in less than half a day, and then started the return journey.

As for Ye Qianxing, the score of the game also came out.

In the first round, Ye Qianxing's score reached 10, a perfect score.

At that time, it was the time when Ji Hanxiao supported Ye Qianxing and could not tell the truth about the summit, and Ye Qianxing's charisma came forward.

Everyone likes Ye Qianxing, and no one dares to offend Ye Qianxing, and no one dares to give a low score.

So in the first round of scoring, Ye Qianxing made it to the second round.

But 2 into [-], at this time, the public opinion on the star network fermented,

Ye Qianxing's score fell to a record low, only 5, but fortunately, the instructor's score was all 9, saving [-]%.

Ye Qianxing entered the third round.

But since the third round, many people have scolded several guests, saying that they cheated, and the scores given to Ye Qianxing have never been lower.

However, several guests remained the same, and gave Ye Qianxing a high score of 9 points, allowing Ye Qianxing to enter the fourth round.

But 4 into 5, something went wrong, and the ratings of netizens were as low as ever, breaking the lower limit, only 1.

And this time the guest's score was also unexpected. The professor from the Federation gave Ye Qianxing a low score of one star.

As a result, even if the other two guests gave a score of 10, the average score was as low as 7.

Haifeng and Ye Qianxing are about to leave, and Nan Nan has to go by herself in the last stage.

Nan Nan's eyes were red, and she hugged Ye Qianxing without letting go: "Xing Xing, this new king should be yours."

"Without you, none of us would be able to get to the fourth level."

"Xing Xing, you are so nice, why don't they like you."

"I want to give up the game, I don't want this name anymore."

Nan Nan was crying so hard, she didn't want to be a newcomer king!
 After recovering for a day, I am also full of energy, so don't worry about me, babies.

  Later, I will cook a barbecue for Sister Xing to add to the fun, (the kind of grilling over and over again, haha ​​hiccup.)
  I drive less cars recently, you guys drive one to help dad~
  Thank you, Tong Tong, for a reward of 400 book coins.

  Thank you baby Yanyao, 200 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you Nunuo baby, 200 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you, Wang Jian, for rewarding 588 book coins (to tell you the truth, it took me a long time to check these two words before I recognized them. I promise, many of you don’t know them either.)
  Thank you little zero baby: 303 book coins reward~
  Thank you Shanshui Baby, 400 book coins will be rewarded.

  Thank you, baby Ximei, for rewarding 200 book coins.

  Thanks W.Baby, a reward of 300 book coins.

  Thank you for meeting your baby by chance, 200 book coins will be rewarded.

  Thank you, baby Hua Nian, for rewarding 200 book coins.

  Thanks to 384 Kitty Baby for the reward of 100 book coins,

  Thank you Xiaye Liuying baby, 100 book coins reward
  Thank you Taoyao Zhiding baby, 110 book coins reward
(End of this chapter)

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