Chapter 149 Standing at the Top
Many anchors turned pale and pale, but even so, no one dared to move.

I'm really gone, I can't broadcast live in the future, how can I make money?
Even now that Zhou Zhou is insulting, no one dares to refute.

Ye Qianxing was not too interested in Xingwang Universe Company at first, she just wanted to do her own job well.

But this time Xiaoxiao was taken away, but it sounded a wake-up call for Ye Qianxing. Zhou Zhou's strength directly made Ye Qianxing tense up.

She felt that she was wrong, very wrong.

She didn't take this plane seriously enough. She came to this world and discovered the flaws in this world, including the physical flaws and low strength of these people.

All of this made Ye Qianxing look down on this plane, even unconsciously.

In the entire interstellar plane, there may be some defects in the cultivation methods and genetic problems, but it does not mean that they do not have strong people or powerful forces, such as Xingwang Universe Company.

There are also alien races, and since I came here, I have only been to two remote planets. When I went to Karl's house, I still went to work and left soon.

Her cognition and vision of interstellar only stay in these backward places.

Ye Qianxing closed her eyes for a moment, she underestimated the enemy, and was too close to herself.

Ye Qianxing originally wanted to go back to buy the earth and farm, but now relying on himself alone, even if there is still a small one, one person and one beast, how difficult it is to defend a planet. Those new star weapons, I have never seen it.

Those mechas, warships, a single weapon can bomb the entire planet, those giants come to snatch her skills, can she bear it?

Do you have the ability to stop it?Ye Qianxing was terrified.

Could it be that he finally asked to save the Immortal Venerable?Then what exactly did you come here for?How can I ask the immortal to accept disciples in the future?
The space fell silent for a while, and what Zhou Zhou was saying was excluded by Ye Qianxing. She seemed to have entered a mysterious world all of a sudden, and there was only herself in this world.

Suddenly, there was a bang!Ye Qianxing's Lingtai was clear and bright, and he felt countless auras surging from his body.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes again, the pupils were amazingly bright.

Actually advanced?
Ye Qianxing has advanced from the middle stage of Golden Core to the late stage of Golden Core.

Looking at Zhou Zhou in front of him again, Ye Qianxing's eyes suddenly burst out with an indomitable fighting spirit.

Whether it is the Xingwang Universe Company or the countless strong men of the interstellar alien race, Ye Qianxing admits that they are strong, but Ye Qianxing will not retreat, she must overcome all difficulties and stand at the top.

Protect the earth and the ancient country.

The ultimate goal will never change, and what she needs is to become stronger and complete the task more perfectly.

Zhou Zhou was talking, but was startled by Ye Qianxing's fighting spirit.

Even the original words in my throat got stuck.

Qin Jue also found out that Ye Qianxing had upgraded, so he couldn't help but nod his head with his fingertips.

What kind of evildoer, just raise a mental power level casually?

But he didn't know that Ye Qianxing's upgrade was far more than mental power.

Seeing Ye Qianxing's eyes flashing with satisfaction again, Zhou Zhou turned his head around: "Actually, there is one more person who performed very well in this rookie competition."

"Chen Xing."

Ye Qianxing raised his head.

"I like your sentence very much, this is my own way, good and evil, never need others to judge."

"Thank you." Ye Qianxing would never resist those who he showed kindness to, and immediately responded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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