Chapter 155 Legs can be cured
Ye Qianxing didn't treat Qin Jue immediately, but just asked, "Can you tell me about you and Nan Nan?"

Qin Jue looked at Ye Qianxing for a while: "Actually, you are Nan Nan's first friend."

"However, Nan Nan is shy and timid. It's not surprising that she likes an arrogant person like you."

"Hope, you won't disappoint Nan Nan's love."

Ye Qianxing didn't answer, but just looked at Qin Jue like this.

"Nannan was picked up from the garbage planet when I was on a mission."

"That was my last mission before I suffered from genetic collapse."

"In that mission, because of my illness, I suffered heavy losses and lost the battle." Qin Jue seemed to remember the scene at that time, and there were two more gloom between his brows.

"When I came back, I picked up Nannan. I raised Nannan single-handedly. In my darkest days, she was my only salvation in my dark life."

Qin Jue suddenly looked at Ye Qianxing coldly, and said threateningly, "You know what? I won't allow anyone to hold more weight in Nannan's heart than me."

"I don't allow it either, Nan Nan likes someone else."

"Anything out of my control, I will not let it happen. So I will not let Nannan go to Star Academy."

"She's not fit to go either."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, but Ye Qianxing smiled: "Then I will make a bet with you, if I can get a place in Star Academy, Nan Nan will definitely choose to go with me."

"I won't bet on such meaningless things with you."

"You don't dare to bet, because you know the answer yourself." Ye Qianxing urged Qin Jue.

Qin Jue closed his eyes, restraining his killing intent: "I won't bet with you."

"However, if you try to make Nan Nan leave my side, even if you are Ji Hanxiao's woman, I will kill you."

Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows, what's the matter with Guan Ji Hanxiao?

Since when is he his woman.

"I don't know Ji Hanxiao."

Qin Jue sneered and said nothing, the two of them shared the same room.

Seeing Qin Jue's attitude, Ye Qianxing's doubts grew even more.

But now is not the time to argue about this, Ye Qianxing looked at Qin Jue: "I can cure your legs, and I can also cure your gene collapse disease."

"However, I need to treat you only when you understand that Nannan is a person, not an object."

"When did you understand that Nan Nan is a real person, she should have everything that ordinary people have, and I can help you cure it."

"Other than that is impossible."

"Qin Jue, if Nan Nan doesn't want to leave you, of course I won't intervene, but if Nan Nan wants to leave, you can't stop her, let alone me, Ye Qianxing."

"In the past, there was no backer behind Nan Nan, so you can do whatever you want. From now on, I, Ye Qianxing, will be Nan Nan's backer."

Qin Jue clenched his hand by his side suddenly, and his eyes were suddenly filled with black mist, which contained a shocking paranoia.

"Everyone who tried to make Nan Nan leave me is dead."

"I admit, you have two brushes, but Ye Qianxing, I warn you, I want to kill you very easily."

The gene collapse disease can be cured, anyway, after so many years of disability, Qin Jue has gotten used to it.

But Nan Nan!It belongs to Qin Jue!

He doesn't allow anyone to move!

Xiao Xiao let out an angry roar, and rushed forward.

Damn Qin Jue, he's really tired of living.


The wheelchair fell over, and Qin Jue lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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