I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 164 Why is the blood of the ancient country a home?

Chapter 164 Why is the blood of the ancient country a home?

[My husband and I live on a remote planet, and we are very happy, but unfortunately, the child is a descendant of the blood of the ancient country.

However, this is our own child, no matter what blood she is, my husband and I are very happy.

And we don't have big wishes, we just hope that the family can live happily.

But the good times don't last long, because the master of the planet we live in needs a group of slaves to go to the mine star to mine, and it was not our turn and the children.

But the people of the ancient country have low blood and no qualifications, so we were dragged to the top of the mine.

My child's father and I decided that no matter where we go, as long as we are with our children, our family is happy enough, so we went together without hesitation.

My child has been controversial since he was a child because he is of the blood of the ancient country.

I was looked down upon by my classmates at school.

Going to the mine star was also bullied by many children.

The most common sentence that lingers in my children's ears is, you rubbish.

You trash, why don't you die, you are a bastard all your life, and your children will always be the lowest slaves.

I don't know when blood became a mistake.

In order not to make the child suffer, I told her the history of the ancient country, and I told her how brave humans were in the ancient country. I said that one day the ancestors of the ancient country will drive a spaceship to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Before that, you have to learn to be brave.

Don't be troubled by your own blood. 】

[She knows that I lied to her, but she still regards the rise of the ancient country as a belief. 】

[Nihilistic belief, until I saw you, this kind of belief was not realized. 】

[I still remember the first time I saw you, you were so radiant, you said that the ancient country is a hero. 】

[God of War said that the ancient country is a hero. 】

【It was the first time Shuangshuang cried since she grew up. She said that she believed that the ancient country was a hero. 】

[Our family began to use all the spare time to see everything about you. You have become a good example for the children, so that both of you will no longer feel inferior, and stop crying. She said that she will become such a powerful person like you in the future. 】

[We thought that we could continue to live in such an ordinary way, but disasters still won't let us go. 】

[The son of the mine manager has always taken pleasure in bullying my child. In order not to cause trouble, we have been avoiding it. 】

[But when Shuangshuang was watching your live broadcast, he smashed our only optical brain. 】

[He said that a lowly prostitute still cannot afford the future of the ancient country, and the fact that the ancient country is garbage will not change. 】

[Even oppressed Shuangshuang to kneel on the ground, saying that the ancient country is rubbish. 】

【Shuangshuang refuses, he will beat Shuangshuang to death. 】

【My husband and I couldn't watch our child being bullied like this, so we teamed up and killed the mine manager's son and his servants. 】

[When we sent this message, we were already on the way to escape. We used the last star coins to send this message by renting an optical brain. During this time, Shuangshuang kept asking me a question. She asked me, the blood of the ancient country, why is home. 】

[I can't answer, and I can't answer. 】

[My husband and I are not sorry to die, and I am too old, but I want to ask the host of Chenxing, can you save my child. 】

[I know this matter is really difficult, but we no longer know who to turn to for help. 】

[I hope that the anchor of Chenxing will lend a helping hand if he has the energy. If the anchor is not willing, we will not resent. Thank you for giving the children faith in the darkest time. 】

At the end of the letter is a location, which should be the location of the woman when she rented the optical brain.

(End of this chapter)

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