I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 169 Little~ Stop Messing

Chapter 169 Little~ Stop Messing

Why did it suddenly disappear?

The man felt extremely frightened, but the next moment, a faint voice came from his ear: "Are you looking for me?"

Before the panic dissipated, the man's eyes widened unwillingly, and he didn't breathe anymore.

13 star pirates, a warship, and 4 mechas, none of them left this star sea alive.

Ye Qianxing's long sword was still dripping with blood. When she walked back to the spaceship step by step, the people on board all took a step back unconsciously, a little scared.

Ye Qianxing's voice was still hoarse after the battle: "There's no one left, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Everyone looked at Ye Qianxing's eyes with fear and obsession with the strong.

The attitude towards Ye Qianxing was obviously more respectful than before: "Yes, guest, we will set off right away."

After speaking, several people bowed their bodies and retreated cautiously.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief after closing the door of the room.

"Who is this person? Do you know?"

"She's a woman? She looks so young, but she's so powerful!"

"Fuck! She was so handsome just now. To be honest, when she came back dragging the bloody sword, my knees almost gave way and I knelt on the ground."

"A pair of 13s, and a battleship mecha! Still escaped? This girl must be a student of the Star Academy?"

"At first glance, he is a person with outstanding talent."

"I've decided, this will be my goddess from now on! The one I yearn for."

"However, she is such a powerful person, what is she doing in such a remote mine star?"

"How can we guess the big man's mind accurately, but the place she went to seems to be a private planet, a private mine star, and the energy ores it produces seem to be unusual."

"It's not normal, and it has nothing to do with us. We were just taxi drivers in ancient times, so bad."

"Let's go, let's go quickly."

Everyone's voices gradually disappeared, Ye Qianxing took out a white handkerchief from the space, and carefully wiped the blood on the tip of his sword.

Wipe meticulously.

Ye Xiaoxiao's serious eyes seemed to be caressing his little lover, which made Ye Xiaoxiao feel a little apprehensive.

The stars have never touched themselves like this.

But to Ye Qianxing, the sword is his closest partner, not one of them.

The background of her sword has also grown.

It is my own weapon.

Ye Qianxing wiped the sword clean, put it on his lips and kissed it, and then took it into the Zifu to be warmed up.

But Ye Xiaoxiao didn't follow him, it rubbed against Ye Qianxing, its huge head just looked at Ye Qianxing fixedly, its tiger face was getting closer and closer to Ye Qianxing.

Getting closer.

Seeing that the furry face was almost touching his eyes.

Ye Qianxing couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Ye Xiaoxiao's tiger head away.

"What are you doing, little one?"

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't follow: "Hey~"

The tiger's face moved closer and closer to Ye Qianxing's face, and even stretched out its huge tongue to lick the corner of Ye Qianxing's lips.

"Little~~stop making trouble~"

Although it was scolding, Ye Qianxing's words did not have the slightest hint of scolding, instead it seemed a bit like a baby.

So Ye Xiaoxiao didn't feel scared at all, and even went so far as to overthrow Ye Qianxing directly, and then slammed Ye Qianxing's neck.

While sniffing Ye Qianxing's scent, he wagged his tail happily.

Babe~~ If you don’t give it to me, take it yourself~
Ye Qianxing was quickly washed by Ye Xiaoxiao with saliva again.

"Haha hiccup~"

"Xiao Xiao, it's so itchy, stop making trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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