Chapter 172

Ye Qianxing sighed, released his consciousness, and searched carefully. There was no living person in the entire building.

Most of the people are in the mines.

But there are many people in the mine.

Up to now, nearly 20 hours have passed since the mother and daughter sent messages to themselves.

Ye Qianxing's heart became more and more anxious, after all, every minute every night, those few people were more dangerous.

Spreading his consciousness to the outside, Ye Qianxing finally found a living person, and he was alone. Ye Qianxing teleported to this guard room.

And the guard, who didn't know anything, was still immersed in the goddess's long legs, frantically swiping gifts.

"Anchor ~!! 666~"

"Great, one more dance."

A woman's delicate and weak voice came from the light brain: "Thank you big brother for the reward~ I love you~"

Ye Qianxing suddenly appeared behind the guard, and the silk directly covered his eyes. Before he could react, Ye Qianxing grabbed his neck.

"Don't shout, if you dare to move, I will send you to hell in minutes."

The guard was stunned, his hands were on his brain, and the female anchor was still ringing, thank you for your voice~

"who are you?"

"What are you going to do?"

While swallowing, the guard was worried about his own life, while quietly touching the buttons on the console, there was an alarm there.

However, he was hit directly on the hand by a metal object.

The pain made him burst into tears instantly.


But Ye Qianxing directly covered his mouth.

The voice was low and dangerous: "I said, don't make a sound!"

"I'll just ask you something, and if you say it obediently, I'll let you go, otherwise, I'll send you to hell."

The particle gun in Ye Qianxing's hand pushed against the man's lower back, and the man instantly felt the shape of the gun. He was still so young and didn't want to die yet.

"I said!! You ask me anything, I will say it!"

"Do not kill me."

"Where does the mine manager's family live?"

"It's in the center of the mine over there. If you go to see the most luxurious decoration, that's his house."

"There is often a hover car at the door." With life threats, the man answered quickly.

Ye Qianxing took the picture of the last place where Ye Qianxing had copied the photobrain that sent messages to him before he disappeared.

Ye Qianxing showed the man: "Where is this place, do you know?"

The veil on the man's face was lifted a little bit. Looking at the picture, he recognized it with just one glance.

"I know, I know, this is mining area C. There is a famous black trading market here, which is on your picture."

Ye Qianxing asked what he wanted, so he checked the route. The location where the optical brain disappeared was far away from the location that the mother sent him.

The three of them must have gone far away, and even if he went looking for it, he would still be looking for a needle in a haystack, so Ye Qianxing was going to find the optical brain they had used before, and then use some extraordinary means to find them.

Feeling Ye Qianxing pressing the gun on his lower back more and more forcefully, the man trembled like chaff.

"I told you everything, don't kill me."

Ye Qianxing lowered his voice and said, "Thank you."

"Offended!" At the last second when the other party's consciousness disappeared, he only felt something cold and cold in his throat. The man's heart was ashamed, and he thought it was Ye Qianxing who fed him the poison.

But in fact, it is a low-level soul fruit, which can freeze the consciousness, that is, spiritual power.

Reaching out and hitting the opponent on the back of the neck, Ye Qianxing dragged him to the chair, covered him with a blanket considerately, and then led Xiao Xiao to the center of the mine.

(End of this chapter)

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