Chapter 175
Seeing that his father was going out to lure away the enemy, both of them disagreed.

She grabbed Dad's clothes, her big eyes were full of panic.

Shaking his head desperately, mist filled his eyes.

she doesn't want to...

She didn't want her father to go out alone. If her father left, it would be a disaster.

Shuangshuang thought, even if the three of them died together, they would not want to be separated from their parents.

Both shook their heads desperately, but seeing those people getting closer and closer, according to the carefulness of this search, they must not be able to avoid it.

If you don't go out and lure people away, none of them will survive.

The father pushed Shuangshuang into his wife's arms, then solemnly pressed a kiss on his wife's forehead, then gave his wife and children a reluctant look, and resolutely left the cave.

Tears flowed from both eyes, and she feebly raised her hand towards her father, because she also knew that once her father left, he might never come back again.

Mom firmly held Shuangshuang down, not letting her move.

Soon there was commotion from below, and people shouted: "Over there!!"


"Come on!"


Footsteps, the sound of weapons.

The mother and son were even more frightened and trembling, not daring to move at all. It didn't take long before there was a scream, which was the voice of the father.


One sound was louder than the other, the clanking boy of his father made such a sound, which shows how cruel and inhumane he has been tortured.

Shuangshuang's eye sockets became more and more red, and she dug her fingernails firmly on the ground to prevent herself from crying.

The mother hugged both of them tightly in her arms, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes little by little.

After a while, they heard the movement again, a fierce voice: "Find it for me!!"

"They must be hiding here, searching inch by inch, and turning those two bitches over for me."

"That old man dared to lead us away!"

Then there were chaotic footsteps, and some were even getting closer, and both of them felt that little approaching sound, as if they were demons dancing on the apex of their hearts.

What you take step by step is not the road, but your own vitality and life.

The ferocious voice continued, and he raised the object in his hand and shouted loudly: "I know you are here!"

"See? What I'm holding is your father's head."

"I cut it alive bit by bit."

"Hahahaha~~ When your father screamed just now, did you hear it? That voice is so sweet."

"Now that your father is dead, are you sure you can't take a look? If you don't come out again, I will chop your father's head to pieces."

"The skull is divided into two halves. There may be white brains coming out of it. It must be beautiful."


"Oh, the bridge of the nose has collapsed, hahaha, the teeth are pulled out one by one, the sound is really crisp."

"It's not bad to be a ball with a round head."

"Hahaha~~Brother Hei is right, not only can it be used as a ball, but it can also be used as a urinal if it is hollowed out, haha."

Those people below seem to have no idea what respect is, even dead bodies are not spared.

Both eyes were red, and she was as sleepy as a fighting beast. Her throat was desperately trying to scream, but her mother covered her mouth.

His feet unconsciously rubbed against the ground twice, and tears fell down.

All the nails on her hand were broken, and the one below was her father.

It's her father!

The father who often let her ride a big horse, the father who always called her little boy!

The father who treats her like a pearl like a treasure, holding her in his palm and pampering her!
That used to be the mountain in her life, her protector!

(End of this chapter)

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