Chapter 186 The Sweetheart

In addition, Ji Hanxiao helped him several times intentionally or unintentionally, so Ye Qianxing still had a good impression of Ji Hanxiao. Hearing what the other party mentioned, Ye Qianxing's eyes smiled even more.

The eyes are bent into the moon.

Now that I mentioned this, I must have won the lottery, otherwise why contact me?
It's just that Ji Hanxiao has been a little free recently.

Ye Qianxing replied obediently: "Do you have someone you like?"

Ji Hanxiao is much older than himself. Based on the lifespan of an interstellar person, this is a middle-aged man.

It's not too much for Ye Qianxing to use an honorific.

"With a sweetheart, you should be happy."

If you are happy, you can spend money. Ye Qianxing hopes that there will be more local tyrants like this.

Ji Hanxiao's voice became lower, and he murmured intermittently: "Heart? On? People?"

Ye Qianxing seemed to have seen Ji Hanxiao's lips move twice, but he couldn't hear what he said clearly.

It was really Ji Hanxiao's voice that was a bit noisy, not only some giggles, but also the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

Moreover, Ji Hanxiao's voice was also intermittent, as if he had run for several kilometers, and he couldn't even breathe well.

Making Ye Qianxing sound a bit strenuous.

"Ye Qianxing?" Ji Hanxiao didn't have the energy to think about his sweetheart right now.

He stared at Ye Qianxing with staring eyes like a hungry wolf, as if he wanted to devour her, but on the other hand he was busy with his own affairs.


"You say."

"Ye Qianxing?"

shouted again.

"Huh?" Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows with some doubts.

"Here I am."


The sound was very low, and Ye Qianxing didn't hear it again.

Now Ye Qianxing is a little embarrassed, she thinks that Ji Hanxiao may have something wrong with his brain.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

What about contribution points?

What about prizes?
If you have nothing to do, don't waste my wife's time.

Ye Qianxing felt that Ji Hanxiao was really boring, and his previous good impression was ruined, so idle.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the impatience deep in Ye Qianxing's eyes, he closed his eyes, and finally cleared his voice: "It's nothing, just to confirm your identity, you have been drawn as a lucky audience, one thousand contributions Click, I will transfer to your background later."

"Ok, thank you."

"If it's okay, then I'll hang up."

"I wish you a long life, peace and health, and a longer life than Nanshan."

Ye Qianxing uttered a series of auspicious words, then hung up the phone.

But Ji Hanxiao looked at the blacked out screen, took a few breaths, and his arms drooped to the side weakly.

My hands are sore!Arms are also sore.

But still not working!
The wings were retracted, and the light from the hole directly shone in, shining on Ji Hanxiao's face, and the light brain rang again. Ji Hanxiao tidied up his clothes and answered the phone.

Manage the money.

Shangguan Qian sat down on the sofa the first time he saw Ji Hanxiao.

The cough was earth-shattering.

Ji Hanxiao raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Shangguan Qian finally hammered his chest to smooth himself out, and then pointed at Ji Hanxiao's face.


"Didn't you look in the mirror yourself?"

Although Ji Hanxiao's expression is cold now, the tails of his eyes are flushed, his cheeks are flushed, and his temples are still slightly wet.

There is still some spring (spring) in the eyes that has not dissipated.


This one...

The appearance of obvious hands (hands) affection, no one knows what happened.

Shangguan Qian couldn't believe it, but looked at Ji Hanxiao with gossip in his eyes: "Really?"

"Is there really someone you like?"

"Whose girl? So unlucky? Don't open your eyes?"

 sore hands! ! ! ! !hands are too tired
  Sister Xing blessed: "I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan!"

  Brother Hu blessed: "I wish you many sons and blessings, and a house full of children and grandchildren."

(End of this chapter)

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