I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 191 Little Call, Meow Meow~

Chapter 191 Little Call, Meow Meow~
Jiujiu was really happy, it flew around Shuangshuang and Ye Qianxing, wanting to talk to Ye Qianxing.

But before it got close to Ye Qianxing's shoulder, it was pulled away by the white tiger's tail.

Shuang Shuang quickly caught Jiujiu.

Jiujiu was very aggrieved, rubbing against both palms: "Jiujiu~~"

This stinky tiger is terribly fierce, sorry~
"Roar!!" The white tiger roared fiercely at Jiujiu, with a warning!

This stinky bird doesn't know what to do, Ye Qianxing hasn't even stood on his shoulders yet, so why should he do it?

Jiujiu retreated twice, hiding behind Shuangshuang's back, too scared to move again.

Only then was Xiao Xiao satisfied, he suddenly shook his tail, his body shrunk to the size of a normal cat, and he jumped straight onto Ye Qianxing's shoulder.

He raised his head and licked Ye Qianxing's cheek directly.

The noble standing posture, the eyes that are crystal clear like golden glass, don't look too cute.

Ye Qianxing couldn't hold back, and held Xiao Xiao in his arms for a while.

Xiao Xiao's hair was messed up, and Ye Qianxing tossed it several times in Ye Qianxing's hands, Xiao Xiao's hair was a little fried!

Xiao Xiao arched her body and looked at Ye Qianxing.

Bastard, don't think I dare not hit you!

Sharp claws protruded from the soft little pads, and stepped on Ye Qianxing's palm twice.

With a warning!

bastard!If you rub me again, I will catch you.

Ye Qianxing moved her hand, feeling that Ye Xiaoxiao's arrogant expression was really cute.

She couldn't help but lift Ye Xiaoxiao up with her front paws.

"Little~~Little~~Why are you so cute?"

"Are you really a male? How can you be so cute!"

"Can you give me a meow meow?"

A certain tiger that had let out its claws because of Ye Qianxing's rudeness just a second ago, when Ye Qianxing moved his hand, he quickly retracted the claws.

For fear of scratching Ye Qianxing's hand.

Where there is the appearance of teaching others, they are simply a cowardly group.

Now being judged as chastity again, Ye Xiaoxiao is ashamed and angry!

Stinky woman! !shameless!

Too shameless!
Also, labor and capital are tigers! !Divine Beast White Tiger!Who knows how to meow meow?
Limbs struggled a few times in the air, and Xiaoxiao cried out angrily: "Meow!!! Meow!"

Ye Qianxing froze, and Ye Xiaoxiao froze even more.

Both were stunned, and even the spirit bird called out: "Chirp Chirp~~"

How did this tiger turn into a cat?


Feeling what she was screaming, Ye Xiaoxiao's shameful hair blew up, she stared hard, and got out of Ye Qianxing's hand, and then disappeared in a flash.

Immediately, Ye Qianxing's burst of laughter came from behind.

Ye Xiaoxiao ran faster with her tail between her legs.

Ye Qianxing laughed so hard that tears were about to come out, and she regretted why she didn't pick up the optical computer to record a video just now, she really regretted it.

It's definitely a dark history for the rest of my life.

But to be honest, Xiaoxiao Miaomiao really sounds good when she is meowing, her cute milk voice.

It's just too much love.

Shuangshuang also praised: "Sister Xingxing, Xiaoxiao is so cute."


Thinking of Ye Qianxing, he burst out laughing again.

"Okay, don't laugh in front of him later, or you will lose your temper again."

This tiger loves face very much.

"Yeah." Shuangshuang nodded obediently.

"In the afternoon, I'll take you to take a medicinal bath. Your body has a lot of impurities, and you need to recuperate before you can start practicing." Ye Qianxing has already made a training plan for Shuangshuang.

 Sister Xing: Stinky tiger?Learn to meow?
  Brother Hu: Don't even think about it!I'm a macho!

  Two-level reversal! ! !

  "Meow meow~~"

  "Let's learn how to meow together?"

(End of this chapter)

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