I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 199 Who is the Immortal Venerable?

Chapter 199 Who is the Immortal Venerable?

Jiujiu suddenly understood, he~~ looked at Ye Xiaoxiao with an elongated tone.

"Actually, you like my master very much, right?"

"You are reluctant to leave, and you are afraid that the master will drive you away, right?"

"Okay, okay, I understand, I promise you."

Jiujiu winked at Ye Xiaoxiao, imagining Ye Xiaoxiao as a good beast who loves its master.

Isn't he just a poor wretch who is afraid of being abandoned~
When he tweeted about the uncle, he showed mercy just once and let him go.

Ji Hanxiao wanted to refute Jiujiu: "I don't like her, I'm just afraid that she will drive me away."

"The hope of the ancient country's rise lies in her, and I will follow her for the time being."

"I'll protect her, don't worry."

Jiujiu: ...

He was robbed of his job for no reason, and he will protect his master, okay?

"Protecting the master is an errand assigned to me by the immortal, and I don't need you to intervene!" Straighten your back, don't look at it as a small person, it has great abilities.

Ji Hanxiao didn't say anything, just looked at Jiujiu's eyes, which made him feel ironic; "Huh?" It was very meaningful...

Thinking of how cowardly he was just now, Jiujiu stopped talking.

"Are you all right? Let's go back then?" Jiujiu asked Ji Hanxiao tentatively, but Ji Hanxiao said temptingly.

"Do you want to increase your combat power?"

Jiujiu didn't hesitate: "Of course I want to!"

Ji Hanxiao said slowly, "I have the blood of the Divine Phoenix in my hand."

There are also many kinds of divine beasts. For example, Jiujiu is also a kind of divine bird, but his ability is more powerful in terms of space and time.

But the combat power is a little weak.

And Shenhuang, one of the four great beasts, is the phoenix, the bird with the highest fighting power among the beasts and birds.

When Jiujiu heard Ji Hanxiao say this, his eyes lit up.

If he can integrate the blood of the Divine Phoenix, then his combat power will definitely soar several notches.

"I promise not to tell Master!"

"I could swear!"

Jiujiu made an oath to heaven, that without Ji Hanxiao's permission, he would not tell the master that he was sent by the immortal.

Ji Hanxiao nodded in satisfaction, the crisis was resolved.

But there is another thing: "It is not impossible to give you the blood of the Divine Phoenix."

"Tell me, what happened to you in the fairy world?"

When Jiujiu heard Ji Hanxiao ask this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, there's nothing he can't say about it.

"I said, will you give it to me?"

Ji Hanxiao nodded: "I'll ask you to answer, as long as you know, you have to tell everything."

Jiujiu nodded: "OK!"

Ji Hanxiao first asked the first and most important question: "Who is the Immortal Venerable?"

It's just that this question fell on Jiujiu's ears, and he felt that the voice seemed a bit gnashing of teeth.

But Ji Hanxiao and Xianzun have nothing to do with each other, so there is no grudge.

"The Immortal Venerable is the Immortal Venerable."

Jiujiu scratched his head, wondering why Ji Hanxiao would ask such a strange question.

But looking at Ji Hanxiao's darkened face, Jiujiu hurriedly continued: "Immortal Venerable is the No. The targets that beauties are vying for, they all like to chase after the immortal..."

"Immortal Venerable..."

Jiujiu said that Xianzun's admiration is like a surging river, endless.

But Ji Hanxiao clenched his fists and creaked.


Ji Hanxiao gritted her teeth and scolded Jiujiu.

Jiujiu instantly shrank his head, aggrieved and pitiful.

"What... what's wrong?"

"Didn't you tell me to say that?"

 Ji Hanxiao: Who is the Immortal Venerable?
  Jiujiu: Xianzun is very handsome.

  Immortals can fight!

  Xianzun is amazing!

  Xianzun is No.1 in the fairy world!
  Xian Zun is the most admired object of Sister Xing!
  Immortal Venerable is sought after by thousands of people.

  Xianzun is the most important person of Sister Xing.

  Ji Hanxiao: Get lost~! ! !

  The clown is actually myself, hahaha~(ω)hiahiahia
(End of this chapter)

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