Chapter 206 Ji?cold?Xiao?
Ye Qianxing seemed to see a figure, getting closer and closer to him.

Ye Qianxing shook his head and murmured like a dream: "Immortal Venerable?"

It's just that the shaking was a little too strong, Ye Qianxing couldn't stand still for a while, and was about to fall into the water, but was wrapped around his waist by a strong arm.

It was as if a man's big palm pinched her chin, forcing herself to look at his face.

The voice was dangerous and condensed: "I am not called Xianzun, I am Ji Hanxiao!"

Ye Qianxing could hardly see who the person in front of him was, and he just answered obediently according to what the other party said: "Ji? Han? Xiao?"

The girl's raving, the voice is very low, the last name seems to be spinning around her lips, with a sense of entanglement.

Ji Hanxiao could hardly restrain himself, but Ye Qianxing seemed to sense a familiar aura and was not afraid at all.

"Hmm~ Riding Xiaoxiao, Feifei~"

Ye Qianxing grabbed Ji Hanxiao's neck. Ye Qianxing was not too short, around 1.7 meters tall. She was a tall beauty, but compared to Ji Hanxiao who was nearly 2 meters tall, she was still very petite.

Besides, Ji Hanxiao looked thin on the surface, but after his clothes got wet, he was obviously not thin.

It is a standard type that looks thin when dressed, and looks fleshy when undressed.

The body is full of muscles, broad shoulders, full of male hormones and a sense of security.

Ye Qianxing stood on tiptoe, and the breath of speaking hit Ji Hanxiao's neck.

Ji Hanxiao cursed suddenly: "Damn it!"

Then he grabbed Ye Qianxing by the neck and pressed her against a big tree by the lake. When his back hit the big tree, Ji Hanxiao even used his hands to cushion her.

The woman was still shouting with a dazed expression: "Little~~Feifei~~"

Ji Hanxiao's eyes almost only dared to stay on Ye Qianxing's face, not daring to look elsewhere.

The fist at his side tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again.

He even gritted his teeth, and the hand holding Ye Qianxing's neck seemed to be burning hot.

He slowly approached Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing raised his head, pointed his slender fingers at the tip of Ji Hanxiao's nose: "Ji? Han? Xiao."

Ji Hanxiao's eyes turned red, and jealousy and desire were crazily intertwined, making him in an extremely manic state, but in the end he just hugged Ye Qianxing fiercely, smashing her back with his palm. big tree.

Then he picked up Ye Qianxing, quickly returned to the room, touched her sleeping hole, dried her clothes with spiritual power, and finally ran back into the lake like crazy, and plunged into it.

The originally calm surface of the lake gradually became a huge splash.

I don't know when, the man endured, and his low growl sound seemed to startle the moon into the clouds.

After the matter was completed, Ji Hanxiao lay down by the lake powerlessly. In his hand was Ye Qianxing's leftover wine, and he took a big gulp of it. The wine was very strong.

It was as hot as a knife, from Ji Hanxiao's throat to his abdomen.

At this time, Ji Hanxiao's optical brain suddenly rang.

It turned out to be that doctor.

The first sentence sent by the other party is an explanation.

Dr. Zhang from the Psychiatry Department of Konuoxing Division: [Hello Ji Lianzhu, I am very sorry that it took so long to contact you, because I was treating a patient before, and I entered his spiritual world, and I just came out today. 】

【I have simply listened to Mr. Shangguan's description of your condition, but it was all in the air. Could you describe it in detail? 】

[What stage do you think your illness is now? 】

 Ji Hanxiao looked at the woman's red lips, and his eyes couldn't help burning.

  He approached slowly.

  As they got closer and closer, the tip of their noses touched, Ji Hanxiao looked at the red lips so close, his heart ached with longing.


  "Immortal Venerable~"

  Ji Hanxiao pulled away instantly: "Fuck! Mommy Gan!"

(End of this chapter)

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