Chapter 211 The Promise Sect

It made Shuangshuang's body relaxed, and the spiritual consciousness in his mind became lighter because of the pain, fatigue, and astringency just now.

Shuang Shuang seems to be able to sense the emotions of these blue light spots.

They are very close to themselves, as if they are their closest companions.

Shuangshuang reached out to touch those blue elves, and they rushed into her body instantly.

Countless blues poured into his body.

Shuangshuang felt that the exhaustion and pain in her body were all washed away, replaced by lightness and strength.

Ye Qianxing looked at the small light blue cyclone that appeared above Shuangshuang's head, and couldn't help but smile from the corner of his mouth.

This child, Shuangshuang, has a bright future.

The heart is tough and the talent is absolute.

Seeing that Shuangshuang was about to wake up, Ye Qianxing suppressed his smile and looked at Shuangshuang seriously.

When both eyes opened, they looked at Ye Qianxing anxiously; "Sister Xingxing, I was kicked out by them."

After those blues poured in, to a certain extent, Shuangshuang was kicked out of that void.


"well done."

After receiving Ye Qianxing's praise, both of them felt relieved. She thought she didn't do well.

"You are already in the late stage of Qi refining."

"I'll teach you a book about cultivating immortals later, and you can practice it. If you don't know it, you can figure it out by yourself."

"After thinking about it for three days, if you still can't find the answer, write it down."

"I'll give you an answer every three days."

"Remember, what you are practicing is my Wuji sect's technique. From now on, you will be the 101st generation disciple of my Wuji sect."

The Wuji Sect's sect's martial arts are not rumored, Ye Qianxing wants to train Shuangshuang, so naturally he wants to accept her into the sect.

Ye Qianxing wasn't worried that the sect would disagree. Shan Shui Linggen, a rare genius in a hundred years, the sect was eager to see.


"From now on, just call me Senior Sister."


Ye Qianxing found a table at random, lit two sticks of incense, hung the Zongmen's emblem on it, and asked both of them to offer incense and kowtow: "Kowtow three times."

Shuangshuang knelt down obediently, extremely sincere.

Then Ye Qianxing gave her a blank jade slip, leaving a touch of spiritual consciousness in both of them.

Ye Qianxing picked up the jade slips with both divine senses, made a gesture with both hands, and muttered something in his mouth: "The ancestors return to the clan, and life rises forever!"

"go with!"

Then the jade slips in Ye Qianxing's hand suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, there were thousands of jade slips in the Immortal World's Promise Sect's disciples' Jade Slips Hall, which were the fate cards of every disciple of the Promise Sect.

It records the life and life of each disciple. If the life card is destroyed, the disciple dies. If the life card is in place, the student lives.

Suddenly a burst of blue light rushed into the hall, with the three big characters Chen Shuangshuang engraved on it.

"Hey, there are new disciples."

"Who took it?"

"I don't know, go and see."

The elder guarding the hall hurried forward to have a look. After seeing the introduction of Chen Shuangshuang's life and qualifications, he was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"It's Uncle Qianxing, Uncle Qianxing is really amazing, a genius with a single water spirit root."

"Go and report to the head."

"Our Promise Sect has received a genius again, and today we are in the late stage of Qi refining when we enter the Tao."

"Uncle Qianxing is really powerful. Even if he is performing tasks in other planes, he never forgets to carry forward the sect."

The elder rushed to report to the head, and the news was delivered quickly.

And as soon as Shuangshuang finished kowtowing, a brocade bag engraved with mysterious patterns appeared in front of her.

The corners of Ye Qianxing's mouth curled up slightly, and a hint of warmth flashed in her eyes. Seeing the surprised eyes on both sides, she reached out to pick up the bag.

"This is a gift from the elders of the Wuji Sect to you as a newcomer to the sect."

"Just keep it."

(End of this chapter)

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