I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 227 I am Ji Hanxiao, Your Future Husband

Chapter 227 I am Ji Hanxiao, Your Future Husband
Before Ye Qianxing had time to say anything, Ye Xiaoxiao became cruel, and his figure began to fade slowly, and finally disappeared gradually.

In the end, there was nothing in her arms, Ye Qianxing was very disappointed, the only person who accompanied her from the fairy world also left.

In the future, in this world, she really became alone.

After taking two pills, Ye Qianxing got up, carefully checked that there were no insects or beasts around, then Ye Qianxing tidied himself up, and then returned with Yujian.

It's just that when they came, there was only one person and one beast, and it was lively and lively. When I went back, I was sitting alone on the sword, so it was unavoidably lonely.

Ye Qianxing thought it was strange to say that she had never been alone before, so why didn't she get used to it this time?

Besides, Xiaoxiao is returning to the fairyland.

At most a hundred or 80 years, we met again.

Trying to comfort herself, Ye Qianxing cheered herself up again, she still had things to do.

Suddenly the optical brain vibrated, Ye Qianxing turned on the optical brain, and it was Ji Hanxiao who sent her a message.

Ji Hanxiao: [Hi, I've arrived. 】

[I saw Jiujiu and Shuangshuang in the forest, we are waiting for you at home. 】

Ye Qianxing: ...

? ? ? ?
Doesn't it mean that you don't have time to come recently, and you have to wait for the things in hand to be dealt with?
How come so soon?

Didn't you say advance notice?

Moreover, what is waiting for you at home?
Why does it sound so weird?

Ye Qianxing always found it strange.

Is this Ji Hanxiao really here to learn cooking skills?Or is there some other purpose?

Worried about the safety of Shuangshuang and Jiujiu, Ye Qianxing Yujian's speed increased a lot. When Yujian arrived home, he saw a tall figure right in front of Shuangshuang Jiujiu, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

Ye Qianxing paused.

She actually felt that this figure was slightly familiar.

The man seemed to have heard the footsteps, and looked back.

When that face came into view, Ye Qianxing opened his mouth wide in an instant, and he actually had the same pair of eyes as Xiaoxiao.

Facing the sun, the golden pupils shone with tiny rays of light.

When he saw Ye Qianxing, a smile involuntarily leaked from the corner of his mouth, and his originally cold facial features melted like ice and snow.

It was just the deep love in those eyes, but Ye Qianxing's heart skipped a beat in shock, and he took a step back.

what did she see?

Ye Qianxing looked again, but found that there was nothing inside.

Immediately startled, I must be dazzled, I didn't know Ji Hanxiao before.

Ye Qianxing was inevitably a little embarrassed, and touched his nose slightly.

However, Ji Hanxiao walked up to Ye Qianxing with his slender legs. He was nearly two meters tall, wearing silver casual clothes, with a golden belt around his waist, which perfectly divided his figure.

The aura is very strong, and there is a bloody smell on his body.

"Hi, I'm Ji Hanxiao."

The slender fingers, even the crevices of the nails are cleaned very clean, the sound is like the collision of beads, clear and pleasant.

Hello, little brat, we meet again.

I am Ji Hanxiao, and I will be your husband in the future.

Ji Hanxiao just maintained a good demeanor and looked at Ye Qianxing. Ye Qianxing put those messy thoughts behind him, evoked a formulaic smile, and shook hands with Ji Hanxiao.

"Hi, my name is Ye Qianxing."

"I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Ji Hanxiao gently shook Ye Qianxing's little hand, which was weak and boneless, delicate and smooth like fine white jade.

Just the skin contact between the two hands, Ji Hanxiao couldn't help pushing the back of his teeth, almost using all his willpower to let go of Ye Qianxing's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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