I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 233 I'm Not Familiar With Master Ji Lian

Chapter 233 I'm Not Familiar With Master Ji Lian
Ye Qianxing felt that he didn't know how to answer.

But Ji Hanxiao didn't wait for Ye Qianxing's answer, and changed the subject: "Then we can't cook now?"

"Well...Master Ji Lian wait a moment, I have to deal with these things, and then rebuild the house, very soon."

Ye Qianxing was about to organize things, but was stopped by Ji Hanxiao.

"Just call me by my name, or Xiaoxiao, it doesn't matter. It's my fried kitchen. Naturally, I will clean it up. You can sit next to me for a while. If you want to clean it up, I'll do it."

How can a girl's hand be used to do these things.

The five-fingered girls of girls don't need to work hard on one thing.

Ye Qianxing scratched her head, Xiaoxiao?

It feels like this Ji Hanxiao and Xiaoxiao are destined to each other, with the same eyes and similar names.

But the two of them are not familiar with each other, so Ye Qianxing couldn't call out for being so close: "Then I'll call you Ji Hanxiao."

"it is good."

Ji Hanxiao wanted to tidy up the kitchen, Ye Qianxing simply walked to the door, stretched out his hand, and sparks burst out between them.

The house wasn't damaged, but the kitchen cabinets were gone.

Ye Qianxing had to do it all over again.

Just taking advantage of this time, Ye Qianxing was going to make some stronger cabinets.

Ji Hanxiao watched Ye Qianxing turn around before he dared to stand up from the ground. His figure was tall and straight, and the abnormal image was fully exposed in an instant. The scale was so huge that people could almost tell what was going on at a glance.

If Ye Qianxing saw this, he would not only scold him as a hooligan, but also beat Ji Hanxiao to death.

Ji Hanxiao didn't care. He picked up a rag and wiped the table clean. Looking at Ye Qianxing in the sun, he couldn't help grinning.

I'm so happy.

The cub is by his side, so it seems that the husband and wife are tidying up the house.

Although I know it's not true, it doesn't prevent Ji Hanxiao from being lustful at all.

It would be even better if you can sleep in another bed at night.

I don't know when the sun slanted to the west, stretching the shadows of the two people so long that the two heads of the shadows finally leaned together quietly.

Ji Hanxiao was the first to discover that he secretly took pictures with his optical brain and locked them in the file with great care.

Ripple laughed, that's great, he and his wife said goodbye.

Ji Hanxiao was the first to finish tidying up, and he brought a glass of warm water to Ye Qianxing: "Cub...Xing Xing, drink water."

The flame in Ye Qianxing's hand flickered, and a piece of wood that was about to be smelted was scrapped just like that.

"Star?" Ye Qianxing felt embarrassed by this title.

"Huh? Doesn't it sound good? Or is it called Xiao Xing'er?"

Ye Qianxing took a step back in horror.

Why is this Ji Hanxiao smiling so... so rippling?
Doesn't look like a normal person.

"It might not be good to call it that way, Lord Ji Lian, I'm not familiar with you." Ye Qianxing resisted, and because she has a fairy in her heart, she pays great attention to maintaining relationships with strange men, so as not to let others misunderstand , and don't want to give others a chance.

"Master Ji Lian can call me Ye Qianxing."

Calling by first and last name is fine.

Get close, fail!

Ji Hanxiao felt that his road to chasing his wife was long and far away: "Then let me call you Qianxing."

"It's impolite to call you by your first and last name. Sorry, I think they all call you Xing Xing."


"Thank you for the water." Ye Qianxing took the water, but his attitude was a little further away from Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao wanted to say something to save her, but Ye Qianxing took the lead and said: "I'm sorry, it's not convenient for others to keep watching when I'm refining weapons, and it will distract you. Master Ji, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the forest Let's go."

 Brother Hu cried loudly: woo woo woo~
  Today is another day of no status.

  haha hiccup~
  Brother Hu is really shameless, I can't stand it anymore.

  In addition, Bobo decided to give Brother Hu a Crazy Teddy attribute.

  Anytime, anywhere, hey, send! Q!

(End of this chapter)

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