I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 239 I Cook Food For You, You Give Me The Stars

Chapter 239 I Cook Food For You, You Give Me The Stars

The sweet and sour crispy meat is very good with rice. Ji Hanxiao doesn't like to eat the crucian carp with watercress. The fish has many bones, so he doesn't like it.

Dongpo knuckles, crabmeat lion's head, shrimp and eel's back, made Ji Hanxiao very satisfied.

Lotus root pork rib soup, after eating the ribs, the lotus root was basically untouched, and the lettuce was not even touched.

The same goes for Jiujiu, only Shuangshuang and Ye Qianxing are not picky eaters, they eat both meat and vegetables.

"Jiujiu, eat green vegetables."

Jiujiu shrunk his head and went to pick up the vegetables, but unexpectedly bumped into Ji Hanxiao's chopsticks.

Ji Hanxiao completely brought it in. Ye Qianxing would always reprimand himself if he didn't eat green vegetables before: "Little!! Eat green vegetables!"

"Otherwise you will be malnourished."

God knows, he is a tiger, a carnivore, why would he eat grass.

Ji Hanxiao grinned, Jiujiu thought it was a provocation, and when he got angry, he picked up a large chopsticks of vegetables.

This stinky tiger wants to grab everything from him!

Ji Hanxiao also picked up a chopstick.

Immediately Jiujiu felt that he had been provoked, and the two of them fought more happily, but Jiujiu's small stomach was after all no match for Ji Hanxiao's big stomach king.

In the end, the plates were almost swept away, and Ji Hanxiao ate them all.

Ye Qianxing: ...

The dishes are so clean you don't need to wash them.

After dinner, of course someone was washing the dishes, so Ye Qianxing didn't have to worry about anything, she went outside for a walk.

After returning to the room, Ye Qianxing still couldn't fall asleep, so she had to sit cross-legged on the bed and meditate. She has already completed the golden elixir, and the next step is to break the elixir and become a baby.

Knot Yuanying.

Guide the spiritual energy in his body, condense into a cone shape, and desperately rush towards the last barrier of Jindan.

Ye Qianxing frowned.




But the golden core is as solid as gold, without even a small crack.

Ye Qianxing began to absorb the colorful light spots and all the aura around him.

A small cyclone formed above Ye Qianxing's head.

Ji Hanxiao was sleeping in the room. Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power, he opened his eyes. After confirming that it was Ye Qianxing's direction, Ji Hanxiao closed his eyes again, but he didn't feel sleepy.

Like Ye Qianxing, he was not used to having the fragrant and soft cub gone.

Ji Hanxiao simply turned on the optical brain, looked at the bits and pieces stored in his own optical brain, this day and Ye Qianxing, his eyes could not hide the inevitable and desire.

his star.

his cub.

his life.

His calamity.

When he was a beast before, he didn't see his heart clearly, but it wasn't until he realized that he liked cubs.

It has been unable to extricate themselves.

As long as he is standing by Ye Qianxing's side now, he can't wait to tear her into pieces and melt her into his blood.

Longing to be with the cub, the apex of longing hurts.

This feeling was as hot as magma, and he couldn't suppress it, and couldn't hold on to it.

Their animal feelings are so straightforward and hot that they cannot be hidden.

They also only like one person and have only one partner for life.

Ji Hanxiao looked at the food pictures made by Ye Qianxing tonight, he selected a few, and posted the food to his homepage if he couldn't see the background.

Accompanying text: #One day, I will cook delicious food for you to eat, and you will give me the stars to eat. #
For a man like Ji Hanxiao who has been around for thousands of years, the one who talked with pink bubbles before was already enough to make people horrified.

Everyone is already full of speculation, and now it's here again! !

I won't talk about poisoning in the middle of the night.

It is also accompanied by Wen Sao Li Sao.

In an instant, the entire star network exploded again.

 Happy New Year~~ I wish you all the best in the new year, every minute, every second, peace and security The scenery is bright and the life is smooth and smooth~~
  In the new year, having you is my greatest luck.

  It is my greatest receipt and my greatest satisfaction.

  Tomorrow, tomorrow remember to love me, love me.

  Bobo is lying flat, remember to pamper her.

(End of this chapter)

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