I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 241 Brother Yuen, Get Out!Understand?

Chapter 241 Brother Yuen, Get Out!Understand?
[According to what you said, if your father didn't love brains, how could he give birth to such a grandson like you? 】

[I kneel down and lick, I am willing, you want to, but you have no chance, people who usually only punch hard on the Internet, in reality, they are just poor dicks who can't touch women. 】

【Public figure, this is what you said, not me. I didn’t earn a penny from you, and I didn’t rely on your fans to survive. Just please don’t get in the way of labor and management. I’m so stupid, brother Wuen, understand? 】

【Delete you? ?You're so fluffy, get out! 】

[If I love protection, I will protect it. If I don't love protection, I won't protect it. What's wrong?As long as I have no morals, then your morality will not be able to kidnap me. You are very useful, and you contribute very well to the garbage of the planet every year, and it increases every year. 】

【Pit, if you can't spit it out, labor and management will find someone to help you, and you are not allowed to leave until you spit out your intestines. 】

In the past, Ji Hanxiao never posted anything on the homepage, so no one knew what kind of character Ji Hanxiao was. He always felt that he was very cold and didn't interact with others.

But with this kind of time, gradually, everyone felt that Ji Hanxiao was very mysterious.

But when I talked about it these two times, everyone immediately felt that the God of War is down-to-earth, and that's all.

Therefore, many light-brain and keyboard warriors have begun to strike hard.

But is Ji Hanxiao used to their problems?

Dare to owe me, fuck you to death, if you don't accept it, just hold it back for me.

Swear, then silence, no thanks for blocking the package.

But Ji Hanxiao's coquettish operation has aroused the dissatisfaction of many people, damn it! !

They have been light brain men for so many years, but they have never met such a tough person, so many people started a scolding war with Ji Hanxiao.

【Hehe, this is the demeanor of God of War, really...】

Ji Hanxiao: [Really your ancestor?Demeanor is for people, not for dogs! 】

[What kind of bullshit God of War is a piece of rubbish. 】

Ji Hanxiao: [Well, you are the garbage among the garbage. 】

[I think you are too rigid, everyone just say a few words, you scold people so hard?That's too much. 】

Ji Hanxiao: [Greetings to your parents' clan, and the eighteen generations of your ancestors, I'm just kidding, if you scold back, you just can't afford it. 】


The scolding battle this night was full of excitement. Ji Hanxiao completely relied on his own strength to get all the black fans offline. In the end, the comment area was neat and full of words of blessing.

[Hahahaha, I think black fans are so pitiful, hahaha. 】

[I don't want to laugh, but unfortunately I can't help it, ahaha. 】

[At this time of night, a fierce girl beat the bed laughing, hahaha. 】

[But I found that I like this God of War more, what should I do? 】

[Hahaha, it turns out that the God of War is such a God of War, I love it, I love it. 】


[Bull B. 】

[Only I think God of War really protects his wife?I'm really sour. 】

The sky outside was already a little bright, Ji Hanxiao was about to get up, but when he saw the words of this daughter-in-law, he quickly gave her a thumbs up.

Ji Hanxiao: [Be sour, that's my wife. 】

[Aww, overturned by God of War. 】

[Turned over, ouch. 】

[I found out a little secret, as long as it is written about daughter-in-law, baby, God of War's wife, sister-in-law... as long as it is linked to these, God of War will all like it, if you don't believe me, take a look #图,图】

【Fuck! ! 】

【real! 】

[I have a word, I really can't help it, God of War is really coquettish. 】

[I think God of War can change his name, for example, to something like I love my wife. 】

 Bobo: What's your name.

  Brother Hu: My name is Ye Xiaoxiao.

  My name is Ji Hanxiao.

  My name is Xianzun.

  My name is Chen Xing.

  Bobo: No! !You are called a wife slave!

  Wife is strictly controlled.

  Tigers in heat anytime, anywhere!
(End of this chapter)

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