Chapter 249

The girl's words made everyone feel distressed, and they racked their brains to think of how to comfort them.

This is really bad.

But Jiujiu took a step forward.


"No, sister, let me try it, I can."

Ye Qianxing can't find a way now, the other party may be thousands of miles away from him, if the other party really wants to end his life, he only needs to jump forward, and he can't stop it at all.

Jiujiu is not the kind of kid who messes around, he said there is a way, maybe it really works.

Ye Qianxing took a step back.

"Then you come."

Jiu Jiu's face looks very innocent, but when he smiles, it is very contagious.

His smile is like the purest elf in the world, people can't help but want to protect it, and people can't bear to hurt it.

This is also the reason why Jiujiu had 100 fans just after the live broadcast, because even the keyboard man would be soft-hearted towards him.

"Miss, I like you so much, let me sing a song for you, okay?"

Jiujiu looked at the camera with big watery eyes, the girl couldn't bear to hurt such innocent eyes, and didn't want him to be stained with hurt.

Forget it, she is dying anyway, the care of these people will never let her go too sad.

No groove squeezed hard to hurt the body: [Okay. 】

【You sing, I'm listening. 】

Jiujiu cleared his throat, and it started with a very penetrating dolphin sound.

The sudden sound of the dolphin shook everyone's spirits instantly, and they felt that the Lingtai was instantly clear.

Ye Qianxing felt the difference almost instantly.

She looked at Jiujiu in surprise, the voice of Jiujiu...

The loud and clear voice, spanning eight octaves, made everyone who heard it silent. No one could have imagined that the singing voice of such an elf-like boy was so ethereal and penetrating.

Even the young lady standing on the rooftop, her heart stopped for a moment.

The heaviness in my mind for the past few days was broken by this voice, and I became more clear.

After the prelude was over, the entire live broadcast room was silent, only the soaring number of people made people understand the infectious power of Chirp's singing.

But Ji Hanxiao knew that it was not easy, the chirp singing could not only be heard here, he was a space bird, and the space bird's beak was a sharp weapon to break open all spaces.

So his singing voice can also break through the space and reach the girl's mind, which has the same effect.


Used well, it is a good medicine for healing, and it can also be a sharp weapon for killing.

The long high note ended, Jiujiu closed his eyes, and he opened his lips gently;
Live somewhere in XZ

Like a vulture

perched on a hilltop
you always dress up like a boy

Kesang is stronger than Gesang

Hypocritical people have thousands of laughs

when are you going down

Remember to bring the Zhuoma knife
Dimpled cheeks under the gray brim
Who cares about where you are tomorrow
even on the road
accept exile confused freedom

blown like the wind

bumpy road

slow pace whirling

slowly mottled footprints

Or leave no trace here

But I still won't give up hope because of the pain

blooming beautiful flowers

Can I have a full meal tomorrow?

You are used to loneliness is a kind of belief

The edges and corners will not be smoothed by reality

Obsessed with indifference bid farewell to the countless stations of youth

Willing to be ordinary
Unwilling to fail in an ordinary way
You are A Diao, you are a free bird
you are a tree you will never wither

 I have considered for a long time, whether to write the lyrics, this song is, "A Diao", I still wrote it, I know that some people must say that I am not good at words, but I have not, you go to listen to this song, just I know what I mean by writing it.

  You can't understand without writing.

  Listen to Angela Chang's version.

(End of this chapter)

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