I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 257 Is the bastard going to confess to me?

Chapter 257 Is the bastard going to confess to me?
Two, he had no purpose for himself, nor for space, and wanted to pretend he didn't know, so that Ye Qianxing would not be suspicious.

This is an analysis of human nature.

But Ye Qianxing was inclined to the second idea this time.

If he really took a fancy to his own space, he just took advantage of the chaos and killed himself directly, killing people to seize treasures, is the easiest way.

Why bother with these detours.

So he just wants to pretend not to know now?
Is that right?

Ye Qianxing felt it for a while, his spiritual power was only a little bit sluggish, and the snake venom was almost gone, except for his legs being a little weak and his whole body lacking strength, there was nothing wrong with it.

Ye Qianxing came out of the lake and shivered, she quickly used her spiritual power to dry herself.

Seeing some dirty bloodstains and some wetness on Ji Hanxiao's body, Ye Qianxing finally sighed, walked towards Ji Hanxiao, and then dried up with a touch of spiritual power, helped him up and took him outside.

Ye Qianxing, if you fight with her, she really has no fear.

But I am afraid that others will treat me well.

I am also more afraid of being in debt.

and so……

If anyone is nice to Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing will be ruthless towards him, and Ji Hanxiao just took a fancy to this, so he can faint at ease, because he knows that Ye Qianxing will not leave him and leave.

When he got outside, Ye Qianxing sat down where he was just now, and then patted Ji Hanxiao's face: "Wake up."

"Master Ji Lian, wake up."

"Wake up..."

Ye Qianxing slapped him and shook him, and even gave him a spiritual energy, and soon Ji Hanxiao opened his eyes in a little confusion.

He seemed to have just woken up, with confusion in his eyes.


"where is this?"

"Why did I faint?"

"I seem to have seen some kind of lake or pool just now, and I threw you down to soak for a while to detoxify you."

"Am I dreaming?"

Ye Qianxing: ...

If it weren't for the scene where I was awake just now and saw someone throwing myself, I would have really believed it. This acting skill is 666.
Seeing Ji Hanxiao pretending to be stupid, Ye Qianxing nodded with a smile: "It's a dream, I fainted just now, and when I woke up, I saw you lying here."

"Are you all right?"

Ye Qianxing was a little gentler towards Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao felt the change of Ye Qianxing's attitude in an instant, and Ji Hanxiao was overjoyed!
Wrestling is not in vain, and fighting is not in vain.

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing, responded with a smirk, but looked at Ye Qianxing cautiously: "The stars..."

Ye Qianxing couldn't deny this title, and didn't ask Ji Hanxiao to change it again.


Ji Hanxiao yelled again, this time a little louder, with joy.


Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao: "By the way, I have something to tell you."

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing's serious expression, and his heart was pounding.

Is it?

Is it?

Xing Xing wanted to confess to himself, because he felt that he was too upright this time, and the fight was so handsome?
Ji Hanxiao's heart was beating wildly, he wanted to clear his old earwax so that he could hear more clearly.

"You say it."

Ji Hanxiao's face was flushed, and he clenched his excited hands back and forth.

But Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao, and said seriously: "Ji Hanxiao, thank you, and I'm sorry."

Ji Hanxiao felt that he might have too much earwax, I like you, it all turned into thank you.

 Ji Hanxiao: Brat?Do you want to confess?

  I cleaned out all the old earwax.

  Sister Xing: Hehe.

  Want to eat fart.

(End of this chapter)

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