I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 273 Chef Ji, I'm a teacher

Chapter 273 Chef Ji, I'm a teacher
"For the sake of our master and apprentice, if you really have something urgent and need money, I can lend you some first."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Qianxing wanted to thank Ji Hanxiao, but Ji Hanxiao's next sentence made Ye Qianxing want to smash Ji Hanxiao to death.

"Anyway, I don't have enough contribution points to spend."

Ye Qianxing: ...

Oh, old Versailles.

But seeing that the other party cared about him so much, Ye Qianxing knew that he had found the right person.

"I have one more."

"It's useful to contribute again, so I want to sell this."

"You have also seen that the effect is really great. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. You often go to the battlefield, and you really need a life-saving thing. This thing is equivalent to your second life."

"1000 million, if you can't buy it, you will lose money, if you buy it, you won't be fooled."

After Ye Qianxing finished speaking, Ji Hanxiao laughed out loud, "Okay, I bought it."

Ji Hanxiao quickly transferred 1000 million contribution points to Ye Qianxing. When Ye Qianxing heard the sound of the money arriving, he directly handed over the Lingyu box in his hand to Ji Hanxiao.

"Thank you!" Ye Qianxing liked Ji Hanxiao's unsophisticated way of dealing.


Just as Ye Qianxing received the 1000 million contribution points, a card with a black pattern suddenly appeared on his optical brain.

"Congratulations, federal citizen: Ye Qianxing, your contribution level has now been raised to level 5."

"You are now specially invited to participate in the auction of the Galaxy Contribution House."

Ye Qianxing looked at the invitation card, feeling a little confused, so he showed it to Ji Hanxiao: "Do you know what this is?"

Ji Hanxiao nodded when he saw it: "The House of Contribution is an auction house, where all the people with the contribution level go to auction things."

"There is a threshold for this. Only level [-] is eligible to participate. Of course, there are also some level [-] and [-] below. There is no good stuff."

"Level 5 is the status of just getting started."

"In the future, as your contribution point level increases, the more advanced auctions you can participate in."

"Are there many good things in it?" Ye Qianxing tilted his head.

"Well, you can go and have a look, it's okay to open your eyes."

Ji Hanxiao suggested Ye Qianxing to go.

"And it's about the same time as you went to the Star Academy for the Galactic Empire competition. You can go two days in advance, and after participating in the auction, you can just participate in the competition."

Ye Qianxing thought about it in his mind, he still has to go to the auction, this world is different from the world of cultivating immortals, but the universe is so big, there may be many treasures.

You can go shopping.


"By the way, Xing Xing, do you see that the fish is marinated? We will eat fish at night."

The topic suddenly turned to eating again, Ye Qianxing looked down at the fish.

When eating in the evening, Ji Hanxiao was cooking again, and Ye Qianxing was beside him directing.

This kind of life lasted for another month, and Ye Qianxing completely freed his hands because there was Chef Ji at home.

At the beginning, Ye Qianxing needed to guide Ji Hanxiao, but as Ji Hanxiao's cooking skills improved by leaps and bounds, Ye Qianxing didn't need to guide him at all.

Ji Hanxiao's culinary skills are also getting better and better. From the very beginning, he was disgusted by Jiujiu to death.

Up to now, Ye Qianxing put away the meal and yelled, "Chirp!!"

The next moment, with a squeak, Jiujiu had already prepared his rice bowl.

"Woooo~ There are so many delicious foods."

(End of this chapter)

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