Chapter 276 Competitors
"Who do you bet on the remaining four?"

"Three Axes, Four Young Masters, Lying Yu, and Qing Meimei."

The man said a few names, which quickly drew rebuttals from several other people.

"Three Axes, Fourth Young Masters, Li Yu, they must be among them, but Qingmei sister, I think Xuan, she is about the same level as Mu Chen, I think Mu Chen is better than her, I can't beat Mu Chen."

"I think Sister Qingmei is stronger."

"As far as the odds of the two of them are higher, the competition is about the same. It is estimated that they will grab the last spot."

"Actually, I see phantoms similarly."

"You really don't think so?"

"Phantom also has some strength. If you are lucky, he can do it too."

As Ye Qianxing walked, he memorized the names of the people everyone said.

Ji Hanxiao was walking side by side with Ye Qianxing. When he heard the news, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Ye Qianxing: "I have pressured you by a billion, so don't let me lose money."

Ye Qianxing raised her head and hurriedly asked Ji Hanxiao: "Where is the pressure?"

"I also need to go."

Isn't this an aboveboard opportunity to make money?
"It's on the Starnet."

Ji Hanxiao helped Ye Qianxing find the betting market, which was opened by Xingwang, Ye Qianxing, there are very few people betting on her, most of them are her fans.

So the odds are extremely high.

Bet that Ye Qianxing will be the number one this time, the odds are 1::200
Bet that Ye Qianxing will be in the top five this time, the odds are 1:100
When Ye Qianxing saw the odds, her eyes lit up, and she quickly put all her wealth on herself. If it wasn't just for star coins, but not for contribution points, Ye Qianxing would like to bet on contributions even more. point.

Nearly [-] million.

Ye Qianxing beat himself to be number one.

This time it's okay, even if you work hard, you have to fight.

If you win, you will turn yourself into a rich woman, if you lose, you will go home and work in the vegetable field.

Ji Hanxiao watched Ye Qianxing put all his wealth to himself, and immediately laughed, he really is a money addict.

The two of them also walked to the accommodation at this time. The rooms of Ji Hanxiao and Ye Qianxing were opposite each other. In fact, Ji Hanxiao wanted to live in the same room with Ye Qianxing, but he also knew that it was impossible.

"Xing Xing, tidy up and wash up, and we'll go to the auction together tonight."

"it is good."

Ye Qianxing went into his room and closed the door, took a shower, and got ready, but it was just going to an auction, Ye Qianxing didn't pay much attention to it, just wore simple clothes that he often wore.

Then the optical brain rang, Ye Qianxing opened it, and it turned out to be a message from Ji Hanxiao.

Inside are the names of the people those people were talking about just now.

Their various materials, as well as the selected battle videos.

The corner of Ye Qianxing's mouth curled up unconsciously. In fact, Ji Hanxiao is quite suitable to be a friend, he is a good boy.

"Thank you."

Ji Hanxiao: [You're welcome, I just don't want to lose money. 】

Ye Qianxing doesn't understand that this is an excuse, but no matter how much thanks, it is better to fight this battle first.

Ye Qianxing was lying on the bed studying the video, and the first one to watch was this Yinguang one.

The No.1 player that everyone expects.

Turned on a battle video, the two of them just stood still, Ye Qianxing only saw a burst of dazzling silver light, and the battle ended in an instant.

Ye Qianxing sat up straight in an instant.

In the world of cultivating immortals, Jindan is like a running dog.

And in this huge universe, there are too many people with the strength of Jindan.

Now this Yinguang feels that he has the strength of the mid-Yuanying stage.

 Thank you, baby, for the January ticket.

  Thank you Kemu Kemeng for the February ticket,

  Thanks for the occasional baby, February ticket.

  Thank you Momo Baby, the April ticket.

  Thank you Xingdangdang is my baby, February ticket.

  Thanks to myself, hahaha February ticket, haha

  Thank you Wangjian baby, February ticket,

  Thanks for the steamed buns that love to eat Xiaoyuer, January ticket
  Thanks for the little milk bag baby, February ticket.

  I love you~~
  Awow, until the 28th, before the end of this month, the monthly pass is really important, so important~~~
  Please, monthly pass, babes.

(End of this chapter)

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