I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 278 Ji Hanxiao is Chen Xing

Chapter 278 Ji Hanxiao is Chen Xing
Ye Qianxing saved the Jue and other things in his mind first, prepared, and pondered slowly.

But the light brain rang again.

Ji Hanxiao: [Come here for dinner. 】

Unknowingly, Ye Qianxing had already stayed in the room for an afternoon, watching the dark sky outside, Ye Qianxing came to Ji Hanxiao's door.

"Knock knock."

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Ye Qianxing opened the door and went in. A small hot pot was placed in front of Ji Hanxiao, with several dishes beside it.

Ye Qianxing looked at the steaming mandarin duck pot and all kinds of side dishes, and couldn't help feeling like he had such friends, what more could he ask for.

"Master Ji Lian, you are really virtuous."

Ye Qianxing sighed.

Ji Hanxiao smiled: "Don't be poor, come and eat."

In fact, he even wanted to say, I'm so good, brat, why don't you come and pamper me, I'm already lying flat, blah blah.

Now Ji Hanxiao's cooking skills are really good, at least he can conquer Ye Qianxing's stomach, Ye Qianxing quickly sat down, ready to eat.

"Have you read the information passed on to you?" Ji Hanxiao first served Ye Qianxing a bowl of clear bone soup. Ye Qianxing said that it is better to drink the soup before meals, and Ji Hanxiao kept it in mind.

Ye Qianxing took a sip, his lips and teeth were fragrant: "Look."

"Are you stressed?"

Ye Qianxing looked at the dishes on the table: "You don't think I might be under pressure, so you cook so many dishes for me, and reward me?"

"Of course not. I just thought it was the first time the two of us had dinner together, so I wanted to make it richer."

In this way, there is a feeling that we are two people, but it is a pity that we cannot sleep together after eating.

Ye Qianxing was just joking and didn't think much about it.

"A little."

"That silver light's movement is really fast."

"There are three axes."

"These two are more stressful."

Ye Qianxing told the truth.

Ji Hanxiao is also a strong man, the one who is stronger than himself, until now Ye Qianxing can't see through his strength.

It is very likely that he is as strong as the Immortal Venerable, so talk to him more, and Ji Hanxiao may also provide him with some ideas.

Ji Hanxiao looked at Ye Qianxing and asked her a question.

"Do you know Chen Xing?"

The soup in Ye Qianxing's mouth instantly choked up in his throat.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."


Her eyes were red with choking, Ye Qianxing didn't have time to care, she turned her head and looked at Ji Hanxiao in astonishment.

Why does he know Chenxing? Does he know Xianzun?

Naturally, Ye Qianxing would not be so foolish as to think that Ji Hanxiao was asking about the Chen Xing he broadcast live.

Because asking that is nonsense.

"I am Chen Xing."

After Ji Hanxiao said this, Ye Qianxing coughed even more violently, and the coughing was earth-shattering, with tears seeping out of his eyes.

Ji Hanxiao didn't know how Ye Qianxing reacted so strongly to his casual words.

He hurried over to pat Ye Qianxing's back: "What's wrong with you?"

"He's such a big man, he can even choke on soup."

"Are you okay?"

While patting Ye Qianxing's back, Ji Hanxiao gave Ye Qianxing some spiritual energy to make her feel more comfortable. Seeing Ye Qianxing's tears come out, Ji Hanxiao felt distressed.

"Slow down, slow down."

Ye Qianxing took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears and mouth. Her eyes were red, and she waved her hand to Ji Hanxiao, indicating that she was fine.

The voice seemed hoarse and uncomfortable.

"never mind."

"I was in a hurry just now, who told you to make a delicious soup."

Ye Qianxing felt that Ji Hanxiao could not be a fairy, so she asked, "What do you mean by Chen Xing? What is Chen Xing?"

Ji Hanxiao's gaze suddenly darkened.

He is not a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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