I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 280 Xing Xing's Fish Pond Almost Can't Be Filled

Chapter 280 Xing Xing's Fish Pond Almost Can't Be Filled

Ji Hanxiao put those thoughts to the back of his mind: "Actually, Yin Guang's body skills are very fast, if you want to practice body skills as fast as him in a short period of time, it is impossible, you might as well think about what can limit body skills. "

Ji Hanxiao's words opened up a new way of thinking for Ye Qianxing.

That's right, the match is imminent. When Ye Qianxing saw Yin Guang's agility before, his first reaction was to practice agility and fight hard with the opponent.

But isn't this using one's own weaknesses to attack the other's strengths?
It is not so fast to cultivate body skills, and it takes time to cultivate like silver light.

But if you want to limit your body skills, it is much easier in comparison.

Ji Hanxiao tapped Ye Qianxing again: "And the Three Axe is even easier." Ji Hanxiao didn't say where it was easy, but just blinked at Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing felt blessed in an instant: "It's true!"

"Ginger is still old and spicy." Old and cunning.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing understood, Ji Hanxiao didn't speak any more, but just put his well-washed belly in Ye Qianxing's bowl.

Ye Qianxing immediately stopped worrying about the game, and started to eat happily. The two of them were very full. After eating, Ji Hanxiao took out a black mask with gold rims from his side and put it on.

"Let's go, the auction time is almost here."

Ye Qianxing looked at Ji Hanxiao's half mask, which blocked the entire upper half, leaving only half of the nose and chin exposed.

The curvature of the chin looks very graceful and delicate, paired with a pair of sharp eyes, it is extremely fascinating, this...

This fellow is even more handsome with a mask on than without it.

Ji Hanxiao approached Ye Qianxing suddenly, and the golden stripes on the mask suddenly magnified before Ye Qianxing's eyes.

"What? Does Xing Xing think I'm handsome and suddenly falls in love with me?"

Ji Hanxiao's words were like a joke.

With a deep voice and a mature magnetism, Ye Qianxing's earlobes turned red instantly, and he took two steps back: "I see too many handsome guys."

"If everyone loves them, my fish pond will not be able to hold them."

Ye Qianxing forced himself to raise his head and replied, then fled in embarrassment.

Ji Hanxiao was almost taken aback by Ye Qianxing's words. When he looked up, he could only see Ye Qianxing's back in a hurry, and he could not help but chuckle twice.

Sure enough, it's a pup.

Not even willing to suffer for a word.

Fish pond?

There can only be one of the cubs in his fish pond, for the others, come and kill one.

After all, the fish soup is also delicious.

When Ji Hanxiao set off for the auction this time, he changed to a battleship, because his previous battleship often sailed.

Fear of being recognized by interested people.

Mainly because he was afraid of causing trouble for Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing, a small anchor, didn't need to wear a mask, so he entered the stage so openly and frankly.

There is a place that needs to be verified at the door, and the identity of the optical brain needs to be verified.

But every guest who goes in can bring a guest.

So Ji Hanxiao followed Ye Qianxing in.

When they entered, the security guard looked at Ji Hanxiao with the same eyes. He probably didn't expect that such a handsome guy with such a strong aura turned out to be a pretty boy.

The auction here is very confidential, and each guest has a separate private room. If you don't want to contact outsiders, just go to your own private room.

Of course, there is also a large communication platform in the middle, with sofas and a bar, where everyone can communicate casually.

When Ye Qianxing and Ji Hanxiao entered, there were still quite a few people in the lobby. After all, those who can have 1000 million contribution points are not simple people. This is also a good time for them to expand their network.

(End of this chapter)

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