Chapter 284 The Bad Star

But the more he looked at Lin Xing, the more he felt that this person looked familiar, so he ordered confidently: "Take off your mask and show me."

Ji Hanxiao didn't even say a word to Lin Xing, and directly took Ye Qianxing to the private room, and their private room was No. 22.

Lin Xing was ignored one after another, and suddenly became impatient, and just about to step forward to kick the door, but was stopped by the staff here.

"Miss Lin, please respect yourself."

Lin Xing gritted her teeth and looked at the staff in front of her. She didn't dare to be presumptuous here. After all, this is an official organization, and after all, she hasn't reached the point where she can ignore Contribution Home.

Ye Qianxing straightened his back and entered the room with a seemingly tall posture, but as soon as the door was closed, Ye Qianxing collapsed.

With a painful look, he held his heart and threw himself on the chair. Ji Hanxiao thought that Ye Qianxing had just been injured in the battle, and wanted to help Ye Qianxing with a worried face, but found that Ye Qianxing Xing was lying on the chair and howling.

"Five thousand contribution points, five thousand contribution points."

"It's gone."

"This auction house is really dark, so dark."


"Is it easy to make money? Just send it out after a fight."

Ye Qianxing had no reason not to give it just now, because it did break something, but these things are so expensive.

The act of pretending to be a B fan just now was completely trying to hold on.

ah ah! !My chest seems to be empty, listen, this is the sound of my heart crying.

Ji Hanxiao paused in mid-air with his helping hand, seeing Ye Qianxing's financial obsession, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, you still have so much money, what's the point of such a small contribution?"

Ye Qianxing sat up straight and looked at Ji Hanxiao seriously: "Ji Lianzhu."

"Then you still have a few hundred million contribution points. I will teach you for a month, and only earn you a few thousand contribution points."

"Doesn't your conscience ache when you say such things?"

Ye Qianxing questioned Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao sighed: "Then I'll give you some more?"

Ji Hanxiao said this very naturally, but Ye Qianxing couldn't understand it: "Why do you give me money?"

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?"

"I'm just a little heartbroken."


Ye Qianxing sighed and stopped talking.

Ji Hanxiao also wanted to change the topic for Ye Qianxing, so he turned on the transparent screen in the room.

"Take a look? This is an auction item. Let's see if there is anything you like."

The first auction item Ji Hanxiao clicked on was a weapon, a small particle gun used for self-defense.

The following is an introduction: [Particle M24 model, ultra-short energy storage, the energy storage time is less than 1 second, and can penetrate mechs below C level. 】

[Three rounds. 】

Ye Qianxing looked at it a few more times, this can be bought, and it will be used by both of them for self-defense.

The second piece is a black stone, which is a space stone, a necessary item for making a space ring.

It is also a must-have item for mech battleships.

Such a large piece of space stone is also worth some money, and can make a lot of space rings.

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered that Lin Xing's space weapon just now: "Is the bone whip that Lin Xing used just now a space attribute weapon?"

"Yes." Ji Hanxiao's eyes lit up as soon as he finished his answer. The boy never wants to suffer: "What do you mean?"

Ye Qianxing smiled lightly: "Wait a minute and you follow my instructions."

"it is good."

Looking at the smirk in Ye Qianxing's eyes, Ji Hanxiao suddenly became alive. He really loved every aspect of the son.

(End of this chapter)

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