I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 289 Congratulations...No. 22

Chapter 289 Congratulations...No. 22

Lin He looked at this stupid sister with some displeasure: "If I don't come, are you really going to give away the 100 million?"

Lin He let go of his hand: "I don't want this one, I'll find another one for you another day."

"There is no need to fight any more."

Ye Qianxing saw that the person coming from the opposite side blocked him, so he was going to roll over?Ye Qianxing raised his eyebrows and looked over.

But Lin Xing looked at Ye Qianxing's flamboyant expression, and his face was full of anger.

She now feels ashamed and feels that she has lost to Ye Qianxing.

The auctioneer below has already begun to repeat.

[120, one hundred, one time! 】

[Is no one raising the price?Congratulations to the 22nd, the 22nd is about to get this space stone. 】

[120, two times! 】

Lin Xing pursed his lips stubbornly: "Brother, don't worry about me, I have money..."

But before she finished speaking, she looked in Ye Qianxing's direction, and suddenly froze, even her pupils dilated unconsciously.

That! !

That turned out to be Ji Hanxiao! !

Ji Hanxiao was actually with that little turtle.

Is he watching his own joke?

He felt that he had lost to that little soil turtle? ?

Lin Xing only felt his head buzzing, his forehead rushed, and the next moment he pressed down on the movement of his hand.

The auctioneer's eyes widened in disbelief.

He looked at the number of words on the screen, was stunned for a second, and hurriedly reported it: [The bid from customer No. 17 is 200 million! ! 】

[200 million! 】

【Guest No. 17, it is really inevitable to get this Space Stone. 】

[Let me see if there are other bidders. 】

[200 million once. 】

[200 million twice! 】

[200 million three times! 】

【make a deal! 】

[Now the service robot will bring the auction item to your room, please pay attention to receiving it, and when the auction is over, please invite guest No. 17 to the backstage to check out. 】

The auctioneer was in ecstasy. He was beyond pleasantly surprised. A piece of space stone can fetch a high price of 200 million yuan. Normally 100 million yuan would be thankful.

Where did the idiot come from this time?Thinking about how much commission he could get for 200 million yuan, the auctioneer was going crazy with joy.

But here Ji Hanxiao put on the mask again contentedly, but Lin Xing was stared at by the tall man in front of him with an ugly expression.

"Are you an idiot? Out of your mind?"

"These 200 million can buy two space stones of this size."

"Lin Xing, are you mentally ill? If you are ill, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible, and don't go crazy here."

"Grandpa and the others simply spoiled you to the sky. I don't know how high the sky is and the earth is thick. Do you know how many Zergs will be killed with these 200 million contribution points?"

"You are simply..." The man trembled angrily and pointed at Lin Xing's head, speechless.

Lin Xing didn't take it seriously: "Brother, although I spent 200 million, I haven't spent all my contribution points. Besides, Dad gave it to me just to let me spend it."

"You're making such a fuss, and I won't let you pay the bill."

"Besides, do you know who I saw just now?"

"Ji Hanxiao!"

"Brother, look quickly, I paid the price just now because I saw Ji Hanxiao."

"Look, brother, he's right there. He was with that little pheasant just now. How could I make Ji Hanxiao look down on me? That's why I pressed it."

Lin He looked in the direction Lin Xing pointed, but there was no one there.

Immediately laughed angrily.

"Lin Xing! If you lie, you can do something good, can't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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