Chapter 296 No. 5876

Looking at the square where no one moved, Yingbao finally showed two points of satisfaction in his eyes.

"very good."

"Although your qualifications are not very good, you still have some courage."

"Now I line up one by one, then get the number, and enter the room behind me."

"Follow the instructions and enter the game."

Everyone was probably intimidated by this big guy, there was no crowd, and they lined up in a quiet and orderly manner.

The first one is the silver light.

Behind him was a huge man with an axe, barefoot, muscular, and hair messed up like a savage.

With just one glance, Ye Qianxing was sure that this was San Fu.

Ye Qianxing's eyes stared at the other party for a while, but he didn't expect this big man to be quite vigilant. He suddenly turned his head, as if a lion had found its prey, and stared at Ye Qianxing firmly. .

Ye Qianxing was not afraid at all.

Smile back.

A trace of surprise seemed to flash in the other party's eyes, and he grinned at Ye Qianxing.

It's just that this smile is not friendly at all, with the kind of blood that is about to sizzle its prey, a bit like a death smile.

As Mitsuhae turned around, this feeling also disappeared.

The opponent is indeed a strong opponent.

Seeing that it's my turn to get the badge, in fact, I just scan it with my optical brain, and a number will automatically appear in the optical brain system.

Ye Qianxing is No. 5876.

She is the 5876th scan code.

Go in and find the room corresponding to this number. Ye Qianxing pushed the door and walked in. This room is actually very small, not like a room, but more like a boxy coffin. I won't feel bad luck.

Ye Qianxing looked at the square crystal coffin in the coffin house again, ah, bah.

Nutrition warehouse.

Transparent, filled with milky white liquid.

These are to replenish energy for the human body, because of the nine-storied pagoda, unless you are killed, you will not leave the star network.

It may be more than ten days.

It may also be twenty days.

even longer.

and so……

The nutrition warehouse is to keep people from starving to death.

But Ye Qianxing looked at the milky white liquid and thought of the interstellar dark cooking nutrient solution, and couldn't help...

I don't want to go in.

Ye Qianxing didn't even know what this thing was made of, so how could he lie in it casually, what would he do if something happened to his body?
Ye Qianxing didn't go in.

Instead, sit cross-legged in the room.

Take a few bigu pills.

Can manage two months.

Bigu Dan is different from eating, it only provides energy for the body, so there is no need to excrete without eating or drinking for these two months.

Ye Qianxing clicked on the icon number 5876 on his optical brain interface.

In an instant, I was pulled into a different world.

The vast expanse of yellow sand, boundless, violent wind, blowing people's faces hurt.

The next moment Ye Qianxing was enveloped by a beam of light.

"Student No. 5876, please generate your own weapon and just think about it in your mind."

Ye Qianxing thought of his own sword in his mind, and there was an extra sword in his hand.

It's just that there is another more important thing, that is, no aura can be felt in this star network.

In other words, since she left the ancient earth and entered the Galactic Empire, she couldn't feel the aura.

The aura is the source of Ye Qianxing's power, if she doesn't have aura and wants to fight by leapfrogging, it is just a dream.

Ye Qianxing's complexion was not very good-looking, and he probed his consciousness into the space.

In fact, the so-called star network is just pulling a ray of consciousness of a person to a place similar to an illusion.

It's just that this illusion is too big, and there are some technological means to strengthen it, so that everyone can live in this illusion, and even meet each other.

 Thank you sweet sweet sauce baby, 100 book coins reward~
  Thank you Tongtong baby, 200 book coins reward~
  Thank you for not seeing Gong Ziqing baby, 100 book coins reward
  Thank you Shanshui baby, 100 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you baby Yanyao: 200 book coins reward~
  Thank you Wang Jian, 1888 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you babes, I love you so much~

(End of this chapter)

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