Chapter 299
The powerful and powerful tentacles kept struggling, while the Sand Devourer's body was wriggling under the yellow sand, which undoubtedly put more pressure on Ye Qianxing to complete the task.

Ye Qianxing has always known that his speed is relatively slow, which is his shortcoming, but he did not expect that this task would require agility and speed.

Ye Qianxing looked at his feet, and the Sand Devouring Beast had already leaked most of its face.

This thing is a bit like an octopus with eight claws, but in order to match the yellow sand, the color is yellow sand.

And the whole thing seems to be wrapped in yellow sand, running in the sand.

Like a sand octopus.

As the sand-eating beasts emerged from the sand, Ye Qianxing found that their speed was even faster.

It made Ye Qianxing unable to dodge.

Stretching out his long sword, Ye Qianxing slashed off the tentacles blocking in front of him.

The tentacles turned into yellow sand raised his face, but after a while, those tentacles soon grew again, and as these sand-eating beasts came out more and more,

Ye Qianxing was gradually surrounded by them.

But what's even worse is that Ye Qianxing hasn't discovered the weakness of these sand-eating beasts yet.

She hasn't killed any Sand Devourer yet.

The sword in his hand swung a little faster.

Ye Qianxing rushed over and chopped off the head of a sand-eating beast, wanting to see if the weakness of this beast was in the head.

This beast seems to be made of sand.

Ye Qianxing split the Sand Devouring Beast in half from forehead to nose, and soon its body turned into two puddles of sand.

But soon, the sand gathered together again, and it seemed to be two points bigger than before. It roared and rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing ran away.

This time I also used the god-level agility, which is more or less easy.

"The agility given by the Immortal Venerable is really useful."

Ye Qianxing shuttled through the tentacles, using this to become proficient and hone her body skills.

"Split in half, these monsters will not die."

Ye Qianxing carefully searched the monster's body for signs that might be the dead spot, but after searching for a long time, Ye Qianxing didn't have a clue, the whole body of this thing was covered in sand.

Nothing but sand.

Just now, the sand was scattered in half, but it was still reassembled, and nothing was seen.

In desperation, Ye Qianxing raised his sword and stabbed the Sand Devourer again.

"Try your eyes this time."

Ye Qianxing went with a dispensable mentality.

She thought, if it doesn't work, poke every key part of this monster once, and someone will be able to kill it.

But Ye Qianxing never expected that the moment the sword pierced through the eyes, the entire Sand Beast would turn into sand.

Optical brain shock: [5876 students, kill a sand-eating beast, score 1]

There is also a time countdown below: [4 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes, 24 seconds. 】

[23 seconds...]

[22 seconds...]

Every second of time is displayed on it.

It turns out the eyes are the weak point.

Ye Qianxing was about to kill the beast.

Now that the weakness is found, it will be very easy to complete this task.

Ye Qianxing looked cold and serious.


Harvest life.

As she kills more and more beasts, the pressure around her will gradually decrease.

After killing for a whole day, Ye Qianxing's arms were almost numb.

But she was still short of 6, and the sand-eating beasts had already scattered and fled. Since there were more than a dozen left, those sand-eating beasts had already started running around.

(End of this chapter)

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