I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 306 Lonely Man and Widow?

Chapter 306 Lonely Man and Widow?

"Have you discovered that there are countless geniuses ahead of you so-called little geniuses?"

"The universe is huge, there is nothing to do to see more."

"This time the battle is extremely fierce."

"According to the points of the Nine-Storied Pagoda this time, those ranked below [-] will be automatically eliminated, and they can leave now."

Many people sighed and withdrew from the war.

Although they are losers, their journey has just begun.

"The remaining 7000 of you will come back here three days later to participate in the final round of competition."

"That's the real fight."

"Now everyone can leave, and relax these few days."

After Yingbao finished speaking, she turned and left, and Ye Qianxing was also about to leave. She also wanted to go back and practice agility and so on. Now is the best time to strike while the iron is hot.

But unexpectedly, she was stopped by someone just as she turned around.

It turned out to be San Fu: "Have a drink?"

This rough man stood in front of Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing's sky suddenly darkened.

It was because the opponent was too tall, blocking all the light at once.

The other party's invitation is with good intentions.


Emmm, Ye Qianxing doesn't believe in any food in Interstellar.

I fuck.

Can't enter.

She didn't dare to drink either.

But looking at Yinguang standing over there, the other party also smiled kindly at himself: "Have a drink?"

It is obvious that the two are dating themselves.

Ye Qianxing thought about it and chose a more compromise method.

"it is good."

"But I'm not used to drinking things made outside. Come to my house for a drink?"

These two big brothers, looking at their appearance, are also upright people, aboveboard, and they are two people, and they are not considered lonely.

The two of them didn't expect Ye Qianxing to be so enthusiastic, so they nodded in agreement.

"Then take my hover car?"

Ye Qianxing nodded, and the three of them returned to the accommodation together in the suspension car, but just as they arrived, Yin Guang said, "I live here too."

"One floor below you."

After Yin Guang finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qianxing in surprise. This place to stay is actually very difficult to decide, and the price is relatively high.

It seems that the rumors are wrong. This anchor is not a lack of money at all, and there is definitely a backer behind him.

The obvious San Fu also understood, but he was a bit more wild, and said it directly: "I thought, among us, Xiao Xingzi was the poorest, but I didn't expect it to be the richest."

Ye Qianxing really never cared about this issue.

She only thought that the place to stay was the same as the inn in the Xiuxian world. An inn is very cheap, at most one or two spirit stones, and her relationship with Ji Hanxiao is there, it is impossible to give Ji Hanxiao a room money, so Ye Qianxing didn't mention it.

totally unexpected……

It seems that this place is expensive and not simple?
Ye Qianxing smiled, hiding the doubt in her eyes, and was going to ask the person in charge again after the two of them left.

If it's really expensive, transfer the room fee to Ji Hanxiao.

"Okay, let's go into the house first."

Ye Qianxing brought two people into the room, but did not close the door of the room.

Open, graceful, Yinguang and Sanfu don't mind either.

"Sit down first, I'll get you something to drink." Ye Qianxing went to the kitchen, and squeezed a large pot of orange juice out of an orange.

(End of this chapter)

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