I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 309 2000 Star Coins 1 Hour

Chapter 309 2000 star coins an hour
Ye Qianxing didn't suspect anything else at all, and replied naturally: [They just came to drink a glass of water. 】

Ji Hanxiao: ...



So it's two guys?

Just after I left, Zai Zai got a girlfriend?
Or two men?

Ji Hanxiao almost used all his restraint to control his urge to go back and find someone.

He quickly replied: [Who is it? 】

[Xing Xing, you are young and have little experience. When you go out, don't trust others, especially men. You must stay away from them. 】

Ye Qianxing always felt that this Ji Hanxiao suddenly became like an old lady.

"Hmm..." But for the sake of the other party's kindness, Ye Qianxing still replied:

[I see, they are Silver Light and Three Axes, maybe they thought I was a little surprised when I came out of the eighth floor of the Nine-storied Pagoda, so they came here to find out the details. 】

When he heard that it was Yin Guang and San Fu, Ji Hanxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

One of these two looks like a savage, and the other looks like a stalk.

It's not the same as the cub's aesthetic point of view.

Ji Hanxiao: [Okay, then you have to be careful. 】

【Then you eat earlier and rest earlier. 】

[Looking forward to you, the third level is a victory. 】

Ye Qianxing: 【Thank you. 】

Out of politeness, Ye Qianxing also replied: [You too, be careful. 】

Ji Hanxiao: [Okay! 】

In fact, I was so excited.

The boy loves me, the boy cares about me, hee hee.

The two of them had just finished chatting, and here Jiujiu and Shuangshuang made a video for Ye Qianxing again. The two chattered and shared their day-to-day with Ye Qianxing, talking about where they went to explore on the ancient earth today, What did you do.

Very happy.

Shuangshuang also communicated with Ye Qianxing about her cultivation problems.

It was very late before I hung up the video.

After eating hastily, Ye Qianxing turned on the optical brain.

She asked the optical brain customer service.

Because she wanted to re-enter the nine-storied pagoda, and wanted to continue to hone her body skills.

But Guangnao's reply to her was: [Nine-storied Pagoda is the recruitment site for each Star Academy trial, and we are not allowed to open it without the Star Academy's permission. 】

Ye Qianxing: ...

can not go.

How to hone body skills?

【Really can not?】

Optical brain customer service number 001: [Really not possible~]

[But we have an alternative plan for you. 】

Ye Qianxing: [What plan? 】

[There is a training room in the star network, and you can set the scene, props, and speed according to your requirements. You can go to the training room and set the scene you want. 】

Ye Qianxing got the answer he wanted, and only then found the training room in the training column in the star network.

But you have to pay, and it's not cheap.

This virtual scene is based on the difficulty of your request to measure the cost. Ye Qianxing directly requested the difficulty level of the 8th floor of the Nine-storied Pagoda.

In the end, the star network balance is determined, and it takes 2000 star coins for an hour.

Ye Qianxing: ...

Poverty restricted me again. Ye Qianxing gave part of his wealth to the two little guys, and the rest was invested in himself to win, so he made a bet.

There was only a little left on him, and the things were auctioned at the auction house a few days ago.

Now it can be said to be poor.The remaining balance on his body is now less than [-] star coins.

Sighing, Ye Qianxing pulled out the number one brother in the universe.

Loans are really a good way to save people from fire and water.

And there is no need to owe favors, only interest is required.

Ye Qianxing: [Big brother?Can I get another loan? 】

(End of this chapter)

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