Chapter 318 First 200
Three Ax was carrying his own axe, which was also stained with a lot of blood. He had obviously just recovered from the battle.

Looking at Ye Qianxing's miserable state.

Three axes are full of spirit.

He replied: "Your third brother, I am not the kind of person who takes advantage of others' danger."

As a real strongman and genius, San Fu is actually very arrogant. What he is looking forward to is a fair and aboveboard battle with Ye Qianxing. Anyway, he will always have one of the five places, so he is not in a hurry to fight Ye Qianxing. fighting.

Just like what Ye Qianxing said to Mu Chen, if she is better than Ye Qianxing, then her points will be hers sooner or later, so what if she keeps them for a while longer.

And if he makes a move now, even if he wins, he will have knots in the future.

If he takes action now, he is admitting defeat.

Because he couldn't beat Ye Qianxing, he had to take advantage of others.

Ye Qianxing heaved a sigh of relief, and San Fu disappeared in the next moment.

It is already a gentleman's style for San Fu not to take advantage of others' dangers, but it is definitely impossible to protect Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing didn't think about it that way either. Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Qianxing hurriedly found a corner to heal his injuries.

The spiritual power was restored inch by inch from the body, taking away a lot of pain.

In fact, there are material points, nutrition warehouses, and repair warehouses in it, which are for some strong people who have not fallen for a long time to prepare for repairing their injuries.

Everyone knows the location, it just depends on who can snatch the repair warehouse away.

But Ye Qianxing doesn't need that stuff, her spiritual power is the best repair medicine, at least it's much safer than those liquids extracted from unknown ores.

While healing, he went to find some lonely people and hunted them down.

Ye Qianxing's points gradually increased, and at the same time, his ranking also began to climb crazily.

The speed of this climb stunned everyone.

Because of the live broadcast, everyone also saw Ye Qianxing's battle video.

Seeing Ye Qianxing 1 vs. [-], everyone went crazy.

[Fuck! ! ! 】

【Fuck! !Fuck! ! ! 】

【Boss!Take my knees. 】

[Kneeling, kneeling, really. 】

[It's really awesome. 】

The points of these fifteen people should not be underestimated. Ye Qianxing jumped into the top five thousand.

For this ranking point, the latter is the best to climb, and the further the point difference is, the harder it is to climb.

But Ye Qianxing was different, the climbing speed was like riding a rocket.

[Entered, entered, the big brother entered the [-]th place again. 】

【When did you get the news?She's already in the top [-]. 】

Everyone held their hearts and looked like they were about to faint. They were really going crazy, really!
Ever since Ye Qianxing awakened and hunted, she spent all her time hunting for points except for healing.

The rankings are climbing up all the time, 200, [-], [-], [-], [-], and finally stop at the top [-], with a slight decrease in momentum.

[I'm really about to have a myocardial infarction. I bought Silverlight first, but now I'm really panicking. 】

[My money, woo woo, I almost watched the little money go away from me. 】

【Are you only looking at money?Didn't realize that Ye Qianxing's fighting style is really unique? 】

[Her fighting style is really very powerful, and she doesn't look like a woman at all, so... strong! 】

[Injured or bleeding, she didn't even frown even the slightest bit, and I looked scary myself. 】

(End of this chapter)

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