Chapter 322 The end of the game
His face was ashamed, and he saw that the entire street was almost razed to the ground by the fighting between the two people. The gray smoke was filled, and the two people did not know where they were fighting.

Ye Qianxing lay on the ground and coughed twice.

"Fuck! It's day | dog."

"This is provoking someone." Ye Qianxing covered his nose to block the dust.

Lifting her sword, she walked slowly towards a safe place. Don't let her catch these two big brothers, or she will have to teach them a bloody lesson.

"Cough cough."

He raised his hand to wipe his face, but directly drew two white marks on Heibuliuqiu's face, revealing the snow-white skin under his face.

Ye Qianxing didn't even know how cute he was right now.

Just now he killed someone with a sword and saw blood every step of the way. Now he has three black and white mustaches on his face, and his red lips are pouting because he is not very happy.

[Hahahaha, shit, although I shouldn't laugh, I really can't help it, hahaha. 】

[Giggle, laugh out like a pig, the stars are just too cute, hahaha. 】

【Xing Xing: Who did I provoke? 】

【Xing Xing: When you fight, can you not hurt Chi Yu (Fan Xing.)】

[Haha, the talent upstairs. 】

[It turns out that my goddess is really strong enough to carry a gun, and soft to be cute, that's great! !Ahhh! ! 】

It's really Ye Qianxing who was snarky just now, but now he's so cute that it makes people nosebleed. This huge contrast made everyone howl with excitement.

Ye Qianxing didn't know about all this, she found a safe place, prepared to recuperate her injuries, and then prepared to fight with Three Axes and Silver Light later.

Everyone agreed.

What Ye Qianxing didn't know was that Ji Hanxiao was in an extremely dangerous situation at this time.

The entire planet has turned into scorched earth, and there is not even a single person around Ji Hanxiao, lying on the ground unconsciously.

The injuries on his body seemed to be very serious, even his breathing was two points weaker, it seemed to be dying, and even his eyes dimmed a lot.

Ji Hanxiao tried his best to look at the figure on his brain.

It was Ye Qianxing, she was practicing with her eyes closed, her soft facial features seemed even more obedient.

Ji Hanxiao stuffed the elixir into his mouth, feeling the vitality in his body pass away, he exhausted his last bit of strength to send out the will, and then he lost consciousness again.

Ye Qianxing was ready to fight at any time, but suddenly he heard a mechanical sound coming from his ear: "The game is over."

Ye Qianxing: "??!!!∑(Дノ)ノ"


When Ye Qianxing returned to his examination room, he still hadn't recovered.


"What's the matter?"

Ye Qianxing quickly looked down at the points ranking on his optical brain?Could it be that he was plotted against?killed?
As a result, on the ranking list, the first: Ye Qianxing.

Second: silver light, third: three axes.

Fourth: Four Young Masters.

Fifth: green plum.

He was not killed, so why did the game end suddenly?
Ye Qianxing clicked on the live broadcast, trying to figure out what happened, but was overwhelmed by a series of pop-up screens.

[Crying! ! ! money. 】

[I lost money, I will be so poor that I won't even have to wear pants. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! 】

【awful! ! ! 】

[I hate dark horses, woo woo, my money, my wealth and life. 】

【Lost! ! ! 】

【Lost! ! 】

【money! ! 】

【money! 】

【awful! ! 】

In the entire live broadcast room, these words appeared most frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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